Comments on: The Founders of the Free Church of Scotland Reformed Theological Resources Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:11:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Founders of the Free Church of Scotland | Westminster Theological Seminary Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:11:36 +0000 […] … continue on Reformed Forum. […]

By: Ian Hall Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:29:34 +0000 In reply to Sandy Finlayson.

Sandy, thanks for replying.

By: Peter Reynolds Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:21:32 +0000 We’ve also got Bannerman:

[421572] Bannerman, James. The Church of Christ: A Treatise on the Nature, Powers, Ordinances, Discipline, and Government of the Christian Church: Set of 2 Volumes. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1961. Cloth. Average Plus / Average. ISBN: 0851511864. . 480 + 468 pages. Edges foxed. We have not seen this particular Banner dust-jacket before, pale blue with dark blue decorative illustration probably by Lewis Lupton. 1 inch tear to top of Volume 1 dustjacket along front hinge. GBP 38.50

By: Peter Reynolds Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:11:35 +0000 Carl Trueman said it was very difficult to get hold of old Candlish books. Well, as of today we have four for sale, with two copies of the fourth:

[435253] Candlish, Robert Smith. Life in a Risen Saviour: Being Discourses on the Argument of the Fifteenth Chapter of First Corinthians. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1858. Cloth. Average Minus . 398 pages, covers worn/stained, pages a bit grubby. This copy undated, but from the 19th century. GBP 5.75

[491673] Candlish, Robert Smith. The Atonement; Its Reality, Completeness, and Extent (much revised edition of The Cross of Christ; the Call of God; Saving Faith). London: T Nelson & Sons, 1861. Cloth. Average . 400 pages. Considerably revised edition of a work originally published in the 1840s. GBP 39.50

[469179] Candlish, Robert Smith. The Cross of Christ; the Call of God; Saving Faith: An Inquiry into the Completeness and Extent of the Atonement with especial reference to the Universal Offer of the Gospel, and the Universal Obligation to Believe. Edinburgh: John Johnstone, 1845. Cloth. Average . 164 pages plus catalogue, covers have some wear and tear and look rather washed-out; some foxing. GBP 39.50

[491663] Candlish, Robert Smith. The Fatherhood of God, Being the First Course of the Cunningham Lectures. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1866. Third Edition. Cloth. Average . 336 pages, binding slightly bumped/shaken, edges and endpapers foxed. Hard to find. GBP 65.00

[461194] Candlish, Robert Smith. The Fatherhood of God, Being the First Course of the Cunningham Lectures. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1866. Third Edition. Cloth. Average Minus . 336 pages, cloth spine damaged, shaken, a few pages loosened. Hard to find. GBP 65.00

Not to mention a book by his son James:
[421329] Candlish, James S. The Christian Sacraments: Hand-Books for Bible Classes Series. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1879. Cloth. Average Minus . 129 pages. £3.75

By: Sandy Finlayson Tue, 06 Sep 2011 14:36:24 +0000 Thanks to all of you who have commented.

I wanted to mention to Ian that there is a whole chapter on Andrew Bonar in my book and I do talk about McCheyne in that chapter as well.


By: Ian Hall Mon, 05 Sep 2011 23:34:41 +0000 Really enjoyed this conversation.

Bit disappointed there wasn’t a little bit more about Andrew Bonar, and maybe a shout out for his Diary which David MacIntyre said was ‘probably the best treatise on private prayer which we possess. Originally meant to mark the memorabilia of his life, it became, almost exclusively , an instrument for recording and testing his prayers.’ Also, surprised Robert McCheyne didn’t get a mention, his godly life and early death has exercised huge influence over generations of British believers.

But these are minor quibbles and I do realise there are time restraints.

Incidentally, I never knew that Spurgeon and John Kennedy were big mates. Amazing, considering how strict a Presbyterian Kennedy was.

For those who have an interest the debate Kennedy had with Horatius Bonar over DL Moody is available in print. For my money Bonar had the better of it. You can get it through the James Begg Society (they are on the net). it’s entitled Evangelism: A Reformed Debate by John Kennedy and Horatius Bonar

By: Sandy Finlayson discusses Unity & Diversity: The Founders of the Free Church of Scotland | Christian Focus Booknotes Mon, 05 Sep 2011 15:00:22 +0000 […] You can listen to the interview here – LINK […]

By: Baus Sun, 04 Sep 2011 07:27:50 +0000 Wonder if Sandy could correct and expand this entry:

By: Cedric Parsels Fri, 02 Sep 2011 21:59:45 +0000 I’m a student at Princeton Seminary. Princeton Seminary has many paintings, etchings, and documents displayed on the walls of Luce Library that commemorate the founding of the Free Church of Scotland. It is a part of Reformed history that I see documented almost everyday, but know little about. Thanks for the program.
