Comments on: Listener Co-Hosts Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 20 Jan 2010 16:28:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Camden Bucey Wed, 20 Jan 2010 16:28:18 +0000 In reply to Camden Bucey.

It has since been removed, but the cat is out of the bag.

By: Tim H. Wed, 20 Jan 2010 02:23:55 +0000 In reply to Camden Bucey.

I was wondering if that was supposed to be attached or not. In any case, I’m very excited about it. Thanks for doing that.

By: Camden Bucey Mon, 18 Jan 2010 14:30:23 +0000 In reply to John Stebbe.

To keep it brief, I had questions about the truth of Scripture, its authority and how we know that God exists and that Christianity is true. Van Til’s transcendental approach and solid foundation in reformed systematic theology is what helped me the most. But perhaps what sealed the deal for me much later was Van Til’s treatment of the philosophical problem of the one-and-many.

By: John Stebbe Mon, 18 Jan 2010 01:33:42 +0000 I appreciated this episode. Two questions:
1) The fellow who said he uses materials by Vos and Van Til with junior-high kids — what does he use? What sort of questions do these kids ask, that are handled so well by Vos and Van Til? Is there some kind of juvenile-level book of Vos and Van Til, suitable for kids to understand? If so, I need those for my own study. Some kind of “Vos and Van Til For Dummies.” Seriously. I tried reading Van Til’s “Christianity and Barthianism.” It was very frustrating. It was mostly incomprehensible to me. And your guest said “Vos is the one who makes Van Til work.” So I need to read whatever it is that Vos wrote, that makes Van Til work. What is it?
2) Camden, you said that you had many questions throughout your undergrad years that you were not getting answers to, until you discovered Van Til. What were the questions, and how did Van Til’s approach answer them for you?

Thank you,

John Stebbe

By: Support the Reformed Forum « Faith by Hearing Sun, 10 Jan 2010 09:45:30 +0000 […] Support the Reformed Forum >>> […]

By: Camden Bucey Fri, 08 Jan 2010 13:09:47 +0000 In reply to Jason D..

Yes, that was our unintended gift to you. It looks like my subconscious wanted to let people know about it after all. That portion has since been cut from the episode, but the “early birds” are going to have that bonus at the end of their copies.

The Christ and Culture project we’re working on is quite interesting. It’s turning out well and I’ll be recording round two over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully the pre-show chatter and some of the post-show comments weren’t too grating on the ears.

By: Jason D. Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:26:20 +0000 What you didn’t want to tell about the “4 views thing” is at the end of the audio,… looks like you forgot to clip it… unless that was a bonus 🙂
