Comments on: R. L. Dabney Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 12 Feb 2019 22:59:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: A Response to Daniel Kleven on Dabney, Racism, and Justification by Faith Alone | Taylor L. Sexton Tue, 12 Feb 2019 22:59:13 +0000 […] is right, I have not read Sean Lucas’ book on Dabney in its totality. However, I have listened to a lengthy podcast by Reformed Forum where Lucas is interviewed on his book and the life of Dabney. I think it is safe to say that Lucas […]

By: Tony Tue, 05 Mar 2013 03:06:43 +0000 “The slave was not permitted to testify against a white man, and this was a restriction made proper by his low grade of truthfulness, his difference of race, and the fact that he was so great a degree subject to the will of another. … From oppression by his own master he found his sufficient protection, usually, in affection and self-interest.”- R. L. Dabney
Let the ignorance of such bigotry shine it’s dim light on the ignorance of those who would give excuses for taking such a man seriously. Some men have stood for things that are abhorrent enough to render their legacies indelibly tarnished, Dabney is such a man.

By: Jonathan Brack Tue, 04 Oct 2011 22:13:16 +0000 In reply to Andy Graham.

Once again, I understand where you guys are coming from, but based on those standards it is hard to think that anyone , let alone Dabney, is regenerate. That is, if we take Matthew 5 seriously, we are all murderers, adulterers, etc.

By: Andy Graham Mon, 03 Oct 2011 05:41:08 +0000 I’m going to give an “amen” to Ben. Dabney was not only guilty of melanin based racism and oppression but schismatism as well. If you take the book of James (among others) seriously it’s hard to think that Dabney was regenerate; despite plenty of “Lord, Lord” coming from his mouth. He helped split the Presbyterian church due to his hard-heartedness and failure to accept rebuke from fellow pastors. I realize that’s a bit simplified; but y’all know the story.

By: Jonathan Brack Sat, 01 Oct 2011 14:01:31 +0000 In reply to Ben.

I understand what you are trying to say here, and I agree with your posture against covering up horrible sins of some of our fathers of the faith. But you seem to be over reacting in your comment. “Dabney is NOT in heaven if …” This statement flies in the face of an elementary doctrine of grace. There are plenty of sins we do not repent of: sins of ignorance, or even constant stubbornness and pride. Nobody reaches a state of perfection before they die, but thank goodness Dabney put his whole trust in someone who truly was perfect in spite of every temptation. Racism, Intolerance, or even murder isn’t the standard of “who gets in and who doesn’t”, perfection is the standard. I find your comment to be the equivalent of “Repent of all your sins equals accurately naming every single sin you have ever committed, or else you aren’t going to heaven.” That is mechanistic and Catholic, which is ironically also sinful. It is repentance and faith IN Christ who is our mediator which is the onyl way of salvation. Lastly, someone with a TRULY solid Theology, WILL go to heaven. True theology comes from only one source, the wisdom of Christ to those who are united to him by faith (2 Cor). Driving a wedge between theology and “repentance” is a false dichotomy.

By: Ben Thu, 29 Sep 2011 21:58:50 +0000 In reply to Carl.

Carl. I appreciate what you wrote. To call Dabney’s racism as a “blind spot” seems to give him a pass. I hear such a description as, “we can’t possibly blame Dabney for being a racist because he was unaware that black people are really human beings like the rest of us”. Give me a break! This attitude that bigotry and racism is the result of some external influences denies the doctrine of man as a fallen creature who sins because that is his nature. The truth of the matter is Dabney was a bigoted racist who looked upon some of his fellow image bearers as inferior to himself simply because they did not have the same skin color that he did. He carried this bigotry throughout his life with full awareness of how repugnant it is in the eyes of God. Regardless of his contribution to Theology, Dabney is NOT in heaven if he died holding onto this gross sin. We ought to be afraid because even those with a solid Theology don’t get into the kingdom. Repentance and faith in Jesus Christ is the only way into God’s kingdom.

By: Carl Sun, 12 Jun 2011 01:21:50 +0000 You make a fair point, Chris.

We ought to be sensitive to all our weaknesses, yes. But the subject here, indeed, is a theologian. And not just any. Dabney’s impure views on race not only colored his doctrine of man and evangelism (dayenu!), but as a trusted and towering figure, speaking to and from a deeply religious South, his teachings were bound to have a profound effect on the sad train of human affairs and the legacy of hate for generations.

So I tend to agree that our first and proper response to Dabney and his legacy should probably not be some softy along the lines “we all have our warts and all”… Or even a desire to seek “a more complex view”…

Rather, I think it best to respond with: Fear. We ought to be very afraid! Grievous sin lies at the door of the best of us.

By: Chris E Fri, 10 Jun 2011 23:19:44 +0000 In reply to Benjamin P. Glaser.

Though I am not sure this is what it amounts to in this particular case, Banner of Truth tend to abridge and edit out bits of books that don’t fit in with their own beliefs – look for the ellipses.

I also felt this program was a bit of a whitewash; yes, racism is not an unforgivable sin, and none of us are free from sin. However, there is a difference between being racist once, making a systematic practice of being racist and defending your racism theologically – if you don’t believe me replace ‘racism’ with ‘adultery’ in that last sentence. By not exploring how this might have distorted his doctrine of man, and evangelism (among other things), this program remained incomplete.

By: Benjamin P. Glaser Sat, 28 May 2011 04:26:49 +0000 It is worth noting that Dabney’s racial views do not make themselves apparent in the Systematic Theology printed by Banner of Truth. If you knew nothing about Dabney and read his Sys Theo you would have no idea of his devilish racial views.

By: R. L. Dabney | RearViewMirror Fri, 27 May 2011 14:12:08 +0000 […] Lucas’ biography of him. I haven’t read it, though I want to. Lucas was recently interviewed by the Reformed Forum on this book which is worth listening […]
