Comments on: Vos Group #2: The Nature and Method of Biblical Theology, Part 1 Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 16 Apr 2020 20:05:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Douglas Sniesak Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:44:29 +0000 Outstanding discussions. I recently found ReformedForum, and have been so blessed by the discussions, and have mentioned to friends of mine. Very rich discussions. Thank you for making this available.

By: Camden Bucey Sat, 06 Jan 2018 12:28:14 +0000 In reply to Mac.

If you can read more than three pages per month, you’ll catch us before long. 🙂

By: Mac Fri, 05 Jan 2018 21:15:34 +0000 I bought the book and started the introduction! I am looking forward to catching up.

By: Brian Fri, 20 Mar 2015 21:43:11 +0000 Goblarian… Lol… Love the convo. =)

By: Emilio Sun, 16 Feb 2014 06:36:15 +0000 Quick request :), pray about the possibility to getting a different more specific player for tracking minutes etc. this would make it a lot easier to recall certain important segments of the episodes.

With that said, I am very excited to see you guys discussing Vos’ seminal work; I know I am going to learn a ton of great insights from you guys.

By: G. Kyle Essary Sat, 15 Feb 2014 21:10:40 +0000 I finally got caught up on my reading and podcasts. I really appreciate this and look forward to the next few as well.

My main question regards the locus of revelation. It seems that Scripture itself bears witness to Scripture as the locus of revelation, but Vos seems to place revelation in the historical redemptive acts to which Scripture points. Am I missing something here?

By: Stuart Mon, 10 Feb 2014 01:24:45 +0000 Justin,

I think one of the reasons that Vos stayed is because he was no controversialist and hated schism. He was a child of the Secession of the Dutch church and only agreed to go become a professor at Princeton when those slandering him for being a supralapsarian would not cease. Then, at Princeton, he had to face the Confessional Revision controversy, and by the time people were leaving to form Westminster, he was likely sick of it. Further, those starting Westminster were mostly his students (John Murray, Cornelius Van Til, J. Gresham Machen), so he probably felt as though he was too old.

I think it’s important when reading Vos to remember that he didn’t like change and that whatever polemical spirit he may have had while younger died down and almost ceased entirely before Westminster began. He would regularly strive to say strictly what the Confession said, regardless of his affinity for its language. So I think it’s likely that, even including all other reasons mentioned, Vos stayed at Princeton because it was familiar.

By: Greg - (Tiribulus) Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:10:36 +0000 I meant to comment earlier than this, but haven’t had a chance. I had and read this book in the 80’s. Before Van Til actually, but don’t have it anymore. I’m gonna find a copy. THIS is CTC at it’s best in my opinion.

By: Steve M Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:58:19 +0000 My dad and I met to discuss the first episode this morning and he surprised me with a copy of this outline that he found online:
We had a great discussion and are eager for more.

By: Mark G Sat, 25 Jan 2014 15:08:32 +0000 In reply to Camden Bucey.

I thought I had read that also but wasn’t sure. thanks.

By: Camden Bucey Fri, 24 Jan 2014 16:57:35 +0000 In reply to Justin Andrusk.

I believe this was mainly because his wife was quite ill. He needed to keep his pension and insurance largely to care of her.

By: Camden Bucey Fri, 24 Jan 2014 16:50:11 +0000 In reply to James J. Grimes.

We haven’t recorded the third episode yet. We’ll try to get through the next ten pages or so, I imagine.

By: Bruce Denithorne Wed, 22 Jan 2014 04:04:50 +0000 Hey, wondering if there are any groups that are going through the book that I might be able to join.

By: Mark G Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:00:26 +0000 In reply to Justin Andrusk.

Justin, I believe David Calhoun has a brief discussion on this question in his second volume of his history of Princeton Seminary. If I remember correctly nobody knows for sure. However, Vos was getting close to retirement and things like pension may have influenced his decision to stay. Vos retired from Princeton in 1932.

By: James J. Grimes Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:32:10 +0000 What is the reading assignment for the third session? I did not see it listed anywhere. Thanks. BTW, great series so far.

By: Justin Andrusk Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:45:58 +0000 Any thoughts as to why Vos remained in the PCUSA despite the formation of OPC in 1936? Is there anything written that shows why he kept such a low ecclesiastical profile?

By: don Bryant Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:14:29 +0000 Thanks for this series. I really enjoy the close reading and the running comments, particularly putting the book in its context and what series of issues Vos is addressing.

By: Paul Wichert Wed, 15 Jan 2014 20:33:36 +0000 This is great. It is very helpful to get the fruit of your several re-readings and re-teachings as we move through the book.

