Comments on: Roman Catholic Theology and Practice Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:58:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Fri, 20 Feb 2015 18:31:35 +0000 Thanks for this programme. The book will no doubt prove very valuable in the present climate as there dose seem a lot of evangelical ignorance of the official roman catholic position on many issues today.
I also note the lack of good resources available but there are a cupple of resources worth flagging up along side Dr. Allison.
Romanism by Robert Zins
Roman Catholicism by Armstrong est.
The Gospel According To Rome by McCarthy
The Faith of The Vatican by Carson
East of Eden by Bennett

Best regards

By: Michael Head Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:59:19 +0000 In reply to Steven McCarthy.

I agree. I am a Reformed Baptist who believes in the means of grace as confessionally described, and kept hoping for the discussion to contrast sacramentalism with this Reformed doctrine. This aspect of Reformed theology was more of a hang-up to me than pedobaptism up to about five years ago (and I am a credobaptist)! I know time is always short (especially when discussing R.C.C. theology as a whole), but this seems like a critical area of discussion. For years I thought that the Reformed view of the means of grace was akin to an evolutionary “missing link” between R.C.C. sacramentalism and the “mere memorial” of the modern Baptist ordinance theology (that is, Reformed sacramentology was a R.C.C. hold-over that hadn’t been jettisoned). I don’t believe that anymore. Now I think sacramentology is one of the weakest areas of modern Christianity, much to the Church’s detriment. We must return to a high view of the sacraments without compromising a Reformed view of justification. Maybe grounds for a future episode…

I continue to be exceedingly thankful for Reformed Forum!

By: Steven McCarthy Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:43:11 +0000 I understand the Evangelical concern to uphold the imputations aspects of salvation, and I understand critiquing ex opera operato views of sacramental efficacy, but I found myself quite hung up in the idea that elements of creation are incapable of conveying grace. Can not God sanctify them to that very end? I understand Dr Allison is a Baptist. Would this be a point at which the Presbyterian hosts would disagree with him given our teaching that the sacraments actually exhibit and confer grace to those who receive it by the Holy Spirit through faith?

By: Chris Cullnane II Fri, 12 Dec 2014 23:15:03 +0000 I appreciated this program very much. I am planning on buying this book. I am a former Roman Catholic. I came to know Christ thru Campus Crusade in 1968. I would love to get Camden’s thesis as well.

By: Dave Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:27:49 +0000 In reply to Jason D..

The organization Dr. Waddington referred to was Alpha Omega. It was located in Rome. Dr. James White heads up Alpha & Omega Ministries in Phoenix, AZ.

By: Jason D. Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:07:26 +0000 Is the Alpha & Omega ministry that he talked about at the beginning that was reaching out to Romanist the same Alpha & Omega Ministry of Dr. James White?
