Comments on: Warfield and True Church Unity Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 04 Jan 2018 19:41:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Stivason Thu, 04 Jan 2018 19:41:49 +0000 In reply to Nathan Strom.

Dear Nathan, Yes that article is nowhere to be found on the net. It’s in the Presbyterian Banner vol. 91 June 1904-05 edition…and those are getting harder to find. There is an entire set in Pittsburgh but they have it under lock and key! You can find my contact info at If you want the article send me an email and I’ll scan a copy for you.

By: Nathan Strom Wed, 20 Dec 2017 17:17:04 +0000 In reply to Nathan Strom.

And by second essay I mean “Christian unity and Church Union…”

By: Nathan Strom Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:15:21 +0000 Thank you for a great episode on Warfield and a helpful discussion of church unity. Dr. Stivason, where did you find a copy of the second essay? I cannot find an electronic copy anywhere and the nearest library with a copy is some 300 miles away. Could you help a brother out?

By: Baus Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:12:09 +0000 Perhaps related to Warfield’s point about true church *unity* are the following statements about the single mark of a true church:

in an essay by Charles Hodge entitled “Is the Church of Rome a Part of the Visible Church?,” he states:

“…By a definition we do not mean a description including a specification of attributes which properly pertain to the thing defined; but an enumeration of its essential attributes and of none other.
…We may say that a church is a society in which the pure word of God is preached, the sacraments duly administered, and discipline properly exercised by legitimate officers. This, however, is a description of a pure and orderly church, and not an enumeration of the essential attributes of such a body. If we use that description as a definition, we must exclude all but orthodox Presbyterians from the pale of the church.
…This distinction between a description and definition, between an enumeration of what belongs to a pure church, and what is necessary to the being of a church, is often disregarded.
…the church consists of all those throughout the world who profess the true religion, together with their children. This is a legitimate established meaning of the term. In this view of the church, nothing is essential to it but the profession of the true religion.
…[particularly, a church is] an organized society professing the true religion, united for the purpose of worship and discipline, and subject to the same form of government and to some common tribunal.
…By the true religion cannot be meant all the doctrines of the true religion, and nothing more or less. For then no human society would be a church unless perfect both in knowledge and faith. Nor can it mean all the clearly revealed and important doctrines of the Bible for then no man could be a Christian and no body of men a church, which rejects or is ignorant of those doctrines. But it must mean the essential doctrines of the gospel, those doctrines without which no man can be saved.”

This same view is also articulated by James Bannerman in his book “The Church Of Christ” (1869) See chapter 5, on the ‘Notes’ Of The Church, where he states:

“First, there is an important distinction between what is necessary to the being of a Church, and what is necessary to its wellbeing… there is a distinction not less important to be borne in mind, in connection with this matter, between the things for which the Church was instituted, and the things that have been instituted for the Church.
…to hold to and preach the true faith or doctrine of Chirst [ie., the gospel] is the only sure and infallible note or mark of a Christian Church… other
things, such as sacraments and ordinances, the ministry, and the outward administration of the Church, are not essential to it, but only accidental.”

By: Ryan Noha Sat, 16 Dec 2017 17:31:12 +0000 In reply to Cris A Dickason.

Thank you again, Cris. is such a wonderful resource! Sorry for misspelling your name, above. I didn’t catch the autocorrect in my haste.

By: Ryan Noha Sat, 16 Dec 2017 17:28:28 +0000 In reply to Jeff Stivason.

Thank you very much, Jeff and Chris!

By: Cris A Dickason Sat, 16 Dec 2017 17:18:23 +0000 In reply to Ryan Noha.

Ryan & Jeff: here’s the volume you mention, Is Jesus God? Hint for using archive dot org, with advanced search specify “Princeton” as the collection, you will get results of items scanned from Princeton Seminary and/or University

By: Jeff Stivason Sat, 16 Dec 2017 16:02:02 +0000 In reply to Ryan Noha.

Ryan, the volume is called, Is Jesus God? It has a little introduction by Warfield. The lectures were delivered during the 1911-1912 term. Blessings, Jeff

By: Ryan Noha Fri, 15 Dec 2017 19:32:54 +0000 Brothers, thank you for another edifying and enlightening episode of Christ the Center. I am hoping that one of you might provide me with some bibliographic information: what is the name of the out-of-print collection of student essays that Warfield published? Thanks!
