Nancy Guthrie Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:39:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nancy Guthrie – Reformed Forum 32 32 Seeing Jesus in the Prophets Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:00:44 +0000 Nancy Guthrie joins us to talk about seeing the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament prophets. The Word of the Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Prophets is the fifth in her Seeing […]]]>

Nancy Guthrie joins us to talk about seeing the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament prophets. The Word of the Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Prophets is the fifth in her Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series, and in it she explores everything from the suffering servant of Isaiah and the love of the prophet Hosea for his unfaithful wife, to Daniel’s stone that crushes every human kingdom and Ezekiel’s vision of the heavenly temple.

Nancy Guthrie’s website is Nancy has spoken on Christ the Center about the first three books in this series, The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis, The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books, and The Son of David: Seeing Jesus in the Historical Books.

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]]> 1 58:13Nancy Guthrie joins us to talk about seeing the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament prophets The Word of the Lord Seeing Jesus in the Prophets is the fifth in ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestament,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
John Newton on Grace in Sanctification Fri, 04 Oct 2013 05:00:05 +0000 Barbara Duguid speaks about John Newton’s writings on the Christian life based on her book Extravagant Grace: God’s Glory Displayed in Our Weakness. She appropriates John Newton’s wisdom to comfort […]]]>

Barbara Duguid speaks about John Newton’s writings on the Christian life based on her book Extravagant Grace: God’s Glory Displayed in Our Weakness. She appropriates John Newton’s wisdom to comfort and encourage Christians who feel guilt and failure in their fight against sin.

Barbara Duguid is a counselor and member of Christ Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Grove City, Pennsylvania. She holds an advanced certificate in biblical counseling from the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation in Glenside, Pennsylvania.

Melissa Kruger is the author of The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World published by Christian Focus (Christ the Center 276). She is on staff in women’s ministry at Uptown Church (PCA) in Charlotte, NC, a mom to three kids and the wife of Dr. Michael Kruger, President and Professor of NT at Reformed Theological Seminary Charlotte.

Nancy Guthrie is the author of The Son of DavidThe Promised One, and The Wisdom of God, on the topic of seeing Christ in the Old Testament. Nancy is a member of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and she speaks at conferences worldwide.

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]]> 10 01:00:17Barbara Duguid speaks about John Newton s writings on the Christian life based on her book Extravagant Grace God s Glory Displayed in Our Weakness She appropriates John Newton s ...ChristianLife,SanctificationReformed Forumnono
Housewife Theologian Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:00:34 +0000 Aimee Byrd speaks about her new book, Housewife Theologian: How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary, with panel Camden Bucey, Nancy Guthrie, and Melissa Kruger. The topic of her book and of this episode’s […]]]>

Aimee Byrd speaks about her new book, Housewife Theologian: How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary, with panel Camden Bucey, Nancy Guthrie, and Melissa Kruger. The topic of her book and of this episode’s discussion is the gospel’s particular applications to the lives of women, women’s role in the family and in the church, and the relevance of theology to mundane and ordinary parts of life. Housewife Theologian is published by P&R.

Aimee Byrd blogs at Housewife Theology. She’s also a member of Pilgrim Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Martinsburg, WV where she teaches women’s bible study. And she’s just been announced as a regular contributor to the Mortification of Spin podcast with Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt.

Nancy Guthrie is the author of numerous books and bible study curriculum (including video series) on seeing Christ in the Old Testament. Her latest is The Son of David: Seeing Jesus in the Historical Books. Nancy has joined us for several episodes of Christ the Center (CTC183, CTC224, CTC295).

Melissa Kruger is the author of The Envy of Eve published by Christian Focus, which she spoke about on Christ the Center episode 276. She’s also on staff in women’s ministry at Uptown Church (PCA) in Charlotte, NC, a mom to three kids and wife of Dr. Michael Kruger, President and Professor of NT at Reformed Theological Seminary Charlotte.

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]]> 3 51:34Aimee Byrd speaks about her new book Housewife Theologian How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary with panel Camden Bucey Nancy Guthrie and Melissa Kruger The topic of her book and ...ChristianLife,PracticalTheologyReformed Forumnono
Seeing Jesus in Old Testament History Fri, 30 Aug 2013 05:00:38 +0000 This week, Nancy Guthrie speaks about seeing Jesus in the historical books of the Old Testament. Her book The Son of David, third in her series Seeing Jesus in the […]]]>

This week, Nancy Guthrie speaks about seeing Jesus in the historical books of the Old Testament. Her book The Son of David, third in her series Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, explains how each part of the story of Old Testament history – the leader Joshua, the judges of Israel, the redeemer Boaz, and Israel’s many kings – reveals and signifies the Christ who was to come.

Nancy Guthrie’s website is Nancy has spoken on Christ the Center about the first two books in this series, The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis, and The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books.

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]]> 2 01:06:40This week Nancy Guthrie speaks about seeing Jesus in the historical books of the Old Testament Her book The Son of David third in her series Seeing Jesus in the ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Christ in the Old Testament Fri, 13 Apr 2012 05:00:13 +0000 On this episode we welcome Nancy Guthrie back to the program to speak about Christ in the Old Testament. Nancy has written the latest in her series on the subject […]]]>

On this episode we welcome Nancy Guthrie back to the program to speak about Christ in the Old Testament. Nancy has written the latest in her series on the subject titled The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books, which is the center of our discussion. Nancy is a member of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, speaks at conferences worldwide, and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Covenant Theological Seminary. Nancy and her husband David have ministered to countless couples who have lost a child, and they continue to provide resources through retreats and Nancy’s autobiographical books on the subject such as Holding Onto Hope: A Pathway Through Suffering to the Heart of God.

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]]> 1 56:54On this episode we welcome Nancy Guthrie back to the program to speak about Christ in the Old Testament Nancy has written the latest in her series on the subject ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Fri, 01 Jul 2011 05:00:27 +0000 Nancy Guthrie comes on to talk about her upcoming book from Crossway, The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis. This is the first in a series titled “Seeing Jesus in […]]]>

Nancy Guthrie comes on to talk about her upcoming book from Crossway, The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis. This is the first in a series titled “Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament: A 10-week Bible Study.” Nancy is the author of a number of books on the subject of Christ in the Old Testament including The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament. Nancy is a well-known speaker on this topic as well as the topic of losing a child. Nancy and her husband David have ministered to countless couples who have gone through what she and David have gone through, and continue to provide resources through retreats and her autobiographical books on the subject such as Holding Onto Hope: A Pathway Through Suffering to the Heart of God.

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]]> 3 49:39Nancy Guthrie comes on to talk about her upcoming book from Crossway The Promised One Seeing Jesus in Genesis This is the first in a series titled Seeing Jesus in ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono