Comments on: East of Eden (Genesis 3:24) Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:17:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wayne Roberts Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:17:39 +0000 I finally got around to listening to the first episode yesterday. It was excellent and gave me much to think about. In fact I need to listen again.

By: Jeff Waddington Mon, 03 Sep 2012 23:39:05 +0000 In reply to Mark Trigsted.


Please feel free to link to East of Eden. Glad to hear the website will be back up and running.

By: Mark Trigsted Sun, 02 Sep 2012 04:31:25 +0000 All I can say is awesome guys… East of Eden is a great starting point! the Adam / Christ parallel is almost non existent in modern Christology and most importantly in Gospel presentation and teaching in the church today… Listened with heart leaping today!

The website has been down for 4 years and is coming back soon. Will have a section with comments and link to your podcast if you allow… what a way to prepare for worship tomorrow. On cloud nine!!!!

Your Friend and Brother


By: Mark G Wed, 29 Aug 2012 13:16:17 +0000 I listened to this again this morning on my way in to work. In additon to the dictum “eschatology preceeds soteriology” it also reminded me of the Vossian/Vantilian antithesis and creator-creature distinctions. Would it not be correct to say that the epistemological / ethical antheses between the believer and unbeliever or seed of the woman and seed of the serpent are a result of the ultimate antithesis between fallen Adam and an infinitely holy God? The only man who can bridge that gap is the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ our Lord who transfers us from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom.

By: Jim Bigler Wed, 29 Aug 2012 03:24:00 +0000 Thanks guys for the discussion, but even more so for point me to this wonderful sermon.

I could feel barriers falling as Edwards painted great imagery in my mind as I read.

How abominable was our fall and what a majestic Savoir we have in Christ!

By: Mark G Tue, 28 Aug 2012 23:31:50 +0000 Thank you very much for this discussion. I read the sermon “East of Eden” and was thoroughly impressed at how “Vossian” it was, and over 50 years befor Gabler and almost 200 years before Vos.

By: djbeilstein Tue, 28 Aug 2012 23:18:01 +0000 Rev. Waddington turned me onto this earlier today. Good job gentleman!

By: Mark G Tue, 28 Aug 2012 21:51:51 +0000 In reply to Penn.

Christ is certainly the firstfruits of a resurrection harvest of which we are. Although the death and resurrection of Christ are distinct they are inseparable. The fruits of the Spirit are a result of being a resurrection people (harvest).

By: Penn Tue, 28 Aug 2012 20:11:52 +0000 I enjoyed this show very much. Thank you for producing it!

It is interesting how Edwards understood Adam’s opportunity to be rewarded under the covenant of works in Eden if he had not sinned. It certainly does help to see the cross in perspective, where Jesus redeems sinners from the covenant of works by hanging on a tree. Did Christ become the fruit of life for us at the cross? I don’t know if that is a connection that can be made or not.

It is awesome to think of what the Lord has done!

By: Jim Cassidy Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:21:35 +0000 What a great show with helpful theological insights, not to mention wonderful illumination on the man Edwards and what he believed and taught! Thanks guys!

By: Camden Bucey Tue, 28 Aug 2012 12:40:22 +0000 Great first episode. I’m looking forward to episode two!
