Daniel Schrock speaks about self-conception in light of the Revoice movement and the Nashville Statement. Looking to the believers’ union with Christ in his death and resurrection, Schrock provides a way to answer questions such as, “Is it proper to speak of being gay as a Christian’s identity?” The basis of this episode is Schrock’s article, “The Gospel and Self-Conception: A Defense of Article 7 of the Nashville Statement.”
Participants: Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock
]]>Matthew Patton offers us several interpretive guidelines for understanding narrative analogies among Israel’s and Judah’s kings. These insights provide for a richer and deeper understanding of typology. Dr. Patton previously joined us to speak about Restoration Prophecy in Ezra-Nehemiah and Typology and Jehoiachin. In the latter episode we focused upon on his dissertation, and today we resume that focus by comparing Israel’s and Judah’s kings to David and ultimately to Jesus Christ.
Participants: Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock, Mark A. Winder, Matthew Patton
]]>While the Bible is not a history book in the sense that it’s also not a science book or a theology book, it certainly is historical. But what does that mean for biblical interpretation? In this episode we dive into chapter one of V. Philips Long’s The Art of Biblical History, which is titled, “History and the Genre(s) of the Bible: Is the Bible a History Book?” This is a fascinating conversation with deep implications for how we understanding God’s Word to us in servant form.
Participants: Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock, Jeff Waddington
]]>Daniel Schrock reviews Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K. A. Smith. In this first book of what is planned as a three-book set, Smith describes the liturgical structures that influence and shape our thoughts and affections. For Smith, malls, stadiums, and universities are all venues that express a form of cultural liturgy. Listen as Daniel Schrock, pastor of Third Reformed Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA, describes and interacts with this book.
Participants: Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock
]]>For Reformed theologians it can be rather difficult to articulate the relationship between philosophy and theology. Is philosophy simply theology asking different questions? Is it a distinct discipline that can be differentiated from theological inquiry? Bob LaRocca drives a discussion pertaining to these difficult questions.
Participants: Bob LaRocca, Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock, Jared Oliphint
]]>Daniel Schrock stops by to discuss Hume and his philosophical position on miracles. This is part two of a two part discussion. Download Daniel Schrock’s paper Hume’s Argument Against Miracles.
Participants: Bob LaRocca, Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock, Jared Oliphint, Jonathan Brack
]]>Daniel Schrock stops by to discuss Hume and his philosophical position on miracles. This is part one of a two part discussion.
Participants: Bob LaRocca, Camden Bucey, Daniel Schrock, Jared Oliphint, Jonathan Brack