Comments on: Dr. Lane G. Tipton Appointed as Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 06 Dec 2019 02:12:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: AJ. Thu, 05 Dec 2019 23:26:21 +0000 In reply to Ron DiGiacomo.

In case you didn’t know, you are on dead on brother, Amen. Damage control at its worst.

If they were transparent from the beginning they wouldnt have made Dr. Tipton look shady. But that’s what they created. WTS is earning every bit of this. They are the shady ones. They can set the record straight if their hands are so clean. I know Dr. Tipton would welcome it.

By: AJ. Thu, 05 Dec 2019 23:12:53 +0000 In reply to Ben Mordecai.

“ I find it really upsetting that WTS has made public accusations that Dr. Tipton violated their code of conduct without being forthright about specifically how he allegedly violated that code.“

Yep, I think this is the part that is lacking. Everything else, is what it is….

By: Ron DiGiacomo Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:57:55 +0000 “But conveniently left out the quote also praising Dr. Tipton for his wonderful work so as to make it appear that all banter is silly. The cultural Marxism of the broader victimization culture is wrecking havoc on what should be a salient dialogue”


1. Maybe you might tell us how your praise of Dr. Tipton salvaged your sweeping generalizations or unsubstantiated conclusion about the thread.

2. Accordingly, it wasn’t for convenience sake that I ignored it. Rather, it was simply irrelevant to your criticism of the thread.

3. Moreover, I never tried to “make it appear that all banter is silly.” Your posts are becoming increasingly curious.

But by all means, take the last word and feel free to mock me by spelling my name as you wish.

By: Josh Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:32:29 +0000 In reply to Josh.

But conveniently left out the quote also praising Dr. Tipton for his wonderful work so as to make it appear that all banter is silly.
The cultural Marxism of the broader victimization culture is wrecking havoc on what should be a salient dialogue.

By: Ron DiGiacomo Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:28:36 +0000 In reply to Josh.

Cherry picking? I quoted then interacted with each allegation from both posts.

By: Ben Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:19:57 +0000 In reply to Josh.

Ok. Yeah it’s getting silly now. Congratulations.

By: Josh Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:12:12 +0000 In reply to Ron DiGiacomo.

Can’t you read instead of merely cherry picking?

“Wish you all the best Dr. Tipton and am looking forward to your labors at RF– its been a great blessing!”

Obviously not all is silly banter Ronny.

By: really.... Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:06:20 +0000 In reply to Amisi Kiarie.

Weren’t there more than at least a dozen witnesses among the board that let him go?
No one is besmirching his name.

By: Ghost of Machen Thu, 05 Dec 2019 21:04:38 +0000 In reply to Ghost of Norman Shepherd.

Settle down you two…..

By: Ron DiGiacomo Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:53:16 +0000 “LOL, this banter is silly.”

Every bit of it? All fifty-some comments? The praise of Dr. Tipton too?

Literally speaking, it’s neither “banter” nor “silly.” Nothing here is playful, witty nor trivial. (sweeping generalization)

“No one knows the issues outside of Tipton and Westminster (save the few details currently available).”

No one here is omniscient. So, no one here “knows” whether anyone else knows what Dr. Tipton and “Westminster” know. (pure speculation)

“Which leads to all the radically speculative babble here being silly”

That’s a rather ironic conclusion given the rather speculative and sweeping nature of the assertions upon which the conclusion rests.

By: Ben Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:32:52 +0000 In reply to Ben.

The communications dept at WTS could’ve made this discussion and others like it more profitable if a)they didn’t call into question Tipton’s character, or b)gave reasons for calling his character into question. If there’s babble here, it’s because Glenside has “confused their language.”
WTS is still asking for money, it’s still asking us to send our future ministers there. It’s silly to trust them with those two things given what we’ve been told by them. If it is still worthy of those things, it needs to give greater clarity on this. Rarely is there a time to for a Christian institution to defend itself. Now is the time for WTS to defend itself and it’s decisions. For Pete’s sake, WTS hasn’t even asked us to pray that Tipton repents of his unbecoming conduct!

