Mark Jones Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 07 Nov 2013 22:55:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mark Jones – Reformed Forum 32 32 Antinomianism and Reformed Theology Fri, 22 Nov 2013 05:00:41 +0000 Dr. Mark Jones returns to Christ the Center to revive seventeenth-century wisdom about antinomianism from his forthcoming book Antinomianism: Reformed Theology’s Unwelcome Guest?. Antinomian thinking is rooted in a weak view […]]]>

Dr. Mark Jones returns to Christ the Center to revive seventeenth-century wisdom about antinomianism from his forthcoming book Antinomianism: Reformed Theology’s Unwelcome Guest?. Antinomian thinking is rooted in a weak view of the person of Christ and leads to reducing sanctification to justification. Dr. Jones addresses Martin Luther’s relationship to antinomianism, the relationship between theology and practice, and the necessity of good works for salvation.

Dr. Mark Jones is the minister of Faith Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is also Research Associate in the Faculty of Theology at University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Mark’s Ph.D. is from Leiden Universiteit (Oct. 2009) and his doctoral dissertation was entitled, “Why Heaven Kissed Earth: The Christology of the Puritan Reformed Orthodox theologian, Thomas Goodwin (1600–1680).” Dr. Jones has spoken on Christ the Center 249 and 218.

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]]> 22 01:02:23Dr Mark Jones returns to Christ the Center to revive seventeenth century wisdom about antinomianism from his forthcoming book Antinomianism Reformed Theology s Unwelcome Guest Antinomian thinking is rooted in ...ChristianLife,Soteriology,ThePuritansReformed Forumnono
Anthony Burgess on the Law Fri, 16 Nov 2012 05:00:23 +0000 We welcome Rev. Dr. Steve Casselli to speak about Anthony Burgess on the law. Rev. Casselli is pastor of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church in Tampa, FL. Steve worked in campus ministry […]]]>

We welcome Rev. Dr. Steve Casselli to speak about Anthony Burgess on the law. Rev. Casselli is pastor of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church in Tampa, FL. Steve worked in campus ministry at the University of Michigan and served as pastoral intern at Park Cities Presbyterian, Dallas, Texas and Bucks Central Presbyterian in Pennsylvania. Rev. Casselli graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia with a PhD in 2007. His dissertation, titled Anthony Burgess’ “Vindiciae Legis” and the “Fable of Unprofitable Scholasticism:” A case study in the reappraisal of seventeenth century Reformed Scholasticism, is planned to be published by Reformation Heritage Books.

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]]> 2 1:07:16We welcome Rev Dr Steve Casselli to speak about Anthony Burgess on the law Rev Casselli is pastor of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church in Tampa FL Steve worked in campus ...AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
English Puritan Theology Fri, 05 Oct 2012 05:00:13 +0000 Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Mark Jones to the program to speak about puritan theology. With Joel Beeke, Mark has co-authored an exciting new book from Reformed […]]]>

Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Mark Jones to the program to speak about puritan theology. With Joel Beeke, Mark has co-authored an exciting new book from Reformed Heritage Books titled A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life. Mark is the minister of Faith Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is also Research Associate in the Faculty of Theology at University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Mark’s Ph.D. is from Leiden Universiteit (Oct. 2009) and his doctoral dissertation was entitled, “Why Heaven Kissed Earth: The Christology of the Puritan Reformed Orthodox theologian, Thomas Goodwin (1600–1680).” Join us for a stimulating discussion regarding several features of English Puritan theology.

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]]> 16 1:02:19Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Rev Dr Mark Jones to the program to speak about puritan theology With Joel Beeke Mark has co authored an exciting new book ...SystematicTheology,ThePuritansReformed Forumnono
Debates in 17th Century British Puritanism Fri, 02 Mar 2012 05:00:49 +0000 Rev. Dr. Mark Jones joins us to speak about diversity and debates within Puritanism. A healthy view of polemics has fallen on hard times, and Dr. Jones reminds us of […]]]>

Rev. Dr. Mark Jones joins us to speak about diversity and debates within Puritanism. A healthy view of polemics has fallen on hard times, and Dr. Jones reminds us of several fruitful discussions over several issues related to the covenants. Our conversation focuses on the book Drawn into Controversie: Reformed Theological Diversity and Debates Within Seventeenth Century British Puritanism (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2011), which Mark co-edited with Michael Haykin.

Mark is the minister of Faith Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is also Research Associate in the Faculty of Theology at University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Mark’s Ph.D. is from Leiden Universiteit (Oct. 2009) and his doctoral dissertation was entitled, “Why Heaven Kissed Earth: The Christology of the Puritan Reformed Orthodox theologian, Thomas Goodwin (1600–1680).”


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]]> 10 51:55Rev Dr Mark Jones joins us to speak about diversity and debates within Puritanism A healthy view of polemics has fallen on hard times and Dr Jones reminds us of ...ChurchHistory,ThePuritansReformed Forumnono
Jesus + Nothing = Everything Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:00:52 +0000 Mark Jones and Jared Oliphint speak about Tullian Tchividjian’s Jesus + Nothing = Everything. Rev. Tchividjian is pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and blogs at the Gospel Coalition. Dr. Jones […]]]>

Mark Jones and Jared Oliphint speak about Tullian Tchividjian’s Jesus + Nothing = Everything. Rev. Tchividjian is pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and blogs at the Gospel Coalition. Dr. Jones published a review of the book at Jared Oliphint’s review will appear soon at Reformation21.

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]]> 28 46:33Mark Jones and Jared Oliphint speak about Tullian Tchividjian s Jesus Nothing Everything Rev Tchividjian is pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and blogs at the Gospel ...Sanctification,Soteriology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono