Comments on: Calvin’s Vision and Legacy for Missions Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:22:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benjamin L. Smith Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:22:50 +0000 Dear Friends,

I listened to the first half of the this podcast this morning—very interesting. However a correction is in order. The Summa Theologiae does not begin with the demonstration of God’s existence, ST I.2.3. This ends up being the 13th article of the text. For some reason every skips ST, question I, articles 1-10. If one reads these passages carefully, including the objections and replies, you will get a somewhat deeper understanding of Thomas’s project. Failure to do so creates the impression that Thomas bases theology on metaphysics. He does not. He explicitly argues that theology is based on the Bible and that the primary and proper form of argument employed by a theologian is the authority of scripture. In addition he says that the theologian, for pedagogical and pastoral reasons, may employ the arguments of philosophers in order to defend the faith, clarify, and strengthen the faith. But it is very clear that Thomas sees this as subordinate to scripture. Check it out for yourself.

Best regards,

Benjamin L. Smith

By: arch1 Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:22:38 +0000 Thank you guys for putting this on. It is important that we never assume that people know what we mean when we say that God is sovereign and that we don’t forget His position in all that is made.