By: Ghost of E Clowney Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:19:10 +0000 In reply to Ghost of Norman Shepherd.

I thought we agreed not to mention that again, Norman.

By: Josh Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:05:13 +0000 In reply to Ben.

No one knows the issues outside of Tipton and Westminster (save the few details currently available). Which leads to all the radically speculative babble here being silly.

By: Ben Thu, 05 Dec 2019 19:32:36 +0000 In reply to Josh.

What exactly is silly about discussing the issues surrounding the dismissal of a chaired professor at one of the Reformed Church’s flagship institutions? Not entirely a rhetorical question. I am genuinely curious. Is it the discussion itself that is silly, or the way it’s being done here? or maybe the way it was done at WTS? Do you mean the discussion here is “bad” or “unhelpful”? Ok. If you actually mean “silly,” well, that’s not ok, nor should it illicit an out loud laugh.

By: Ghost of Norman Shepherd Thu, 05 Dec 2019 18:45:59 +0000 Amazing that this keeps happening in Reformed enclaves. Eventually you start to see all these Reformed blow-ups aren’t really about the theological issues they claim to be about. There’s actually a quite, ahem, “simple” explanation to all of this….

By: Brian E. Belh Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:56:45 +0000 Congratulations Lane and Reformed Forum!

By: Josh Thu, 05 Dec 2019 13:49:43 +0000 LOL, this banter is silly.

Wish you all the best Dr. Tipton and am looking forward to your labors at RF– its been a great blessing!

By: Derrick Leitão Thu, 05 Dec 2019 13:37:15 +0000 In reply to Amisi Kiarie.


By: Amisi Kiarie Thu, 05 Dec 2019 11:19:32 +0000 In reply to Ben Mordecai.

I agree completely. Whenever an issue like this arises there must be clear communication. Publishing a statement in which they say he was ousted for “violations of the standards of conduct” can only ever have the effect of triggering suspicions of gross personal misconduct. Either accuse the man directly and in the light, or dismiss the matter altogether. Their behaviour, as far as I can tell from my remote position, falls far short of the principle outlined in 1 Tim. 5:19, “Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.”

Until I see evidence I will stand behind Dr. Tipton and regard the incident as the besmirching of a righteous man’s name.

By: Hon Sir Neng Thu, 05 Dec 2019 06:01:28 +0000 This is rather sad and disappointing, speaking as someone who has always been looking forward and hoping to study at Westminster to be equipped, knowing it is a stronghold for Reformed Orthodoxy. Nonetheless, I have been blessed through Dr. Tipton’s teaching(s) through Reformed Forum. I trust his transition would be a fruitful one, especially for people like us living in places where access to solid and confessional Reformed Theology is tantamount to nothing. Cheers to greater heights, Camden and Dr. Tipton!

By: Tyler Ivey Thu, 05 Dec 2019 04:35:08 +0000 In reply to Taylor Drummond.

I plan on attending WTS in a years time. Iv heard wonderful things about Tiptons classes and Iv been looking forward to getting to know him. What exactly happened that he would be let go from WTS?

By: Brett Mahlen Thu, 05 Dec 2019 02:54:36 +0000 I agree with most every comment that has already been made. So I won’t seek to duplicate their work. I will simply say that this is Westminster’s loss and Reformed Forum’s gain.

By: Ron DiGiacomo Thu, 05 Dec 2019 01:41:11 +0000 In reply to Machen’s Warrior Child.

And wouldn’t we expect that Machen, while in the heat of the battle, somehow sinned against Princeton? In a very *qualified* sense I ask, so what?

(I’m not suggesting we take sin lightly or that Dr. Tipton sinned in any discernible way but even if he did, I think the contextual strain of having to defend orthodoxy, to teachers of Israel no less(!), is relevant.)

By: Christopher Andino Thu, 05 Dec 2019 00:25:18 +0000 In reply to Brandon Smith.

Amen. Good chose of words. I agree with you

By: Machen's Warrior Child Thu, 05 Dec 2019 00:16:18 +0000 On Westminster’s Website, if you click on the History section, in big, bold quotes, they say, “Machen left the prestige of Princeton to stand for the truth of the Bible. He knew that theological compromise would harm the spiritual power of the church.”

