Mark Garcia Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 10 Nov 2021 20:58:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mark Garcia – Reformed Forum 32 32 Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton Fri, 10 Feb 2012 05:00:27 +0000 Dr. W. Andrew Hoffecker describes the life and influence of Charles Hodge, one of the giants of American Presbyterianism. Dr. Hoffecker has written a fantastic biography titled Charles Hodge: Pride […]]]>

Dr. W. Andrew Hoffecker describes the life and influence of Charles Hodge, one of the giants of American Presbyterianism. Dr. Hoffecker has written a fantastic biography titled Charles Hodge: Pride of Princeton, which has been published by Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing.

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]]> 7 50:01Dr W Andrew Hoffecker describes the life and influence of Charles Hodge one of the giants of American Presbyterianism Dr Hoffecker has written a fantastic biography titled Charles Hodge Pride ...ModernChurchReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2011 Fri, 30 Dec 2011 05:00:38 +0000 We celebrate another year of Christ the Center by bringing to you a number of highlights from 2011.

  • Episode 156 – Darryl Hart on Machen, Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and the OPC
  • Episode 160 – Carl Trueman on historiography
  • Episode 161 – Winston Smith on marriage as a picture of Christ’s relation to the Church
  • Episode 162 – Mark A. Garcia on the justification landscape
  • Episode 163 – K. Scott Oliphint on Gordon Clark, Cornelius Van Til, the Trinity, and logic
  • Episode 185 – James Dolezal on the doctrine of divine simplicity
  • Episode 192 – Sandy Finlayson on the founding of the Free Church of Scotland
  • Episode 200 – Lane Tipton on various Lutheran theologies of justification
  • Episode 203 – Jim Cassidy on Van Til’s criticism of Barth
  • Episode 206 – Kevin DeYoung on holiness, antinomianism, and neo-nomianism

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]]> 0 59:56We celebrate another year of Christ the Center by bringing to you a number of highlights from 2011 Episode 156 Darryl Hart on Machen Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and ...MiscellanyReformed Forumnono
I Believe in Monsters: God, Horrendous Evils, and the Christian Faith Tue, 19 Jul 2011 05:00:51 +0000 God and evil. Christ and horror. The atonement and suffering. Are there more difficult, pressing, agonizing questions than these? What does the Christian say in the face of horrendous evils? Should he say anything at all, or is the skeptic the only one who can speak honestly about the painful dissonances of the world as we know and experience it? In this special lecture delivered in 2011 to an audience at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, Dr. Mark A. Garcia invites us into reflections on the relationship between the Christian faith and the fact of horrendous evils, reflections prompted by Bart Ehrman’s 2008 book, God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer. This lecture is provided free of charge as a service of the partnership of Wince & Sing Media with Reformed Forum.


]]> 7 58:48God and evil Christ and horror The atonement and suffering Are there more difficult pressing agonizing questions than these What does the Christian say in the face of horrendous evils ...Apologetics,Philosophy,PracticalTheology,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
The Justification Landscape Fri, 18 Feb 2011 05:00:46 +0000 Mark Garcia is pastor at Immanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Coraopolis, PA. He is the author of Life in Christ: Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology. In […]]]>

Mark Garcia is pastor at Immanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Coraopolis, PA. He is the author of Life in Christ: Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology. In this episode, Garcia speaks about the reformed conception of union with Christ and how a reformed soteriology is distinguished from the salient features of the New Perspective on Paul and the Federal Vision. Issues of imputation, covenant, and the forensic and renovative aspects of salvation enter in to this important discussion.

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]]> 14 58:51Mark Garcia is pastor at Immanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Coraopolis PA He is the author of Life in Christ Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin s Theology ...Justification,Soteriology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Union with Christ and Twofold Grace Fri, 18 Jul 2008 07:00:17 +0000 Join us as we speak with Mark Garcia, author of Life in Christ: Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology, regarding the theological implications of union with Christ and its prominence in Calvin’s writings.


  • Mark Garcia
  • Jim Cassidy
  • Jeff Waddington
  • Nick Batzig
  • Camden Bucey



Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. 1559th ed. Westminster John Knox Press, 1960.

—. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990.

Gaffin, Richard. By Faith Not By Sight. Paternoster, 2006.

Garcia, Mark A. Life in Christ : Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology. Studies in Christian history and thought. Milton Keynes; Colorado Spring, CO: Paternoster, 2008.

—. Life in Christ : The Function of Union with Christ in the Unio-Duplex Gratia Structure of Calvin’s Soteriology : With Special Reference to the Relationship of Justification and Sanctification in, 2004.

McGowan, A. T. B. The Divine Authenticity of Scripture : Retrieving an Evangelical Heritage. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2007.

—. The Divine Spiration of Scripture : Challenging Evangelicial Perspectives. Nottingham: Apollos, 2007.

Moore, Russell. The Kingdom of Christ : The New Evangelical Perspective. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2004.

Sedgwick, Obadiah. The bowels of tender mercy sealed in the everlasting covenant wherein is set forth the nature, conditions and excellencies of it, and how a sinner should do to enter into it, and the danger of. London: Printed by Edward Mottershed for Adoniram Byfield and are to be sold by Joseph Cranford …, 1661.

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]]> 4 73:05Join us as we speak with Mark Garcia author of Life in Christ Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin s Theology regarding the theological implications of union with ...ChurchHistory,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono