Comments on: What is Faith? Reformed Theological Resources Wed, 25 Apr 2018 12:33:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rob McKenzie Tue, 24 Apr 2018 17:51:30 +0000 In reply to Timothy Joseph.

We cry out today as the disciples cried out in Luke 17 for the Lord to increase our faith. As Christians live, go through trials, read His Word, are increasingly sanctified our faith becomes stronger. No this is not quantity as if you have one ounce of faith and then you get another ounce and you have two ounces. But it is an increase in the exercising of faith. We believe more, we trust, more, we can handle harder trials in life. Our faith is greater than it was when we were younger in the faith.

By: Timothy Joseph Tue, 24 Apr 2018 13:54:43 +0000 So, did you mean to say, that the quantity of our faith increases, or does our resting in Him increase because of the faith that He gifted us. Surely, the Word increases our faith, when defined from our perspective, yet it appears to me that that such increase is based on our trusting more and resting more, not on receiving more.