The irony abounds in this situation with Dr. Tipton.

By: Sarah Kim Lee Wed, 04 Dec 2019 22:50:35 +0000 In reply to Machen’s Warrior Child.

I agree.

By: Derrick Leitão Wed, 04 Dec 2019 21:29:29 +0000 I would also like us to keep in mind that WTS and her legacy was formed and crafted by the Church in order to serve the Church and the Church’s spiritual benefit and edification by equipping and preparing pastors/ teachers/ counselors. The Seminary’s legacy is based on her service to the church and not the way other way around. WTS’s legacy also began with a defense of orthodoxy in order to serve the Church with truth and not error. At any point, the Seminary confuses her role, it will head in the same direction and toward the same end as Princeton and a host of other institutions who have left orthodoxy behind.

With that said, Dr. Tipton has defended his conduct and his commitment to orthodoxy, and he has a host of witnesses who can attest to that. Since there are contradictions in the statements provided, the Church does have a voice and a responsibility to speak to the matters and hold the seminary accountable to her. But I would like to encourage that it be done in a decent and Godly manner.

So, brothers, let us keep in mind that there is a need for a balance between the truth and the need for clarity, Christian duty with humility and charity, especially in matters that we are not immediately involved in. We see this exemplified in the way Dr. Tipton has handled this situation and he is the one who was in the thick of it. Let us use this time show our support to our brother who is going through a good and yet difficult transition. And all of this being strengthened and enabled by God’s Spirit to do his will and set forth Christ in life, word and deed.

By: Ron DiGiacomo Wed, 04 Dec 2019 21:17:12 +0000 “We often refer to him [Dr. Tipton] as ‘the perfect storm’ in that he encapsulates so much of the Vos, Van Til, Murray, Kline, Gaffin tradition…However, I also want to keep in mind that the legacy of Westminster is larger than any one professor.”

I’m pretty sure the legacy just ended with the untimely calming of the “perfect storm.” At the very least, it was Dr. Tipton who filleted the meat of those theologians in order that his students didn’t have to choke on some their bones. (Yes, even the great ones give us bones.)

“I don’t know the details but I trust that the whole board and the administration of Westminster, being ordained elders in good standing, made an informed decision with wisdom and unanimity.”

Without the details I’m not sure how one can be assured of anything of the sort. But if recent history has told us anything, dot dot dot.

I hope that whatever transpired between November 1 (Dr. Tipton won’t be returning in the spring) and December 2 (Dr. Tipton’s tenure ends November 21) won’t somehow become retroactive justification for the decision behind the November 1 announcement.

By: Machen's Warrior Child Wed, 04 Dec 2019 20:26:31 +0000 In reply to Brandon Smith.

It is true Westminster’s legacy is bigger than any one professor. However, bear in mind that all those who disciplined Machen in the Presbytery of New Brunswick of the PCUSA were also ordained ministers and elders in good standing. Also, the men who made up the Judicial Commission of the PCUSA General Assembly that did not sustain Machen’s appeal were also ordained ministers and elders in good standing. Good standing does not equal infallibility (and last time I checked, the men who are on the board are there because they have the financial means to contribute to Westminster).

It doesn’t even necessarily equal fidelity (the PCUSA was swarming with signers of the Auburn Affirmation who were in good standing). The wording of the communications from the administration seem inconsistent with themselves, and from the facts as told by Dr. Tipton.

Also, what about Dr. Oliphint’s views on Doctrine of God? Last time I checked, he still holds to the views espoused in that book. How does that comport with the fact that the Seminary bought the rights to the book and then burned it? Why would they do that if there were not something questionable in that book?

Does Westminster care more about its’ own name and reputation or doctrinal fidelity to Christ?

No, what has happened here is a backroom lynching. Anyone who stands by Westminster at this time is complicit in what they have done to Dr. Tipton.

Those who care about the glory of the Triune God and His church should be outraged.

Something’s stinks.

