Comments on: The Future of Everything Reformed Theological Resources Sun, 27 Sep 2020 18:02:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian Collins Mon, 04 Mar 2019 02:27:16 +0000 I love Christ the Center and Vossian two-age eschatology. But you did trigger a pet peeve of mine with Reformed writing about dispensationalism: it seems that the only “dispensationalists” some Reformed folk have read are Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye :). At least, they are the only two that are repeatedly footnoted or mentioned. But that is akin to dispensationalists critiquing Reformed eschatology and repeatedly mentioning only Harold Camping and Hank Hanegraff!

I have a modest proposal: a ten-year ban on Reformed references to Lindsay and LaHaye in any Reformed discussions of dispensationalism. All discussions must instead reference works by actual dispensational scholars. 🙂

On a more serious note, I did enjoy the program. Keep ’em coming.

By: Jessica Bishop Fri, 01 Mar 2019 16:35:43 +0000 Rev. Boekestein explains the difficult subject of eschatology with an ease that makes THE FUTURE OF EVERYTHING a great building tool for any Christian. Right from the opening he makes the simple statement, “All of us think about the end.” with this in mind you become engrossed in what the end really means. The knowledge that comes from reading THE FUTURE OF EVERYTHING is captivating and encouraging. Whether you are new to the reformed faith or a seasoned member THE FUTURE OF EVERYTHING is a great addition to your personal library.

“Set within salvation history, it should be plain that the return of the King is not a postscript to the story of this age; it is the main event toward which this entire age leans. Neither is it a theory to debate. It is a reality that should steel our hope in God’s reconciling work.” – Rev. William Boekestein
