Reformed Forum Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:43:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Store – Reformed Forum 32 32 Union with Christ: The Benefits of His Suffering and Glory (10–Pack) Mon, 24 Feb 2025 22:07:38 +0000 Tipton, Lane G. New paperback. Bundle of 10 copies.]]>

This product contains 10 copies of Union with Christ: The Benefits of His Suffering and Glory.

Union with Christ: The Benefits of His Suffering and Glory offers a comprehensive understanding of how union with Christ is central to the application of redemption in the church. In this resource, Lane Tipton explores the summary of biblical teaching in the Westminster Standards regarding the accomplishment of redemption by Jesus in his earthly estate of suffering and heavenly estate of glory. Learn how the glory of the self-contained triune God permeates every aspect of Scripture and how the Holy Spirit forges a personal and permanent relation to the heaven-temple. This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the nature and benefits of union with Christ.

Union with Christ: The Benefits of His Suffering and Glory Thu, 20 Feb 2025 01:30:16 +0000 Tipton, Lane G. New paperback.]]>

Union with Christ: The Benefits of His Suffering and Glory offers a comprehensive understanding of how union with Christ is central to the application of redemption in the church. In this resource, Lane Tipton explores the summary of biblical teaching in the Westminster Standards regarding the accomplishment of redemption by Jesus in his earthly estate of suffering and heavenly estate of glory. Learn how the glory of the self-contained triune God permeates every aspect of Scripture and how the Holy Spirit forges a personal and permanent relation to the heaven-temple. This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the nature and benefits of union with Christ.

Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us (10–Pack) Wed, 06 Nov 2024 18:59:37 +0000 Ragusa, Daniel. New paperback. Bundle of 10 copies.]]>

This product contains 10 copies of Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us.

Contained within the pages of Scripture is the wonderful and often surprising history of God’s special revelation. The heart of this history is God’s covenant promise that he will be our God and we will be his people. Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us follows the organic and progressive unfolding of God’s covenant that is consummated in a bond of friendship and crowned with joy that is full and forever. Inspired by Psalm 16:11, “You make know to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore,” this book uncovers the history of God’s revelation with an uplifting and joyful perspective. Those who read this book will see how all the types and shadows of the Old Testament in which God dwelt with his people for his glory and their joy, like the altars of the patriarchs, the tabernacle of Moses, and the temple of Solomon, looked forward to Jesus Christ, our Immanuel, and his body, the church, filled with the glory of his Spirit.


Much has been written of late on the topic of covenant-biblical theology; however, there is a noticeable “gap” in the resources available for those who could benefit from a more concise and focused primer on this subject. Daniel Ragusa has done laypersons, students, and pastors a great service by weaving the insights of several great biblical theologians- Geerhardus Vos, T. Desmond Alexander, Meredith G. Kline, G. K. Beale, and Mark Vander Hart-together in one little book that is clear and accessible. It is organized around the theme of covenant as friendship with God and the fullness of joy that this relationship brings. He takes us on a journey from Genesis to Revelation, showing how God is present with his people at every point in God’s redemption plan and how this presence comes to its climax in Christ and results in full eschatological joy as we dwell in God’s presence, in his place, and with his people. The work is engaging, encouraging, and practical as he also addresses some of the more significant challenges of our age. I highly recommend this work, and I look forward to even more from Dr. Ragusa on the covenant in the years to come!

—Rev. Jeremy Baker, Senior Pastor, New Covenant Community Church (Orthodox Presbyterian Church), Joliet, IL

Ragusa masterfully takes you on a theological ride along the trajectory of “God with us” from Genesis to Revelation. This is not a sterile, dispassionate thread of biblical theology for the astute alone. Rather, it is intimately connected to the reality of a joy-full relationship with “our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.” Read and be refreshed with knowing the God whom we were made to glorify and enjoy.

—Rev. Paul T. Murphy, Church Planter in NYC and Pastor of Evangelism, Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship (United Reformed Churches in North America), New York, NY

Don’t let the size of Dan Ragusa’s book deceive you. Tracing the theme of God’s presence with his people from Genesis to Revelation, from creation to consummation, Ragusa’s book is a goldmine of biblical- theological insights into the triune God’s purpose to enjoy perfected communion with his people in Christ. Ragusa confirms the truth of Geerhardus Vos’ observation that the Bible is “a historical book full of dramatic interest.”

—Dr. Cornelis Venema, President Emeritus of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, Dyer, IN


The Importance of Van Til for Today (10–Pack) Mon, 04 Nov 2024 20:57:12 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. New saddle stitch booklet.]]>

This product contains ten copies of The Importance of Van Til for Today

In The Importance of Van Til for Today, Camden M. Bucey offers a thoughtful reassessment of Cornelius Van Til’s enduring contributions to Reformed theology and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Van Til (1895–1987), a Dutch-American Reformed philosopher and theologian, was a significant figure in twentieth-century Christian apologetics. This concise monograph examines Van Til’s lasting influence and the pertinence of his work in contemporary theological discourse.

Bucey explores Van Til’s unwavering commitment to confessional orthodoxy, his efforts to maintain a distinctly Reformed witness, and his nuanced doctrine of God. By analyzing Van Til’s responses to the theological and philosophical challenges of his era, Bucey demonstrates how the confessionally Reformed church can derive critical insights to address contemporary theological challenges.

Through historical analysis and theological reflection, The Importance of Van Til for Today invites readers to reengage with fundamental Reformed principles. This work serves as a valuable resource for theologians, pastors, and advanced students seeking to apply the rich theological heritage of Reformed Christianity in our present context.

Order in the Offices: Essays Defining the Roles of Church Officers (Second Edition) Thu, 24 Oct 2024 15:42:10 +0000 Brown, Mark R. (ed.). New hardcover with dust jacket.]]>

The second edition of Order in the Offices, edited by Mark R. Brown, is an essential guide for navigating the complexities of church governance in an era of confusion and conflict. This compelling anthology calls Christians to embrace the biblical model of church leadership, providing a convincing case for the historic three-office view of ministers, elders, and deacons.

Grounded in Christ’s teachings on church government and enhanced by one revised and one new chapter, Order in the Offices offers a rich blend of theological depth and practical wisdom. The diverse essays work together to illuminate the vital importance of maintaining clear distinctions between offices, demonstrating how this framework preserves the church’s integrity and effectiveness.

This book serves as an indispensable resource for church leaders, theology students, and laypeople across denominational lines who desire to deepen their understanding of biblical church structure. By returning to these foundational principles, readers will find their understanding of church governance reinvigorated and their engagement in their church’s life and mission bolstered.


The republishing of Mark Brown’s Order in the Offices is another opportunity to receive the ecclesiology that was largely lost over the last generations to an egalitarianism run amok. This well-researched anthology makes a compelling case that the three-office view is but the classic Reformed view. Far from diminishing any of the other offices—it buttresses those—it re-elevates the office of minister that has suffered from a well-intended egalitarian erosion for years. Every officer in the church should read each of these fine chapters for a revival of Presbyterianism. Would that every single Session would read this work together.

— DAVID W. HALL , Senior Pastor, Midway Presbyterian Church, Powder Springs, GA

In a time when pervasive egalitarianism can erode biblical notions of office in the church, and especially the specific task of the minister of the Word, this second, and slightly expanded, edition of Order in the Offices is most welcome! This is an excellent collection of stimulating essays that examine the biblical foundation of the classic Reformed and Presbyterian understanding of the offices in the church. The careful reader will be richly rewarded with a new appreciation of God’s gift of the minister of the Word and the elders in the church and their distinctive duties. May many read this book. Highly recommended!