By: Malcom Martin Wed, 04 Dec 2019 18:58:14 +0000 Dr. Tipton,
Your teaching ministry has been a great blessing to me and my family. Your teaching has enlightened the scriptures for me in ways I never imagined. May the Lord continue to bless his church through you.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

By: Ben Mordecai Wed, 04 Dec 2019 17:04:31 +0000 I find it really upsetting that WTS has made public accusations that Dr. Tipton violated their code of conduct without being forthright about specifically how he allegedly violated that code. If Dr. Tipton’s conduct is to the point of being disqualified for his academic post, it seems like it would be significant enough to actually publish what it is. The fact that it wasn’t leads me to suspect that it’s sour grape regarding the Oliphint incident. Either way, until I find any true and factual basis to believe the charges of misconduct about Dr. Tipton, I’ll enthusiastically support him and give thanks for his ministry. I hope that these upsetting circumstances will serve to magnify the gospel through his work at the Reformed Forum.

By: George Washington Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:56:38 +0000 Dr. Tipton wrote: “The first complaints about me to the Board of Trustees, as least insofar as I was told, were raised by Seminary leadership in May, after the charges against Dr. Oliphint had been dismissed. According to what I was told, those complaints began as pertaining to purported administrative inefficiencies on my part”

It may be worth mentioning that according to this timeline, Dr. Tipton’s supervisor when complaints began was then-Academic Dean, Dr. Oliphint. Hmmmmm….

By: Bowser Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:11:21 +0000 Dr. Tipton wrote, “According to what I was told, those complaints began as pertaining to purported administrative inefficiencies on my part, but soon expanded to include dissatisfaction over how I responded to a series of Seminary inquiries regarding my connection to the ecclesiastical charges against Dr. Oliphint.”

I wonder who it was that raised the first complaints regarding Dr. Tipton’s purported administrative inefficiencies. Surely, it wasn’t the Academic Dean Dr. Oliphint was it? I mean, that would be a strange coincidence wouldn’t it? Hmm.

By: A.J. Millsaps Wed, 04 Dec 2019 15:58:46 +0000 Grieved that I will no longer be able to benefit from Dr. Tipton’s work in the classroom, but glad to see that he’s not going away.

Praying for him, and I look forward to benefitting from his work in this capacity.

By: Anonymous Wed, 04 Dec 2019 15:01:38 +0000 In reply to Kevin Morris.

“Dr. Tipton is considering other opportunities for ministry.” This statement appears misleading at best.

By: Brandon Smith Wed, 04 Dec 2019 14:59:51 +0000 Like many student and alumni who have commented already, I benefited greatly from the radically non-speculative method of systematic theology that Dr. Tipton so rigorously and unswervingly demonstrated in the classroom. We often refer to him as “the perfect storm” in that he encapsulates so much of the Vos, Van Til, Murray, Kline, Gaffin tradition. I, personally, am heartbroken to see him go knowing that others won’t be able to benefit from his Doctrine of Salvation/Doctrine of Christ courses.

However, I also want to keep in mind that the legacy of Westminster is larger than any one professor. It is that legacy that formed and crafted Dr. Tipton into who he is, not the other way around. I don’t know the details but I trust that the whole board and the administration of Westminster, being ordained elders in good standing, made an informed decision with wisdom and unanimity. Knowing the friendship and respect that some of those men had with and for Dr. Tipton, I’m sure it was a very painful decision that they did not make lightly.

By: Derrick Leitão Wed, 04 Dec 2019 14:31:22 +0000 Congratulations brother! And congratulations Reformed Forum! I am thrilled to witness God’s sovereign hand in all of this and remember that this light momentary affliction will soon pass as we look to the things that are unseen (2 Cor. 4.17-18).

As far as I can see, you have honored the King and defended his truth in the face of opposition. You have not wavered in your resolve and you have encouraged others to do so as well. I am thankful for my time at WTS sitting under your teaching as you brought us what you have learned (from Vos-Gaffin-Kline & the Bible) as you humbly and boldly proclaimed Christ in the classroom. It wasn’t all academics, but it was applicable to every area of life as you poured out your pastoral heart. Your tenure has had a large and lasting impact on us all and I will take what I’ve learned from you and use it and share it for the rest of my ministry, if the Lord wills.

