Comments on: Vos Group #16: The Ethical Dimension of Circumcision Reformed Theological Resources Sun, 21 Jun 2015 19:41:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Head Sun, 21 Jun 2015 19:41:39 +0000 Left an empty blank above…sorry, didn’t mean to be ANONYMOUS fussy credo-baptist…I was still working on my first cup of coffee.

By: Name* Sun, 21 Jun 2015 12:28:08 +0000 Sigh. I guess I have to be the fussy credo-baptist on this one.

Hinting that credo-baptists are offering to God some sort of “self-mutilation” seems odd (42 minutes in), since self-mutilation is what Paul wishes on those Judaizers still applying the old covenant sign in the new covenant age (and pressuring Gentile believers to do the same, Galatians 5:12). Perhaps I am mistaken, and you didn’t imply this connection between pagans and Baptists. Or maybe you were joking (I appreciate your humor). Or maybe you’re correct in making this connection with Baptists of a more semi-Pelagian bent.

I think Reformed Baptists would utterly agree that the imperative of baptism flows out of the indicative of God’s gracious gift of covenant inclusion (via regeneration and “Spirit-wrought union,” as Dr. Tipton says). Credo-baptists also attribute salvation to “the activity, agency, and promises of God” no less than pedo-baptists! Not all Baptists are Arminians/semi-Pelagians! We are not all offering this act to God, but are obeying out of the Spirit-wrought faith graciously gifted by God, and our obedience to the command to be baptized shows forth that God-work. Our placement of the indicative-imperative order is the same as described by Vos (and you guys).

I continue to be appreciative to all of you guys for all I have been taught by you over the years, and will continue to be a faithful listener to Christ the Center. For five seconds on this episode, though, I have to raise my hand and object to this characterization of credo-baptist sacramental theology. At least with me (and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone).

Godspeed, my dear brothers.

By: Glen Clary Sun, 07 Jun 2015 21:42:46 +0000 Good stuff on infant baptism! Thanks brothers.