—CORNELIS VAN DAM, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, Hamilton, ON

I am gratified that Reformed Forum has republished this volume of essays on the distinction between the three ordinary offices of the church: ministers, elders, and deacons. The neglect of this subject in recent literature betrays a lamentable disinterest in what the Belgic Confession terms “that spiritual polity which our Lord has taught us in His Word; namely, that there must be ministers or pastors to preach the Word of God and to administer the sacraments; also elders and deacons . . . that by these means the true religion may be preserved, and the true doctrine everywhere propagated.” As the Belgic Confession confirms, the argument of the authors for a three-office view represents the historic consensus of Reformed theology on the question.

—CORNELIS P. VENEMA, President Emeritus of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, Dyer, IN

The Importance of Van Til for Today Thu, 24 Oct 2024 14:05:26 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. New saddle stitch booklet.]]>

In The Importance of Van Til for Today, Camden M. Bucey offers a thoughtful reassessment of Cornelius Van Til’s enduring contributions to Reformed theology and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Van Til (1895–1987), a Dutch-American Reformed philosopher and theologian, was a significant figure in twentieth-century Christian apologetics. This concise monograph examines Van Til’s lasting influence and the pertinence of his work in contemporary theological discourse.

Bucey explores Van Til’s unwavering commitment to confessional orthodoxy, his efforts to maintain a distinctly Reformed witness, and his nuanced doctrine of God. By analyzing Van Til’s responses to the theological and philosophical challenges of his era, Bucey demonstrates how the confessionally Reformed church can derive critical insights to address contemporary theological challenges.

Through historical analysis and theological reflection, The Importance of Van Til for Today invites readers to reengage with fundamental Reformed principles. This work serves as a valuable resource for theologians, pastors, and advanced students seeking to apply the rich theological heritage of Reformed Christianity in our present context.

Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us Thu, 24 Oct 2024 13:53:51 +0000 Ragusa, Daniel. New paperback.]]>

Contained within the pages of Scripture is the wonderful and often surprising history of God’s special revelation. The heart of this history is God’s covenant promise that he will be our God and we will be his people. Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us follows the organic and progressive unfolding of God’s covenant that is consummated in a bond of friendship and crowned with joy that is full and forever. Inspired by Psalm 16:11, “You make know to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore,” this book uncovers the history of God’s revelation with an uplifting and joyful perspective. Those who read this book will see how all the types and shadows of the Old Testament in which God dwelt with his people for his glory and their joy, like the altars of the patriarchs, the tabernacle of Moses, and the temple of Solomon, looked forward to Jesus Christ, our Immanuel, and his body, the church, filled with the glory of his Spirit.


Much has been written of late on the topic of covenant-biblical theology; however, there is a noticeable “gap” in the resources available for those who could benefit from a more concise and focused primer on this subject. Daniel Ragusa has done laypersons, students, and pastors a great service by weaving the insights of several great biblical theologians- Geerhardus Vos, T. Desmond Alexander, Meredith G. Kline, G. K. Beale, and Mark Vander Hart-together in one little book that is clear and accessible. It is organized around the theme of covenant as friendship with God and the fullness of joy that this relationship brings. He takes us on a journey from Genesis to Revelation, showing how God is present with his people at every point in God’s redemption plan and how this presence comes to its climax in Christ and results in full eschatological joy as we dwell in God’s presence, in his place, and with his people. The work is engaging, encouraging, and practical as he also addresses some of the more significant challenges of our age. I highly recommend this work, and I look forward to even more from Dr. Ragusa on the covenant in the years to come!

—Rev. Jeremy Baker, Senior Pastor, New Covenant Community Church (Orthodox Presbyterian Church), Joliet, IL

Ragusa masterfully takes you on a theological ride along the trajectory of “God with us” from Genesis to Revelation. This is not a sterile, dispassionate thread of biblical theology for the astute alone. Rather, it is intimately connected to the reality of a joy-full relationship with “our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.” Read and be refreshed with knowing the God whom we were made to glorify and enjoy.

