Comments on: Calvin, Classical Trinitarianism, and the Aseity of the Son Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:08:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Chelvan Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:08:20 +0000 I found this discussion very insightful and interesting and I will get the book. However, I don’t know if Brannon Ellis cites the May 2010 article by Benjamin W. Swinburnson, “John Calvin, Eternal Generation, and Communication of Essence: A Reexamination of His Views” in Kerux. This article anticipates some of what I hear Oliphint discuss in his rather enthusiastic review of Brannon Ellis’s book. Swinburnson does mention Robert L. Reymond’s position in both editions of the latter’s systematic theology and the resulting controversy as exemplified in Robert Letham’s critique of Reymond’s position. Here is the link:

Now I have to examine W. G. T. Shedd’s Dogmatics and see if he engages with this “problem” in Christ’s aseity in Himself. Oh, and for that matter, Peter Martyr Vermigli, Calvin’s contemporary.

By: Richard Chelvan Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:05:07 +0000 I found this discussion very insightful and interesting and I will get the book. However, I don’t know if Brannon Ellis cites the May 2010 article by Benjamin W. Swinburnson, “John Calvin, Eternal Generation, and Communication of Essence: A Reexamination of His Views” in Kerux. This article anticipates some of what I hear Oliphint discuss in his rather enthusiastic review of Brannon Ellis’s book. Swinburnson does mention Robert L. Reymond’s position in both editions of the latter’s systematic theology and the resulting controversy as exemplified in Robert Letham’s critique of Reymond’s position. Here is the link:

Now I have to examine W. G. T. Shedd’s Dogmatics and see if he engages with this “problem” in Christ’s aseity in Himself.
