Comments on: Issues in Systematic Theology Reformed Theological Resources Mon, 09 Jan 2012 15:46:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Hall Fri, 02 Sep 2011 04:52:59 +0000 Enjoyed this programme. The open discussion format worked well.

By: Jeffrey Waddington Sun, 28 Aug 2011 12:40:06 +0000 In reply to Ben.


Thanks for the reminder.


By: Rob deRoos Fri, 26 Aug 2011 20:42:47 +0000 It would seem to me that if the fundamental nature of the gospel is what God in Christ has done for sinners, then when we talk about the issue of sanctification in relation to a complete gospel, union with Christ underlies not only justification but sanctification as well. Is it a matter of subjectively I am supposed to be better than I am objectively, so come on let’s get obedient. Or is it a matter of no matter how incomplete your sanctification is in your subjective experience, you are still justified and being sanctified. So does grace underlie sanctification or is a matter of the “brute factness” on union with Christ, that I am supposed to get on and be obedient? It would be that if we are truly Reformed that if the block-house method of apologetics is incorrect regarding Reformed apologetics because there is no such thing as a proof of a “generic God”, then likewise proclamation in Reformed ministry is incorrect when it contends for a “generic morality” and obedience that is cut-off from a vital or active faith in Christ. The source of all goodness in the Christian life is our union with Christ and our destination in moral character in the Christian life is conformity to Christ. Thus, Christian morality is “Christ shaped” and cannot be produced, motivated or enculturated apart from Him and faith in Him. So putting a “meat cleaver” between the indicative and imperative is just plain wrong. It is because of Christ we are right and moral and good. This is not denying or slightly sanctification but putting it in its rightful context.

By: Ben Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:02:25 +0000 If I may make a recommendation to Jeff Waddington. Please allow your fellows to finish what they are saying. It’s hard for me to understand some parts of what Camden is saying when you cut him off before he’s finished with what he’s saying. I appreciate everything you say Jeff, but I cannot hear you, or anyone else, when you are talking over people.
Thanks for posting these talks. They a great blessing to me. God bless you brothers.
