Comments on: A Sermon Is Not a Listicle Reformed Theological Resources Tue, 29 Sep 2015 00:31:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Hammack Tue, 29 Sep 2015 00:31:14 +0000 Camden,

I understand and echo your call for pastors to grow deeper in their exposition and at the same time feed the church with more meat than milk. But I’m not sure that I see your assertion against lists as clear from any Biblical text. And we even have Biblical examples of “lists” from the Psalms (reasons for worship) to 1Thessalonians ( 5 v16-22 as a basic list for Christian living within the church). Do you mind maybe illustrating further what your aim is in this article? I’d like to hear more and maybe an example of two of some specifics. Thanks for your time on this. Also, I recognize the need to go deeper into the these passages as well. Maybe I’m missing the heart of what you are really getting at. Thanks again!

By: Camden Bucey Sat, 26 Sep 2015 19:48:08 +0000 In reply to blund.

There can be a place for that. I do it occasionally. Of course, a sermon will contain observations about the text. I have an issue when the preacher fails to penetrate beyond the level of observation.

By: blund Fri, 25 Sep 2015 18:55:33 +0000 Great post, Camden. What is your opinion of (short) lists within otherwise well-crafted sermons? For example, as part of the exegetical, redemptive-historical, discussion of a passage, the pastor points out four ways the Spirit prompts us to respond, or six examples of how God was with his people in suffering previously, etc. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
