Comments on: The Trinitarian Controversy in Early Modern England Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 11 Jan 2013 13:08:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Denning Fri, 11 Jan 2013 13:08:19 +0000 Great episode! Thanks for being willing to introduce us to scholars, like Dr. Lim, who operate outside of our typical circles. He’s top notch but unknown to many except for those who may have attended Gordon-Conwell when he was an assistant professor for five years. This episode (linked below) of Office Hours w/ him is also very good. He speaks of his experience as an orthodox Christian in a secular school near the very end; starting at minute 30:56.

By: don bryant Sun, 30 Dec 2012 13:48:30 +0000 Actually the phrase should be “hot gospeling” and not “hot gosling” as the auto correct keeps doing.

By: don bryant Sat, 29 Dec 2012 10:37:46 +0000 Fascinating and worthy interview. I must read Dr. Lim’s book. At $74 this must necessarily be an interlibrary loan. It has occurred to me for some time that Calvinism’s natural born enemy is not Arminianism but Socinianism. After all, in both Puritan England and Puritan New England where “hot gosling” Calvinism had significant sway, Unitarianism was making impact within three generations. How could this be? This was not a move from stronger Christianity to weaker Christianity, but from stronger to none. As I understood Dr. Lim he traced much of this decline to the improper balancing of solo scripture as well as the ongoing fight against Roman Catholicism. I actually see the rapid decline in more psychological and doctrinal terms. The human psyche could not bear the weight of Puritanism’s intense introspective search for signs of election. While wise pastors sought to keep this introspection in balance, it was not doable simply because it was seeking to blend contradictories – the hidden decrees of God in election and the simple offer of “believe and live.” Puritanism broke under the strain. If you would allow, I have posted on this topic here, Dr. Lim’s thoughts spurred me on to state my thoughts on Calvinism’s real adversary, not Arminianism but Socinianism. I listen to all your shows and am a glad financial supporter of Reformed Forum.

By: Bob McDowell Sat, 29 Dec 2012 02:40:12 +0000 Thoroughly enjoyed recent CTC with Dr. Lim.

Recently I was reading the wikipedia article on the Restoration Movement in reaction to news that friends (and former members of our E-Free church here in VT) were attending an “Independent” church in Idaho. Well, I looked up the church and saw that it had the “markings” of a “Campbellite Lite” (my neologism) group.

I attended such a church while an undergrad.

Barton W. Stone was one of the founders of the movement. Here’s a quote from the Wikipedia article on him:
Stone also took issue with the doctrine of the Trinity, and argued against it. “Revelation no where declares that there are three persons of the same substance in the one only God; and it is universally acknowledged to be above reason” (Address to the Christian Churches, 2nd Edition [1821]).

Are you aware of anyone studying links between Socinians and Campbellites? Stone and Campbell (according to my internet-level reading) emphasized the Bible only and “no creed but Christ”.
