Comments on: [Review] BibleWorks 10 Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 16 Mar 2017 03:16:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Thu, 16 Mar 2017 03:16:42 +0000 I like the business model of Bibleworks. It is more along the lines of an “open source” community supporting user provided content. One could format their content into Bibleworks format and sell the modules or make them available for free. Logos, on the other hand, has a more proprietary model. You sell the rights to your content to them on a one time basis. Bibleworks is like the small reformed church; Logos is like the big mega-church that sells coffee in the lobby. The founder of Logos, Bob Pritchard, an ex-Microsoft guy, reflects that corporate attitude in a book he wrote a book titled, “Fire Someone Today.” Its a free country, and Logos has every right to be profit oriented, but as someone who has dealt with Bibleworks to help them develop their C++ product, I can testify that they are a small team who are engaged in a labor of love. I like to root for the underdog and I like the way Bibleworks does business and wish them all the success.
