Paul K. Helseth Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 30 Jan 2013 01:24:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Paul K. Helseth – Reformed Forum 32 32 Old Princeton and Right Reason Fri, 01 Feb 2013 05:00:32 +0000 Dr. Paul Kjoss Helseth, Professor of Christian Thought at Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota, joins the panel at Christ the Center to speak about Old Princeton and right reason. Many in the Reformed tradition […]]]>

Dr. Paul Kjoss Helseth, Professor of Christian Thought at Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota, joins the panel at Christ the Center to speak about Old Princeton and right reason. Many in the Reformed tradition have criticized Old Princeton theologians such as Charles Hodge and B. B. Warfield for explicating a view of human reason that is not in accord with traditional Reformed doctrines, such as a Reformed understanding of the noetic effects of sin. Dr. Helseth seeks to remedy this common assessment by situating Old Princeton’s treatment of human reason within their doctrine of regeneration.

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]]> 1 1:11:02Dr Paul Kjoss Helseth Professor of Christian Thought at Northwestern College in St Paul Minnesota joins the panel at Christ the Center to speak about Old Princeton and right reason ...Epistemology,ModernChurchReformed Forumnono