Comments on: Seeing Jesus in Old Testament History Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 08 Oct 2013 01:28:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Holmes Tue, 08 Oct 2013 01:28:35 +0000 Esther did sacrifice, royalty for sacrifice, she risked offending the King, so to say nothing in her was covenant fidelity was there , did not follow exegesis. Yes, it’s true we have to be in Christ, but once in Christ, does not the same heroism of Esther become ours also? Another way of saying this is Romans 4 leads us to resurrection life in Christ and victory, Romans 6! Tremor Longman talks about not either Christ or example but both an. Your group seems to want one not both. Hebrews 11 celebrates the faith exploits, actions it does not minimimalize them to work in reformed dogmatics. By faith conquered kingdoms, put foreign armies, etc. Grace does not erase faith in Hebrews. It seems also Philipians 2, Christ models an example not just substitionary atonement. David, is mentioned for his faith, Hebrews 11 so I agree with he Christological priority but I do not think that means the image of God is erased from Kingdom process and example, character, heroics, etc. David rushed, threw a rock, that is the historical facts, so he was not in passivity and calling that grace. Something Dallas Willard called the great misconception of our time. Not saying you did that but seems to be better to follow Tremper both and.

By: Baus Tue, 03 Sep 2013 05:05:37 +0000 Nice article here:
