Comments on: Regeneration and Redemptive-History Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:46:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Harrison Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:46:55 +0000 Thanks for this interview, folks. Really great stuff.

I’d be interested to hear more from Dr. Wright and the CtC guys about how y’all would argue

1) for a heart-renewal interpretation of regeneration in light of the redemptive-historical interpretation and then

2) against folks like James Jordan and Rich Lusk in the Federal Vision camp who deny an irreversible heart-renewal interpretation of regeneration.

Here’s the article:


By: Mark G Fri, 15 Feb 2013 16:24:47 +0000 This was an excellent discussion. I appreciated the way it redirected the common evangelical emphasis in regeneration on the individual to the corporate and even cosmic. Also, it was helpful the way it brought in the practical and pastoral implications.

Some time ago a pastor of mine said something like “we often think about what Christ has done for us, but we seldom think about what Christ did for himself.” As Dr. Wright said, I agree we are personally involved in the plan of God which is much bigger than me, and it is helpful to meditate on that.
