Comments on: The Prophet Hosea Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 07 Sep 2017 05:18:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Lynch Thu, 07 Sep 2017 05:18:49 +0000 Your discussion of the Book of Hosea was superb! I appreciated your recommendations of commentaries (one in particular I had never heard of), and your exploration of the biblical theological aspects of Hosea was excellent. Your conversation also pointed to the centrality of Christ in all of Scripture (Christ the Center!), as well as providing some important suggestions as to the proclamation and preaching of Hosea in a redemptive-historical manner. I would suggest that you consider producing additional episodes that approach other books of God’s Word in a similar manner. Well done, Jim and Camden!

By: Shawn Lange Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:02:56 +0000 I appreciated this discussion around Hosea. This may sound strange, but this book has been a great comfort to me.

There are seasons in a marriage of two fallen people that are challenging. My relationship with my wife can be strained to the point that I do not feel like her husband any longer. Though she is not actually committing adultery, it feels similar. The book of Hosea demonstrates, in tangible way, that I have an empathetic High Priest. My God knows how I feel because He has felt those same feelings. This is one of the strong attractions in my relationship with my God. We know one another is this way.

There have been times when I have turned to God and shared those feelings with His confirmation that they are justified. This is comforting to me. But this has not always been the case. Other times He has pointed out that I am the one that needs the course correction. He has laid thorns in my path and withheld provision to get my attention back to Him – for my sake.

Chapter 2 is most reveling about God’s character. I know Him to be a jealous God for His name is Jealous. I am struck by the type of jealousy I see in Chapter 2. He is not jealous of her other lovers. He is not trying to stop them or punish them. He does not give them a thought. All His attention is on His bride. He is jealous for her.

She believes that her other lovers are providing for her, but He knows this is not true. It is He that is providing for her. So to correct this error in her thinking, he pulls back His provision. He puts up barriers to cut off her destructive relationships. This is not done because He feels diminished when she gives credit to them for His provision. It is done for her sake. In order that she might love the one that truly loves her back.

This is how God loves the ones He calls His own when they are caught in Idolatry. Be it me or Israel.

God has used Hosea to explain this to us in a wonderful and tangible way. I can feel God’s passion for His bride and how fallen she is. Hosanna!

By: Camden Bucey Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:00:28 +0000 In reply to Chris Cullnane II.

Exactly. That and Nahum!

By: Chris Cullnane II Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:08:04 +0000 When I was at Grace Seminary Dr. Whitcomb said, “When you get to heaven and Hosea asks you what did you think of my book, what would you say? Would you be embarrassed because you haven’t read it or studied it?”
