Cornelis Venema Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 11 Nov 2022 14:44:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cornelis Venema – Reformed Forum 32 32 Catechetical Preaching Fri, 02 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Drs. Alan Strange and Cornelis Venema speak about the practice of catechetical preaching from a practical as well as historical perspective. While the practice is more common within the Dutch […]]]>

Drs. Alan Strange and Cornelis Venema speak about the practice of catechetical preaching from a practical as well as historical perspective. While the practice is more common within the Dutch Reformed tradition, Dr. Strange also provides a case for Presbyterians to engage in preaching using the Westminster Standards as aids. Regardless of where you may land on the particular role of secondary standards in organizing the preaching of the Word, this conversation is useful and instructive for considering how the church may best instruct her members.

Dr. Cornelis Venema is Professor of Doctrinal Studies and President of Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana. Dr. Alan Strange is Professor of Church History, Registrar, and Theological Librarian of Mid-America Reformed Seminary.



  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:02:02 Homiletics and Catechetical Instruction
  • 00:15:34 Preaching from the Catechism
  • 00:22:30 Preaching through the Westminster Larger Catechism
  • 00:42:19 Reading the Catechisms during the Worship Service
  • 00:51:09 Keeping Catechetical Preaching Fresh
  • 01:05:09 Conclusion

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Drs Alan Strange and Cornelis Venema speak about the practice of catechetical preaching from a practical as well as historical perspective While the practice is more common within the Dutch ...PreachingReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2019 Fri, 27 Dec 2019 05:00:00 +0000 Since Christ the Center began nearly twelve years ago, we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year. Given that we now post highlights from each […]]]>

Since Christ the Center began nearly twelve years ago, we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year. Given that we now post highlights from each episode every week we have taken an analytic approach. These are this year’s top ten clips from Christ the Center as determined by YouTube views.

  1. Episode 614 — Bracy Hill, Nimrod, the Mighty Hunter
  2. Episode 600 — Glen Clary, Praying in Tongues
  3. Episode 580 — Camden Bucey, Liberation Theology
  4. Episode 603 — Cornelis Venema, Karl Barth and the Doctrine of Election
  5. Episode 600 — Glen Clary, What Is Cessationism?
  6. Episode 598 — Christopher Watkin, The Problem of the One and Many
  7. Episode 603 — Cornelis Venema, Augustine and Pelagius
  8. Episode 578 — Carl Trueman, Luther and Zwingli at Marburg
  9. Episode 619 — Alan Strange and Brian DeJong, The Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the United Reformed Churches in North America
  10. Episode 613 — Will Wood, Schools of Biblical Criticism

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]]> 0 Since Christ the Center began nearly twelve years ago we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year Given that we now post highlights from each ...Apologetics,ChurchHistory,PracticalTheology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
The Doctrine of Election Fri, 19 Jul 2019 04:00:05 +0000 Dr. Cornelis Venema speaks about the doctrine of election. His book, Chosen in Christ: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination, is available in Mentor’s Reformed, Exegetical, and Doctrinal Studies series. Venema […]]]>

Dr. Cornelis Venema speaks about the doctrine of election. His book, Chosen in Christ: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination, is available in Mentor’s Reformed, Exegetical, and Doctrinal Studies series. Venema addresses the subject from exegetical, historical, contemporary, and pastoral vantage points. In this conversation, he addresses the doctrine of election in the Old and New Testaments, the relationship between covenant and election, the polemical discourse between Augustine and Pelagius, and the revisionist doctrine of Karl Barth.

Dr. Venema is President and Professor of Doctrinal Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana. He is the author of several books, including Promise of the Future, Christ and Covenant Theology, and Children at the Lord’s Table? Assessing the Case for Paedocommunion.

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]]> 0 Dr Cornelis Venema speaks about the doctrine of election His book Chosen in Christ Revisiting the Contours of Predestination is available in Mentor s Reformed Exegetical and Doctrinal Studies series ...SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2016 Fri, 30 Dec 2016 05:00:17 +0000 As we head into our tenth year of Christ the Center, we look back at some of our favorite guests and moments from 2016.