Praise God for his providential care and thank you brother!

By: Anonymous WTS Community Member Wed, 04 Dec 2019 12:59:31 +0000 In reply to Kevin Morris.

They were a series of e-mails sent to the campus community:
Nov 1:
“Dear campus community,

I am announcing that Dr. Lane Tipton will not be teaching in the Spring semester. Dr. Tipton is considering other opportunities for ministry. More information will be forthcoming at the appropriate time. Please pray for the Seminary, Dr. Tipton, and his family during this time of transition.”
Dec 2:
“On behalf of a unanimous Board of Trustees and Senior Administration of Westminster Seminary, it is with sadness that I must report to you that Dr. Lane Tipton’s tenure as a Professor at the Seminary has been ended as of November 21, 2019, after fifteen years of teaching. To avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to state that Dr. Tipton’s separation from employment is not due to theological or ecclesiastical positions he has taken, but to violations of the standards of conduct required of all professors at Westminster Theological Seminary.

Please join us in praying for Dr. Tipton, his family, and the Seminary community. We are grateful for your prayers.”
Dec 3:
“Dear students,

As a follow up to our communication today regarding Dr. Lane Tipton, we offer these answers to some FAQs.

1. Was Dr. Tipton’s actions in signing as a witness to the charges against Dr. K. Scott Oliphint a violation of the standards of conduct required of all professors at Westminster Theological Seminary?

Dr. Tipton’s employment was not ended because he was listed as a potential witness in the charges. Actions from faculty in the ecclesiastical context are fully upheld by Westminster Theological Seminary provided that they are done decently and in good order.

2. Is the standard of conduct required of all professors at Westminster Theological Seminary available to the public?

The employee handbook, faculty manual, and the standards of conduct required of all professors at Westminster include the standards according to which the scriptures call us to live, including those summarized by the Westminster shorter and larger catechisms. Dr. Tipton’s violation of the standards of conduct was not due to any illegal actions or anything of a financial or sexual nature.

3. What role did other full-time faculty play in the process with Dr. Tipton?

This was a matter conducted by the Board of Trustees and Senior Administration and not by the voting faculty members.

Thank you for your prayerful concern.”

All from Dr. Lillback

By: Matt Fortunato Wed, 04 Dec 2019 12:52:16 +0000 I am so thankful for what God is doing through Dr. Tipton’s ministry.

By: Kevin Morris Wed, 04 Dec 2019 12:18:44 +0000 In reply to Adam and Noelle Wells.

Does anyone have a link to see the seminary’s announcement regarding Tipton? I’ve tried to find anything online on my own but nothing comes up besides a link to this page.

By: James Gray Wed, 04 Dec 2019 04:35:06 +0000 Dr. Tipton,
Congratulations on your appointment as Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology! I am so delighted to see this and I will continue to pray for you and your family in your new role. I have been so blessed by the teaching that I have received from you in RF and ARF conferences. Your teaching has changed my understanding. You have made such an impact on my family and me that words cannot express. I look forward to what the LORD will do and how he will use you in this new position.

Blessings to you and FR.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

By: Adam and Noelle Wells Wed, 04 Dec 2019 03:30:19 +0000 My wife and I were very disturbed to hear of Westminster’s dismissal of Dr. Tipton. As an alumni of WTS (class of Spring 2019) I had the pleasure of sitting under the teaching of Dr. Tipton. I have always known him to be an earnest man of great integrity and passion for the gospel. Outside of the classroom he was at the service of his students, and quick to engage and meet in his off hours; a genuinely selfless and caring man. He is an incisive mind, and perhaps the most important and helpful teacher I have ever sat under. His classes gave me an understanding the gospel in profound depth and clarity I would not have grasped otherwise. Even in the midst of the current controversy over Dr. Oliphint’s teaching, I watched him take the greatest care to be charitable, without sacrificing clarity of doctrine. Thank you for labors Dr. Tipton, may the Lord bless you and continue to strengthen you as you transition to Reformed Forum–and as many have already said, Congratulations RF!

