Comments on: Listener Q&A: Culture, the Soul, and Inclusivism Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 13 Apr 2016 14:36:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emilio Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:31:06 +0000 Brothers I am a long time listener to the podcast, I wanted to express a bit of disappointment with Jeff Waddingtons concerning, do muslims worship the same God controversy, Jeff’s answer was yes and no? The problem is this is precisely the way professor Hawkins argued for her position as well. I think the statement should be rescinded and rejected altogether. The only acceptable biblical answer in light of 1st Corinthians 10, is no and no.

By: baus Sun, 21 Feb 2016 17:07:01 +0000 In reply to Camilo Guerrero.


By: Camilo Guerrero Tue, 16 Feb 2016 23:00:58 +0000 In reply to Baus.

Can I get your email? I have some questions.

By: Baus Sun, 14 Feb 2016 14:30:09 +0000 As a Dooyeweerdian *and* a confessional Presbyterian, I’m happy to field anyone’s questions or criticisms about his philosophy. Feel free to contact me.
For a very readable intro to Dooyeweerd’s own writing, I recommend his “Roots Of Western Culture”
For a contemporary approach in the Reformational (Dooyeweerdian) school, I recommend Roy Clouser’s “The Myth Of Religious Neutrality”
Dooyeweerd’s anthropology (and response to scholasticism) is a bit more nuanced and sensitive to Scripture and history that you guys suggest. His writings on the topic are not as difficult to penetrate as the prolegomena to the New Critique (which I’d guess Jeff, with some frustration, tried reading).
Also, Bob Knudsen’s lectures on Dooyeweerd are available at WTS online.

By: Kurt Wallace Fri, 12 Feb 2016 14:08:06 +0000 Thanks for the episode. Very helpful as always.

Van Til addressed the broad concept of culture and cultural engagement in his ‘Essays on Christian Education.’ In the first essay he uses his ethics triad examining the goal, standard, and motive of culture.

Here is the free pdf.
