Comments on: 7 “Must Read” Books on Jonathan Edwards Reformed Theological Resources Mon, 03 Mar 2014 13:59:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nathan Mon, 03 Mar 2014 13:59:48 +0000 Dear Jeff,
Would you have a recommend order of what order to read Jonathan Edwards if you never read him before? Such a list might start with the easiest, or most assessable, work of Edwards according to you and then go up to the most difficult. Of course, depending on how Edwards books might build on one another the most difficult book might seem actually quite natural if done correctly. I don’t know if Edwards books build on one another like this.

I know that a few books “written by” Jonathan Edwards were actually put together after his death, so I don’t know if such a list should include “those” books. What do you think?

Another question would be, would you recommend any particular editions of Edwards’ books over others? Or are all published editions equal? Thank you for the lists you have provided.

By: Jeff Waddington Wed, 26 Feb 2014 21:29:47 +0000 In reply to Stephen Smith.


You are correct in commending Iain Murray’s volume. It was the first biography of Edwards I read.


By: Jeff Waddington Wed, 26 Feb 2014 21:27:46 +0000 In reply to James T. O’Brien.


Any of Dr Gerstner’s books on Edwards would be worth reading. As you might be able to surmise, I stuck more with recent volumes. Gerstner’s audio lectures on Edwards are an excellent resource that would be a good place for people to start. As you know, he gives the big picture but also drills down deeply.


By: James T. O'Brien Tue, 25 Feb 2014 13:34:30 +0000 Hi, Jeff. Thanks for this. I’m a bit disappointed that you didn’t include anything by John Gerstner here. Of course, you limited yourself to 7 books and some great titles have to be left out. As an introductory list, I would think McClymond and McDermott could be dropped in order to make a place for Gerstner. Any of his titles would do, though I think the Soli Deo Gloria combo volume on Edwards as an Evangelist would be very high on my recommended list. Just a thought… thanks for doing this.


By: Michael Plato Tue, 25 Feb 2014 01:43:44 +0000 I’ll say it… How about a top seven list of the best heavy-duty academic books on Edwards!

By: Stephen Smith Sun, 23 Feb 2014 06:03:06 +0000 I personally think Iain Murray’s biography of Jonathan Edwards should be on this list for the following reasons:
1. The biography emphasises an important point – Edwards was a Christian first, and a pastor second. Murray argues this is an important key to understanding Edwards correctly. I think this offers an important balance to those writings that emphasise the academic side of Edwards.
2. Murray has written excellent books on Revival and he understands Edwards views on revival very well.
3. Perhaps the first great promoter of Edwards in modern times was Dr D.M. Lloyd-Jones. Murray’s close relationship with Dr Lloyd-Jones helped him see the important emphasis of Edwards ministry which were also present in a powerful way in Dr Lloyd-Jones own ministry.
4. A recent discussion on the Reformed Forum ‘East of Eden’ program described Murray’s biography of Edwards as a beloved and important biography.

By: Matthew Everhard Sat, 22 Feb 2014 17:29:41 +0000 Well done brothers! Thank you so much for the work on JE. Really appreciate it. Just now beginning my doctoral dissertation at RTS Orlando on Edwards, and your shows have given me some direction and insight. Listened to the interview with Ken Menkima at least three times and have been blessed with his recommendations. Might end up studying those new Matthean Parables that they recently published. Would not have known about them if not for you guys.

Matthew Everhard,
Faith EPC
Brooksvill, Florida