—Rev. Paul T. Murphy, Church Planter in NYC and Pastor of Evangelism, Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship (United Reformed Churches in North America), New York, NY

Don’t let the size of Dan Ragusa’s book deceive you. Tracing the theme of God’s presence with his people from Genesis to Revelation, from creation to consummation, Ragusa’s book is a goldmine of biblical- theological insights into the triune God’s purpose to enjoy perfected communion with his people in Christ. Ragusa confirms the truth of Geerhardus Vos’ observation that the Bible is “a historical book full of dramatic interest.”

—Dr. Cornelis Venema, President Emeritus of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, Dyer, IN


The Importance of Van Til Today (eBook) Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:11:27 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. eBook (PDF and ePub format).]]>

In The Importance of Van Til for Today, Camden M. Bucey offers a thoughtful reassessment of Cornelius Van Til’s enduring contributions to Reformed theology and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Van Til (1895–1987), a Dutch-American Reformed philosopher and theologian, was a significant figure in twentieth-century Christian apologetics. This concise monograph examines Van Til’s lasting influence and the pertinence of his work in contemporary theological discourse.

Bucey explores Van Til’s unwavering commitment to confessional orthodoxy, his efforts to maintain a distinctly Reformed witness, and his nuanced doctrine of God. By analyzing Van Til’s responses to the theological and philosophical challenges of his era, Bucey demonstrates how the confessionally Reformed church can derive critical insights to address contemporary theological challenges.

Through historical analysis and theological reflection, The Importance of Van Til for Today invites readers to reengage with fundamental Reformed principles. This work serves as a valuable resource for theologians, pastors, and advanced students seeking to apply the rich theological heritage of Reformed Christianity in our present context.

Unfolding Redemption: Exploring the History and Order of Salvation (eBook) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:30:42 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. and Tipton, Lane G. PDF and ePub format.]]>

Many understand salvation as an exclusively personal experience, often overlooking its foundation in real, historical events. In Unfolding Redemption, Camden M. Bucey and Lane G. Tipton shift the focus. They urge readers to grasp both the theological and personal implications of salvation’s accomplishment in redemptive history.

Drawing inspiration from seminal works such as John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied, this brief yet thorough treatment offers a fresh perspective. It explores the objective accomplishment of salvation by Jesus Christ in history and couples it with an exploration of how this accomplishment is subjectively applied by the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer.

The book serves as more than just a theological guide; it is a bridge between doctrine and experience. Unfolding Redemption not only challenges readers to move beyond a simplistic, experience-driven understanding of salvation but also illuminates how the believer’s personal experience, shaped by the work of the Holy Spirit, fits into God’s grand narrative of redemption for his people throughout history.

To the Ends of the Earth: The Great Commission and God’s Unfolding Plan for the Nations (eBook) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:46:51 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. eBook (PDF and ePub format).]]>

In To the Ends of the Earth, Camden M. Bucey explores the biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations, tracing its roots from the Old Testament promises to Abraham, through the prophetic visions of Isaiah, and into the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Delivered originally as an address at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Bucey’s work explores the essence of Christ’s command, emphasizing the church’s mission to proclaim the gospel to the farthest reaches of the globe. This pamphlet offers a redemptive-historically sensitive and thoughtful examination of the ongoing call to missions, drawing on the faith and efforts of early Scottish missionaries like William C. Burns, whose dedication to spreading the gospel reached as far as Manchuria.

To the Ends of the Earth is an invitation to rediscover the enduring relevance of the Great Commission. Bucey challenges readers to align their missional efforts with God’s redemptive plan, fostering a renewed enthusiasm for discipleship and global evangelism. This engaging and insightful exploration is an illuminating guide for anyone passionate about fulfilling Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations.