  • 425 — David VanDrunen, God’s Glory Alone
  • 428 — Vern Poythress, The Miracles of Jesus
  • 441 — John Galbraith and Danny Olinger on John Galbraith’s Life and Ministry
  • 443 — Alan Strange, Charles Hodge and the Spirituality of the Church
  • 444 — Iain Murray, J. C. Ryle
  • 445 — Lane Tipton, Trinity, Processions, and Missions: The Pactum Salutis
  • 449 — Rob McKenzie and Bob Tarullo, Dispensationalism
  • 452 — Michael Kruger, A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament
  • 453 — Dennis Johnson, Walking withe Jesus through His Word
  • 455 — Richard Gaffin, Jr., Calvin and the Sabbath
  • 461 — Gregg Allison and Chris Castaldo, The Unfinished Reformation
  • 464 — Mark Vanderhart and Cornelis Venema, The Reformed Church in Latvia
  • 467 — Patricia Clawson and Diane Olinger, Choosing the Good Portion: Women of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

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]]> 0 1:49:13As we head into our tenth year of Christ the Center we look back at some of our favorite guests and moments from 2016 Episodes 425 David VanDrunen God s ...Christmas,ChurchHistory,ReformedChurchReformed Forumnono
The Reformed Church in Latvia Fri, 18 Nov 2016 05:00:27 +0000 Mark Vander Hart and Cornelis P. Venema join us to speak about the Reformed church in Latvia. Mark Vander Hart is Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Cornelis Venema […]]]>

Mark Vander Hart and Cornelis P. Venema join us to speak about the Reformed church in Latvia. Mark Vander Hart is Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Cornelis Venema is President and Professor of Doctrinal Studies. Both men have taught at Baltic Reformed Seminary in Riga, Latvia.


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]]> 5 46:27Mark Vander Hart and Cornelis P Venema join us to speak about the Reformed church in Latvia Mark Vander Hart is Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies at Mid America ...ChurchHistory,ReformedChurchReformed Forumnono
By His Spirit and Word: How Christ Builds His Church Fri, 11 Nov 2016 05:00:44 +0000 Cornelis P. Venema joins us to speak about his book By His Spirit and Word: How Christ Builds His Church (Reformed Fellowship, Inc.). Venema engages in an extended exposition on the […]]]>

Cornelis P. Venema joins us to speak about his book By His Spirit and Word: How Christ Builds His Church (Reformed Fellowship, Inc.). Venema engages in an extended exposition on the doctrine of the church and its ministry as described in the historic confessions and catechisms of the Reformation churches. These confessions emphasize the church’s indispensability to the salvation of believers, for the triune God’s redemptive mission is principally effected through the ministry of the church. Dr. Venema is President and Professor of Doctrinal Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana.

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]]> 3 1:00:47Cornelis P Venema joins us to speak about his book By His Spirit and Word How Christ Builds His Church Reformed Fellowship Inc Venema engages in an extended exposition on ...Baptism,Lord'sSupper,Preaching,ReformedChurch,Sacraments,TheReformationReformed Forumnono
Paedocommunion Fri, 13 Feb 2009 05:00:03 +0000 The Christ the Center panel had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Cornelis P. Venema, president of Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana, and professor of doctrinal studies, about his forthcoming book, Children at the Lord’s Table: Assessing the Case for Paedocommunion, due out in March from Reformation Heritage Books. Dr. Venema discussed the causes for the rise in interest in the idea that since we baptize infants, children should also be admitted to the Lord’s table without a prior profession of faith. Following the general contours of the book, Dr. Venema addresses the historical, confessional, and biblical arguments for paedocommunion and shows why this practice is ultimately unbiblical. Whether you are for or against the admission of children to the Lord’s supper, you will appreciate both the discussion here and the book. Dr. Venema is also the author of the following books: Christ and the Future, Getting the Gospel Right, Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ, The Promise of the Future, and Accepted and Renewed in Christ.


  • Cornelis Venema
  • Lane Keister
  • Nick Batzig
  • Jim Cassidy
  • Jeff Waddington
  • Camden Bucey


Calvin, John. Tracts and Letters of John Calvin. 7 vols. Banner of Truth Trust, 2009.

Ryken, Philip Graham. Luke. Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2009.

Venema, Cornelis. Accepted and Renewed in Christ: The “twofold grace of God” and the interpretation of Calvin’s theology. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007.

Venema, Cornelis P. Children at the Lord’s Table?: Assessing the case for paedocommunion. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Reformation Heritage Books, 2009.

—. Getting the Gospel Right: assessing the Reformation and new perspectives on Paul. Edinburgh, UK; Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 2006.

—. The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ: an assessment of the Reformation and new perspectives on Paul. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2006.

Venema, Cornelis P., and Sinclair B. Ferguson. The Promise of the Future. Edinburgh; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust, 2000.

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]]> 9 55:40The Christ the Center panel had the privilege of interviewing Dr Cornelis P Venema president of Mid America Reformed Seminary in Dyer Indiana and professor of doctrinal studies about his ...Ecclesiology,PracticalTheology,ReformedChurch,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono