Comments on: The Origin of the Suffering Servant Idea Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:03:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kenneth Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:03:35 +0000 I guess the journal number is WTS 13.1 (

By: Jeffrey Waddington Sat, 30 Aug 2014 20:39:46 +0000 In reply to Nate.


True what you say. Borrowing can properly either way. I meant to note that we act surprised when non-Christians have twisted truth. There is such a thing as common grace, etc. But certainly counterfeiting is a real possibility.


By: Michael Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:34:06 +0000 Now that I see how you’re using it I like that word ‘brutely.’

By: Nate Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:41:47 +0000 In reply to Michael.

Yeah that’s what I’m talking about. Everything right down to the use of human language in revelation is used to ‘attack the truth of Christianity’ (postmodernism). So it’s not the use in and of itself of human language that is the problem–or concepts or images or experience or whatever. The problem is the implicit assumption that any one of these things is by nature out of God’s control or somehow dictates the terms of his use of it. It doesn’t really matter which place or what worldly thing you think marks the threshold of God’s sovereignty and your Christian interpretation of reality. If you interpret–implicitly or explicitly–anything ‘brutely’ or ‘neutrally’ (non-Christian-theistically), your methodologically has changed in principle.

I think it’s right to be wary of claims that the Bible borrows from ANE myths or whatever, but not because that fact in itself is dangerous. Who cares? In and of itself, so what. But those claims usually pack a serious compromise of Christian thought at the methodological level. That’s where the poison lies, I think.

By: Michael Sat, 30 Aug 2014 02:43:01 +0000 In reply to Nate.

But we’re talking about the specific, unique things and events of God’s plan of redemption. Things that get counterfeited by the Devil and his children (human divinities, resurrected, etc.), and things that get distorted in a dark, collected vague memory of humanity and individual cultures (animal sacrifice to appease gods in the Homeric epics), and things that are used by unbelieving academics to attack the truth of Christianity (Peter Enns, et al.).

By: Nate Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:13:18 +0000 Well, I think it can go either way. Maybe Paul in Acts 17, explicitly quoting a pagan poet, is an example. Maybe also the “logos” is an example, carrying with it as it does all the baggage of Greek philosophy. Maybe the word “king” is an example. Maybe any language, metaphor, or idea which is intelligible to us by virtue of our worldly experience of it, counts as an example of going the other way. I think it is fine going either way as long as we remember that the entire creation images God. It is not as though there is a pagan creation into which redemptive, inspired revelation breaks or which it invades or occupies from without. Creation is full of the glory of God, objectively clear revelation of God – creation just is revelation of God, just as history just is the outworking of God’s purposes. My fear is that if you’re too strict about which way the borrowing may go, you’re missing the bigger picture, and the fact that anyway there is no non-Christian creation, no non-Christian life, in the sense of not revealing the true God. So it’s not so much that Enns or someone says that revelation borrows from paganism; it is the inference from that fact to the fact that therefore Christianity is ontologically embedded in culture – that postmodern conclusion is the problem, and that conclusion betrays a certain atheistic approach to the facts of (ancient NE) history, that brutely they are non-theistic or non-Christian, which is false.

What say ye?

By: Michael Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:25:38 +0000 On the theme of this podcast here is a classic interpretation of it from Robert Graves, author of the White Goddess. Mentioning the White Goddess in the comment above made me want to refresh my memory of the work. I came across this quote from Graves:

“Sir James Frazer [author of the Golden Bough] was able to keep his beautiful rooms at Trinity College, Cambridge until his death by carefully and methodically sailing all around his dangerous subject, as if charting the coastline of a forbidden island without actually committing himself to a declaration that it existed. What he was saying-not-saying was that Christian legend, dogma and ritual are the refinement of a great body of primitive and even barbarous beliefs, and that almost the only original element in Christianity is the personality of Jesus.”

By: Michael Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:05:17 +0000 In reply to CM.

Don’t forget Grave’s White Goddess.

The fact that the pagan world borrowed, consciously or unconsciously from biblical truth (fragmentary, distorted, twisted, through a glass darkly for them) rather than the other way around…the fact that that is an epiphany when stated even as it was interjected into this conversation by Mr. Cassidy, is amazing. (I.e. that it isn’t foundational common knowledge that goes without saying at this point in these discussions is what is amazing.)

I noticed this when Peter Enns casually mentioned in some comment thread the possibility of the borrowing going the other way (pagan borrowing from biblical revelation or pre-biblical revelation); a fact that instantly makes his entire life work meaningless. “Oh, yeah, some people think it could have happened the other way around too. That would explain a lot for the Bible people’s side of things, yeah…” Paraphrasing.

By: CM Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:03:51 +0000 Great episode. I was expecting you guys to mention Campbel’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces “And Frazer’s “The Golden Bough.”
