Comments on: Christ is All: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Karl Barth — Part 3 Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 04 Oct 2017 13:53:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Frank Wed, 04 Oct 2017 13:53:46 +0000 I just finished listening to the podcast titled Reason, Revelation and Calvin’s View of Natural Revelation. That led me to reading this article. I have been studying Barth for the past several months, and have just completed CD Vol. 1. With that background, I wonder if you could clarify your statement, “Therefore, the Bible is not the infallible revelation of God. On the contrary, it is a fallible witness to the infallible God-man, who is the only infallible revelation of God.” Perhaps my uncertainty is related more to the definition of the term “infallible”, but as I understand Barth, it seems to me that he would not agree that the Bible is an infallible witness as it pertains to fulfilling its end in in producing either man’s rejection of Christ, or acceptance by faith in Christ.

By: Bruce sanders Mon, 13 Jul 2015 14:07:00 +0000 In reply to Jim Cassidy.


Thanks for the reply.

I have already pasted parts 1-3 into a Word document and await part 4. I will do my read through then.


By: Jim Cassidy Sat, 11 Jul 2015 15:04:35 +0000 In reply to Jeremy Larson.


The way in which Barth understood the analogia entis is a very complex topic. At the beginning of his career he would have lumped all Roman Catholic theology under that banner. He also, interestingly, included all forms of anthropocentric Protestant theology under that general banner as well (such as liberalism). In fact, any theology which does not begin with God’s act of Grace in Jesus Christ and the qualitative difference between eternity and time is a product of an ae ontology.

By: Jim Cassidy Sat, 11 Jul 2015 15:00:20 +0000 In reply to Bruce Sanders.

Bruce, some have said that Van Til’s read of Barth was inept. We at Reformed Forum do not believe that. In fact, what I have labored to show is that there is a great deal of overlap between VT’s read of Barth and that of more recent Barth scholars, such as Bruce McCormack. In fact, I am so thoroughly influence by McCormack’s read of Barth precisely because I am a VTian and I appreciate his work on Barth.

In this 4 part paper I bring Barth in dialogue with several interlocators, including myself, Van Til, and McCormack. I also, in the bio section, discuss VT because it is of some interest to many what their relationship (or lack thereof, as the case may be!) was like.

By: Bruce Sanders Fri, 10 Jul 2015 03:21:41 +0000 James:

The CTC 142 podcast on Barth – Van Til started with the statement, “Van Til’s critique of Barth has been called absurd, inept analysis …” Despite this, most of the program was dedicated to Van Til’s interpretation, and only near the end was it quickly interjected “of course there is another view of Barth.”

I see Van Til’s name above, even though this paper is supposedly dedicated to Barth. Before spending more time in studying what you wrote, is this just another rehash of Van Til’s “misguided” (per CTC 142) interpretation, or is this true Barthianism as taught by authentic Barthians?

By: Jeremy Larson Thu, 09 Jul 2015 03:34:53 +0000 Thanks for this introduction. I do not know much about this subject, but I’ve been invited to a reading group that will make its way through Erich Przywara’s Analogia Entis (recently translated) this school year. Are you familiar with it? Is this what Barth was responding to?