By: Steve P Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:47:29 +0000 Appreciate the podcast. I was looking for the reading guide, even if it’s just for the next episode.

By: Daniel Vos Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:31:29 +0000 This is helpful and exciting, Camden and Lane. Looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of the book so I can follow along with your exposition.

By: phil Mon, 13 Jan 2014 22:45:02 +0000 In reply to MarkG.

I think we are dealing with 2 different issues here. One is hermeneutics and the other issue is the result of an author’s hermeneutic, that is the actual story or theme(s) that scripture tells according to the author. I think it is very exciting and it has caused me to understand scripture and my relationship to God in a revolutionary (for me) new way.

By: phil Mon, 13 Jan 2014 22:21:14 +0000 In reply to Stephen Smith.

Christ-Centered Biblical Theology is what you are referring to. GG is correct as to 1. It seems to me that Vos was more concern with the methodology of doing biblical theology and did not do as much biblical theology as is currently being done. Read several biblical theologies and you will see what GG is referring to in 1. I don’t know enough about Robinson-Herbert to comment on it. GG says he is a BT addict and so am I. Read through several Biblical Theologies and you will get a better understanding of what they are trying to do. For sure read Beale’s A New Testament Biblical Theology.

By: CM Mon, 13 Jan 2014 19:18:24 +0000 Great episode.
The suggestions above regarding a comparison of biblical theologies sounds like a good idea.

By: MarkG Sun, 12 Jan 2014 17:46:40 +0000 I thought this was a great discussion. I really enjoyed it.

I have not read Goldsworthy but someone may find this review of Goldsworthy’s book by Hamilton interesting.

It seems Goldsworthy doesn’t buy into the covenantalism (al la WCF) of Vos & disciples who are coming out of a Presbyterian & Reformed background. I wonder if Hamilton would also level his criticism concerning Goldsworthy’s lack of emphasis on “Author Intent” against Vos et al. It would seem so.

I would be interested in a program laying out the landscape of BT in evangelical circles, e.g., Vos, Goldsworthy, Vaughn Roberts, Hamilton, Gentry & Wellum (“Kingdom Through Covenant”) & New Covenant Theology, Michael Williams (“Far as the Curse is Found”).

I thought it was interesting how Dr. Tipton drew the most basic distinction along the lines of Scripture viewed as divine revelation (e.g., Vos) verses as an autonomous description of religion (e.g., Gabler). That seems like the most critical distinction. Although Hamilton seems committed to Scripture as revelation he also seems to put the priority on determining the author’s intent.

There are a lot of voices out there and sorting through it is sort of daunting.

By: Tim H. Sun, 12 Jan 2014 13:49:48 +0000 This is great. Thanks for doing it, gentlemen.

By: Mark Van Drunen Sun, 12 Jan 2014 12:41:33 +0000 Camden thank you for helping me tackle this important book. I would not have attempted it without these discussions. What is the next reading assignment?

By: Sean Holm Sat, 11 Jan 2014 04:13:16 +0000 Thank you gentlemen so much for putting this together. I look forward to the discussions to come and the many nuggets laid throughout the pages of this book (this will be my 2nd read). I don’t know what future episodes will be like but I thought it was just the right amount of content to get through at a time. Thanks again!

By: Stephen Smith Sat, 11 Jan 2014 00:30:28 +0000 Thanks too for a great discussion. I want to raise a few points by the Australian Anglican Biblical theologian, Graeme Goldsworthy. In his ‘Christ-centered Biblical Theology’ he acknowledges his debt to Vos and regards him as a true and leading pioneer in Biblical Theology. However he raises 2 potential criticisms:

1. In Ch 4 of his book, Goldsworthy argues that Vos leaves out key aspects of historic redemptive themes (eg, creation in Gen 1, the Lord’s resurrection, ascension, much Pauline theology). Vos gives praise for Vos’ important contributions but says the absent material is noteworthy. He concludes “Vos does not provide us with a satisfactory example of a *comprehensive* biblical theology.” [my emphasis]

2. In ch 8 Goldsworthy compares two approaches of the historic-redemptive method. The Robinson-Herbert method vs the Vos-Clowney method. Goldsworth defends the Robinson-Herbert method though it is interesting that he says this is a bit like the 39 Articles approach vs the Westminster Confession approach. Goldsworthy is Anglican so prefers the ‘flexibility’ of the Robinson-Herbert method and the 39 Articles.

If will be interesting to see if others are aware of Goldsworthy’s views and can comment on them.

By: Derick Dickens Fri, 10 Jan 2014 15:54:57 +0000 Thanks for a great lesson today. Outstanding content to help walk us through the book.
