Jordan Ballor Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 23 Dec 2020 16:23:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jordan Ballor – Reformed Forum 32 32 Highlights from 2020 Fri, 01 Jan 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Since Christ the Center began nearly thirteen years ago, we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year. Continuing the update to our tradition from last year, here […]]]>

Since Christ the Center began nearly thirteen years ago, we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year. Continuing the update to our tradition from last year, here this year’s top ten clips from Christ the Center as determined by YouTube views.

  1. Ep. 633What Is Christendom? with David VanDrunen
  2. Ep. 6551689 Federalism and Reformed Covenant Theology with Jeremy Boothby
  3. Ep. 638John Frame and Two Divine Existences with James Dolezal
  4. Ep. 659Why Study Karl Barth? with Jim Cassidy
  5. Ep. 633The Noahic Covenant with David VanDrunen
  6. Ep. 630The Importance of Discourse Analysis with Matthew Patton
  7. Ep. 641The Ancient Understanding of Baptism as Washing and Regeneration with Glen Clary
  8. Ep. 629Abridged Bavinck with Carlton Wynne and Charles Williams
  9. Ep. 666John Nelson Darby and Dispensationalism with Michael Glodo
  10. Ep. 631What Is Public Theology? with Jordan Ballor

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Since Christ the Center began nearly thirteen years ago we have taken time to look back on the highlights of the year Continuing the update to our tradition from last ...ChurchHistory,NewTestament,OldTestament,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Abraham Kuyper’s Public Theology Fri, 31 Jan 2020 05:00:00 +0000 Dr. Jordan J. Ballor, senior research fellow and director of publishing for the Acton Institute, joins us to speak about Abraham Kuyper’s public theology. Dr. Ballor is a general editor […]]]>

Dr. Jordan J. Ballor, senior research fellow and director of publishing for the Acton Institute, joins us to speak about Abraham Kuyper’s public theology. Dr. Ballor is a general editor of Abraham Kuyper’s Collected Works on Public Theology published by Lexham Press. Kuyper was something of a polymath/renaissance man. Along with being an influential theologian and also a journalist, he served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. He established the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, which upon its foundation became the second largest Reformed denomination in the country behind the state-supported Dutch Reformed Church.

Jordan J. Ballor (Dr. theol., University of Zurich; PhD, Calvin Theological Seminary) is a senior research fellow and director of publishing at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty. He is also a postdoctoral researcher in theology and economics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as part of the “What Good Markets Are Good For” project. 

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]]> 0 Dr Jordan J Ballor senior research fellow and director of publishing for the Acton Institute joins us to speak about Abraham Kuyper s public theology Dr Ballor is a general ...PracticalTheology,WorldviewReformed Forumnono