By: Philip Thomas Mohr Wed, 04 Dec 2019 02:57:54 +0000 Following many of the other current WTS students and alumni who have already commented, I will add my thanks to God for Dr. Tipton’s years of ministry here. May this challenging time be a reminder for all of us to hold lightly the things (and institutions) of this world and to hold more firmly those of heaven.

By: Aaron Roberts Wed, 04 Dec 2019 02:13:13 +0000 Lane,
As to your new appointment, congrats! May such a tumultuous season only prove its worth in the Lords good providence. I am grateful for your labors at WTS. Of all my course notes, yours I draw upon the most, even after 10+ years. Thanks for your service then and now.

By: Grant Allard Wed, 04 Dec 2019 02:13:11 +0000 Thank you, Dr. Tipton, for your service to the body of Christ at Westminster, and thank you for the promise of your continuing service at Reformed Forum!

Although these are dark days for Westminster, and perhaps especially so for people like Ray and I who will never get a chance to take your classes, your response to much smoke and confusion has been with so much grace and aplomb it has greatly encouraged me, and I can only imagine many others. Like Adam York, Westminsters loss is Refirmed Forum’s gain, but praise God that the church gains.

For anyone reading this, please pray for Westminster Theological Seminary, its professors, its students, and faculty. Pray also for the OPC court proceedings. May we do what is pleasing in God’s sight!

By: Taylor Drummond Wed, 04 Dec 2019 01:29:36 +0000 As a current WTS student, I was very sad to hear the news that the seminary had let you go and how they handled it. Your class on Doctrine of Salvation was perhaps the best class I had taken and I am sad that I will not get to take Doctrine of Christ with you this Spring. I hope God blesses you here at RF and magnifies Christ through your teaching ministry.

By: Ron DiGiacomo Wed, 04 Dec 2019 01:10:47 +0000 In reply to James La Belle.


Keep up the great work on the cape. Still want to see a church plant on MV. 🙂

By: Ron DiGiacomo Wed, 04 Dec 2019 01:01:53 +0000 Well, if I give the judgement of charity to the leadership I must assume any alleged “administrative inefficiencies” only recently surfaced. I find that not just unlikely but implausible. I guess I could assume that becoming an “expert witness” was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. If so, what’s there to fear? Aren’t expert witnesses cross examined?

Why wouldn’t a Christian seminary want one of their sharpest minds and top theologian to testify on matters of doctrine? Am I to believe that Dr. Tipton was well equipped to train men for pastoral ministry yet not equipped to answer questions on the stand? Again, implausible. Finally, did Dr. Tipton’s Theology Proper recently take a turn for the worse? Doubtful.

It’s pretty easy to give Dr. Tipton the benefit of the doubt and that’s without considering the other decisions (and delayed decisions) of Westminster Theological Seminary.

By: Johnathan L. Allen Wed, 04 Dec 2019 00:34:25 +0000 This is wonderful news for RF! I’m saddened to hear of turbulence at the end of your time at WTS, Dr. Tipton. That said, these things shall pass and the goodness of God will be seen. I’m not sure if this means relocating to the Midwest for this work, but we would gladly have you!

Soli Deo Gloria!

By: James La Belle Wed, 04 Dec 2019 00:09:50 +0000 Congratulations Lane, and Reformed Forum. The circumstances of your departure from WTS have been marked by the strangeness of God’s ways, whose footsteps are upon the waters and who loves to try our faith by moving forwards while appearing to move backwards, 1Cor 1.27-29. What might look as a setback will surely prove to be an advance and uplift, Col 2.15. I have always valued your friendship, teaching, and counsel and have rejoiced to see the Lord bless you and make you a blessing to so many. I thank God for the grace given you to handle yourself in so exemplary a manner in so challenging a trial; and I thank Him that in this clouded suffering He’s given you the blessing of a clear conscience, which is precious beyond measure, 1Tim 3.9. May God continue to uphold you and your family with strength and grace in the days and years ahead as you trust in Him and learn afresh that you have a God who cares for you, 1Pet 5.7
