Comments on: The Deacon Reformed Theological Resources Sun, 27 Sep 2020 17:59:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ashwin Ramji Sun, 27 Jan 2019 07:17:35 +0000 I just finished listening to the episode, which was timely since my recently particularized church is now seeking to nominate deacons. But there is disagreement over why the office is only for men, as required by our BCO. I had hoped your episode would shed light on this but the discussion was weak. I may look for a copy of the book to see if it unpacks the issue more, but perhaps you can respond here to expand the male-only argument?

IMO, attributing the movement to feminism does a disservice to those who are not convinced that the office is exclusively for men but aren’t modernists. This is more so because, as you point out in the show, there’s little OT precedent for the office since the duties were incumbent upon all of Israel, and even in the NT the ordination of deacons was a reaction to what wasn’t happening organically in the early church, and the office isn’t necessary today (as are elders) if the duties can be filled by the congregation as a whole, including women.

In this episode you only address whether there’s an exegetical argument for women and conclude there is none, but I could probably argue that the exegetical argument for men only is similarly weak (gune can mean women and not simply wives, and arguing that deacons’ wives must be qualified but aren’t entitled to the office doesn’t actually make sense). But more importantly, what’s the hermeneutical case for male-only deacons? How does ordaining men only in any way communicate the covenant of grace that would be harmed by ordaining women, especially if this office is under the authority of the (male) elders?

I’d appreciate your response.

By: Tim H. Fri, 18 Jan 2019 13:42:44 +0000 Looking forward to this. His book is the best single volume on the diaconate.
