Comments on: Vos Group #8: The Development Leading Up to the Noachian Revelation, Part 1 Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 09 Jan 2019 00:31:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Egon Speneder Wed, 09 Jan 2019 00:31:53 +0000 In reply to Michael.

Excuse me but I just couldn’t help notice what you said and it reminded me of Encyclopedia Britannica’s “Great Books of the Western World” edited by Mortimer Adler and Robert Hutchins of the University of Chicago during the 1940’s ( a set of 56 volumes which I’ve always treasured). Mortimer Adler’s first two volumes being “The Syntopicon” (Topical Concordance) which contained his 102 Topics of discussion, in which “Angel” was his first of the 102. Quite a few pages written about each “topic” (which he also called “the Great Ideas”) and then pages of references throughout the remaining 50 volumes, of what they considered the “Great Books” from Homer to Freud. Along with over 50 books published “The Angels and Us” (1982) was also noteworthy. The Bible was also referred to constantly, even though they didn’t include it in the set. Later in the revised edition of 1992, Calvin’s Institutes (the Beverage edition) along with a few contemporary writers were included. Anyway, thought this might interest some. Mortimer Adler, by the way became a Christian at 86, on what he thought would be his death bed, when a visiting Pastor prayed with him. He happened to live to 98.

By: Egon Speneder Wed, 09 Jan 2019 00:08:15 +0000 If one reads Keil and Delitzsch Commentary of the Old Testament, especially the Pentateuch, one can see where Vos gets his ideas; maybe not with respect to Covenant Theology but certainly in the details of what’s going on. Sometimes you can follow along with Keil & Delitzsch word for word!

By: Michael Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:48:24 +0000 I think I misspoke on Reymond, I take that back.

By: Michael Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:36:24 +0000 I’ll talk to myself… One can say I’m overstating, but am I? I mean we see it everywhere with academic theologians.

I wouldn’t call this the exact same thing, but I remember noticing that Robert L. Reymond’s systematic theology didn’t have a chapter on angels. That’s telling. He eventually wrote an article on angels he published on the ‘net that came across as a bit petulant and annoyed, as if he’d been pestered into acknowledging that he believed in such things.

By: Michael Sat, 09 Aug 2014 12:41:05 +0000 Well, nobody is interested in the subject because academic theologians (as opposed to spiritual battlefield theologians) just grin when confronted with it, and say: “Does anybody really believe that supernatural stuff anymore? Really?”

By: Michael Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:31:58 +0000 To avoid the academically embarrassing belief in the supernatural one will even destroy all of biblical doctrine. So Sethites are ‘good’ by birth? And it is possible to create evil by intermarriage with so-called ‘evil by birth’ Cainites?

Those Sons of God (angels) left their first estate. This explains their ability to impregnate human women. And if angels in the Old Testament can take human form to the degree of eating food then they can engage in sexual activity.

If you are going to say the ‘line of Cain’ is evil by birth then you have to propose that Satan is the actual father of Cain. Satan ‘beguiled’ – seduced – Eve and her first child was Cain by the Devil. If you don’t want to go there then you can’t propose the ‘line of Cain’ is evil by birth.

You are merely trying to avoid the supernatural.
