Comments on: Confession Chapter 1: Of the Holy Scripture Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:08:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Orcutt Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:08:39 +0000 What a superb statement of the doctrine of Scripture. I wish the Chicago Statement had reflected more of the substance of WCF Chapter 1, especially and specifically with regard to the relation of the Bible to science. (Hmmmm? Anybody looking for a dissertation topic?)
I think if our theologians and pastors in the Reformed Evangelical movement really understood and embraced the doctrine of Scripture and the hermeneutic of Westminster, there would be greater theological agreement. Every seminary student, pastor and elder needs to sit down with pen and paper and manually outline this chapter while reading the Scripture proofs in their larger context. This chapter of the WCF is a missile that explodes much of the error,confusion and compromise being taught in the seminaries and propogated in the pulpits in Evangelical and Reformed circles. Our pastor, one of those pesky Reformed Baptists trained under Al Mohler, stood in the pulpit on Sunday (02-01-09) and issued a delcaration about the nature of Scripture and its supremacy over science. Where is the same clarion message in the Reformed and Evangelical movement, specifically Presbyterian circels? I don’t see it. Thanks for posting the Confession on the web. I still think the WCF is a powerful antedote to the post-modern vertigo that is overtaking the Evangelical and Reformed church. We don’t need to water it down. We don’t need to dumb it down. We don’t need to “contextualize” it. We need to proclaim the “old paths” in the old way (expository & experimental) with no uncertain sound. If this is not the case, then guys like Al Mohler, John LMacArthur and Doug Kelly need to find another line of work and get out of the seminary business.

Thanks again!

By: George Joseph Gatis Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:03:20 +0000 Wonderful site! How may download the WCF, LC, SC to my ipod?

Heb. 6.10.
I Cor. 15.58.
