Comments on: Reformed Catholicity Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 06 Feb 2018 16:35:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timothy Joseph Tue, 06 Feb 2018 16:35:43 +0000 I found this discussion of this book profitable. Yet, the argument for ecclesiastical authority as the basis for the validity of Catholicity is more Catholic or Orthodox than Protestant. Certainly, the Creeds and Confessions carry great weight, but not based on Ecclesiastical authority, instead on their scriptural basis. In addition, the comments on proof texting again seem more Ecclesiastic than Evangelical. Of course using texts from a broad swath of scripture to support a doctrine is useful, that is not the issue, the lack of the texts used actually in their individual context relating to the doctrine is!
I am a bit surprised that RTS Orlando did not find much of the teaching in this book less Reformed than they are.