To the Ends of the Earth: The Great Commission and God’s Unfolding Plan for the Nations Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:24:12 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. New saddle stitch booklet.]]>

In To the Ends of the Earth, Camden M. Bucey explores the biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations, tracing its roots from the Old Testament promises to Abraham, through the prophetic visions of Isaiah, and into the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Delivered originally as an address at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Bucey’s work explores the essence of Christ’s command, emphasizing the church’s mission to proclaim the gospel to the farthest reaches of the globe. This pamphlet offers a redemptive-historically sensitive and thoughtful examination of the ongoing call to missions, drawing on the faith and efforts of early Scottish missionaries like William C. Burns, whose dedication to spreading the gospel reached as far as Manchuria.

To the Ends of the Earth is an invitation to rediscover the enduring relevance of the Great Commission. Bucey challenges readers to align their missional efforts with God’s redemptive plan, fostering a renewed enthusiasm for discipleship and global evangelism. This engaging and insightful exploration is an illuminating guide for anyone passionate about fulfilling Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations.

To the Ends of the Earth: The Great Commission and God’s Unfolding Plan for the Nations (10-Pack) Tue, 16 Jul 2024 22:00:53 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. New saddle stitch booklet. 10-pack bundle.]]>

This product contains 10 copies of To the Ends of the Earth: The Great Commission and God’s Unfolding Plan for the Nations.

In To the Ends of the Earth, Camden M. Bucey explores the biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations, tracing its roots from the Old Testament promises to Abraham, through the prophetic visions of Isaiah, and into the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Delivered originally as an address at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Bucey’s work explores the essence of Christ’s command, emphasizing the church’s mission to proclaim the gospel to the farthest reaches of the globe. This pamphlet offers a redemptive-historically sensitive and thoughtful examination of the ongoing call to missions, drawing on the faith and efforts of early Scottish missionaries like William C. Burns, whose dedication to spreading the gospel reached as far as Manchuria.

To the Ends of the Earth is an invitation to rediscover the enduring relevance of the Great Commission. Bucey challenges readers to align their missional efforts with God’s redemptive plan, fostering a renewed enthusiasm for discipleship and global evangelism. This engaging and insightful exploration is an illuminating guide for anyone passionate about fulfilling Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations.

Van Til and the Foundation of Christian Ethics: A God-Centered Approach to Moral Philosophy Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:28:20 +0000 Hatch, Scott J. New paperback.]]>

Unveiling the often-overlooked significance of Cornelius Van Til in the realm of Reformed ethics, this work draws light upon his unique moral philosophy. Grounded in the covenantal epistemology and metaphysics typically employed for apologetics, Van Til masterfully harmonized his insights with those of Geerhardus Vos’ biblical theology.

In contrast to many ethicists who concentrate on formulating and applying principles, Van Til focused his attention on the Christian’s greatest good (summum bonum), which is God himself. His dedication to exploring the ethical implications of this divine starting point produced a standard of God-centeredness in moral philosophy that remains distinctive among Reformed thinkers, setting him apart even from his students, such as Greg Bahnsen, John Frame, and Meredith Kline, who have also contributed substantially to Reformed ethics.

Amidst the rise of moral relativism in the mid-twentieth century, Van Til’s stance was steadfast. This book, which includes a new critical edition of Van Til’s Christian Theistic Ethics, reveals how, against the backdrop of this challenging era, he not only successfully defended Christian ethical foundations but also holistically integrated ethics with the rest of Christian theology, reinforcing its relevance and import.


This is a unique book. And it is uniquely important. Few people have elaborated on Cornelius Van Til’s approach to ethics. And yet it is an indispensable part of his output. Using Alasdair MacIntyre’s insights, Hatch shows how ethics has needed to move beyond the failures of the Enlightenment mindset and become more self-consciously authentic; this parallels Van Til’s entire outlook. Van Til centers his reflections on the summum bonum, which is the glory of God. Hatch comments on all the major players in this field. Most of all, he centers ethics on biblical essentials. This unique and important book should be read by every thoughtful Christian.

