Jeff Stivason Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 05 May 2020 20:22:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jeff Stivason – Reformed Forum 32 32 Warfield’s Doctrine of Inspiration Fri, 27 Mar 2020 04:00:00 +0000 In 1894, B. B. Warfield published an article in which he compared the views of the Westminster divines and the Reformers on the mode of inspiration. According to Warfield, the […]]]>

In 1894, B. B. Warfield published an article in which he compared the views of the Westminster divines and the Reformers on the mode of inspiration. According to Warfield, the Reformers argued for a mode of concursus while the Protestant Scholastics argued for dictation. Dr. Jeff Stivason analyzes this characterization, speaking to Warfield’s historical context and his understanding of progressive orthodoxy.

Jeff Stivason is pastor of Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania and professor-elect at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. His article, “Is Warfield’s Claim True that Calvin is Better than Westminster on Inspiration?” is available in the Westminster Theological Journal Vol. 81, No. 2 (Fall 2019), pp. 279–293.

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]]> 0 In 1894 B B Warfield published an article in which he compared the views of the Westminster divines and the Reformers on the mode of inspiration According to Warfield the ...B.B.Warfield,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Warfield and True Church Unity Fri, 15 Dec 2017 05:00:34 +0000 Jeff Stivason joins us to speak about his article, “Benjamin B. Warfield and True Church Unity,” published in the Westminster Theological Journal 79 (2017): 327–43. He argues that Warfield developed […]]]>

Jeff Stivason joins us to speak about his article, “Benjamin B. Warfield and True Church Unity,” published in the Westminster Theological Journal 79 (2017): 327–43. He argues that Warfield developed a theology that requires the existence of denominations. Jeff is pastor of Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania and has joined us previously to speak about Warfield on the mode of inspiration.


This article examines Benjamin B. Warfield’s view of church unity. Though the research explores the entire corpus of Warfield’s body of work, the primary exploration encompasses the exegesis of two articles that are almost identical and yet separated by fourteen years, “True Church Unity: What It Is,” and “Christian Unity and Church Union; Some Primary Principles.” The teaching of these writings substantiate the following claim: the progressive and constructive nature of Warfield’s understanding of theology requires the existence of denominations. The article proceeds in the following manner. First, the research focuses on Warfield’s understanding of what church unity was not according to the apostolic church. Second, having understood the unity in the negative, the article moves on to observe the ground and nature of ecclesiastical unity in the apostolic church as understood by Warfield. The third point explores the progressive and constructive nature of systematic theology and how it applies to Warfield’s understanding of ecclesiastical unity. In this point, the idea of unity and the legitimacy of denominational separation is explored and substantiated from Warfield’s perspective. The fourth and final point gives attention to the minimalism that has the power to eclipse the church’s visible unity. In particular, the failure to engage in theological inquiry grounded upon the Scriptures will hinder and even destroy the unity of the church.

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]]> 9 51:54Jeff Stivason joins us to speak about his article Benjamin B Warfield and True Church Unity published in the Westminster Theological Journal 79 2017 327 43 He argues that Warfield ...B.B.Warfield,Ecclesiology,EcumenismReformed Forumnono
Warfield on the Mode of Inspiration Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:00:02 +0000 Jeffrey A. Stivason speaks about B.B. Warfield’s doctrine of inspiration. In his doctoral dissertation, From Inscrutability to Concursus: Benjamin B. Warfield’s Theological Construction of Inspiration’s Mode from 1880 to 1915., Pastor Stivason […]]]>

Jeffrey A. Stivason speaks about B.B. Warfield’s doctrine of inspiration. In his doctoral dissertation, From Inscrutability to Concursus: Benjamin B. Warfield’s Theological Construction of Inspiration’s Mode from 1880 to 1915.Pastor Stivason highlights the development over time of Warfield’s articulation of inspiration. While Warfield’s influence on the contemporary doctrine of inspiration was monumental, he didn’t arrive at his position all at once but developed it further during a time when the perfection of Scripture was under attack. Jeffrey A. Stivason is pastor of Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) in Gibsonia, PA. He completed his dissertation and earned his Ph.D. in 2013 at Westminster Theological Seminary (PA).

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]]> 4 57:29Jeffrey A Stivason speaks about B B Warfield s doctrine of inspiration In his doctoral dissertation From Inscrutability to Concursus Benjamin B Warfield s Theological Construction of Inspiration s Mode ...ModernChurch,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono