Comments on: Judges and Redemptive History Reformed Theological Resources Mon, 19 Aug 2013 22:33:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg - (Tiribulus) Mon, 19 Aug 2013 22:33:10 +0000 Another perfectly splendid episode.

Jephthah and his daughter are a rough one fer sher. That story starts with a report of the Spirit of the Lord being upon Jephthah.

By: Philip Walker Fri, 16 Aug 2013 09:21:58 +0000 Thanks, guys. I really like Judges, too! The very human characters God chooses are, as you said, such a wonderful illustration of his grace, and the typology is so strong.

A couple of points I picked up that I think you didn’t dwell on, but which really resonated with me:
a. the, ahem, colourful family history of Jephthah and Moses. We might add Ehud’s origin from the runt tribe of Israel. Looks to me like God has a habit of raising up his saviours out of doubtful parentage.
b. when Samson pulls down the “heart of darkness” from between its pillars, he has a hand on the pillar to his left, and one on the pillar to the right, his arms are outstretched to save the people of God. (First Moses, then Samson!) So here is a nice idea for the preacher of Samson, to stretch out his arms, illustrating Samson’s salvation-through-self-sacrifice, and to ask whether you know a saviour like this.

Lots of other things I could say. I love the little details, like the way Mrs Manoah shows more spiritual insight than Mr Manoah. No self-respecting Israelite man would have written that unless it were true, and what an encouragement to believing wives and mothers!

The Angel of the LORD appears a few times in Judges. Have you guys ever done a CtC on this divine character?
