Comments on: A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 16 Aug 2013 07:11:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frank den Hartigh Fri, 16 Aug 2013 07:11:16 +0000 Love your work at the reformed forum. This convicted me, making me more zealous of the family worship time. Our church has been making a new Psalter Hymnal (Sing to the Lord/ Reformed Churches of New Zealand) most of our singing at the table is centered on the psalms with a kids praise song at the end. Any song that I can’t figure the tune out, I simply go online to the webpage and play it. Thanks once again. Peace from down under.

By: Jonathan Bonomo Mon, 05 Aug 2013 22:42:48 +0000 Great episode with a good servant of Christ on a vitally important topic and a much needed book. There were many nuggets of practical wisdom shared here. Thank you, brothers.

Jonathan: Speaking for my own family, we generally do five days a week. As a pastor, The Lord’s Day is extremely busy for us all (morning to evening) and Wed. evening is our mid-week church Bible Study, so we generally do family worship Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, with the other two days taken up in gathering with the larger body. But the general rule is that if we are home and not with the church, we have family worship at the table after supper. As Jason says, the keys are brevity, simplicity, and consistency.

By: Jonathan Mon, 05 Aug 2013 21:37:22 +0000 Loved it, thanks, was very helpful. I identified totally with the “not regular family case were all sit on laps” Cadmen and Jason described there families. I have a 3 and 1.5 year old that are pretty hyper! I wanted to ask if doing the reunion in the car is ok (I have a tight schedule). How many says a week is recommended? Thanks.

By: Greg - (Tiribulus) Mon, 05 Aug 2013 15:04:06 +0000 SUPERB!

Really. THIS is where even genuine believers really miss it so often. Our “busy” lives never seem to be too busy for the game or other stuff we think is REALLY important. People who don’t embrace family worship as times of refreshing rather than a burden have missed the point of the gospel in my opinion. Of course nobody is flawlessly heroic in ANY area of godly practice and some days will be better than others as was said, but the man who must be drug into the things of God with his covenant family needs to seek the Holy Spirit to reevaluate his priorities. I was a spectacular failure in this area for most of my life and am looking down my nose at no one.