William Edgar
Professor Emeritus of Apologetics
Westminster Theological Seminary

For understandable reasons, Cornelius Van Til is best known for his contributions to Christian epistemology and apologetics. In contrast, his writings on Christian ethics, and especially metaethics, have been largely overlooked and underutilized, even by those Reformed ethicists who studied under him and acknowledged his influence. This is a great shame because Van Til developed some profound insights on how Christian moral philosophy should be shaped by the distinctive Reformed doctrines of God and man. Scott Hatch has done us a tremendous service by retrieving and expounding these insights for a new generation of Christian thinkers. The two appendices, which document the development of Van Til’s ethics syllabus over the early decades of his career, add further value to the volume. While I might not agree with every jot and tittle, this book is in a class of its own as a systematic study of Van Til’s approach to Christian ethics, and it deserves to be widely read.

James N. Anderson
Carl W. McMurray Professor of Theology and Philosophy
Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte

Regeneration and Redemptive History: A Biblical-Theological Consideration of Regeneration (10-pack) Mon, 20 Nov 2023 12:00:02 +0000 This product contains ten copies of Regeneration and Redemptive History: A Biblical-Theological Consideration of Regeneration. With an appreciation for the redemptive-historical cast of Scripture, Dr. Scott Wright’s Regeneration and Redemptive History: A […]]]>

This product contains ten copies of Regeneration and Redemptive History: A Biblical-Theological Consideration of Regeneration.

With an appreciation for the redemptive-historical cast of Scripture, Dr. Scott Wright’s Regeneration and Redemptive History: A Biblical-Theological Consideration of Regeneration aims to highlight the eschatological nature of regeneration and, in so doing, to strengthen the faith of Christ’s church and cultivate the assurance of God’s people. After providing an historical survey, Dr. Wright offers a careful consideration of pertinent biblical texts touching on the doctrine of regeneration. He emphasizes the priority of the historia salutisthe redemptive works of God in history. With pastoral gentleness and candor, Dr. Wright clearly expounds the theological, pastoral, and personal implications of the eschatological nature of regeneration as well as the significance of Jesus’ accomplished redemptive work. This thorough, practical guide will assist students, pastors, and lay people in developing a new appreciation for the truth and fullness of the distinctive soteriological doctrine of regeneration.

Unfolding Redemption: Exploring the History and Order of Salvation (10-Pack) Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:45:39 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. and Tipton, Lane G. New saddle stitch booklet. 10-pack bundle.]]>

This product contains ten copies of Unfolding Redemption: Exploring the History and Order of Salvation

Many understand salvation as an exclusively personal experience, often overlooking its foundation in real, historical events. In Unfolding Redemption, Camden M. Bucey and Lane G. Tipton shift the focus. They urge readers to grasp both the theological and personal implications of salvation’s accomplishment in redemptive history.

Drawing inspiration from seminal works such as John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied, this brief yet thorough treatment offers a fresh perspective. It explores the objective accomplishment of salvation by Jesus Christ in history and couples it with an exploration of how this accomplishment is subjectively applied by the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer.

The book serves as more than just a theological guide; it is a bridge between doctrine and experience. Unfolding Redemption not only challenges readers to move beyond a simplistic, experience-driven understanding of salvation but also illuminates how the believer’s personal experience, shaped by the work of the Holy Spirit, fits into God’s grand narrative of redemption for his people throughout history.

Unfolding Redemption: Exploring the History and Order of Salvation Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:41:11 +0000 Bucey, Camden M. and Tipton, Lane G. New saddle stitch booklet.]]>

Many understand salvation as an exclusively personal experience, often overlooking its foundation in real, historical events. In Unfolding Redemption, Camden M. Bucey and Lane G. Tipton shift the focus. They urge readers to grasp both the theological and personal implications of salvation’s accomplishment in redemptive history.

Drawing inspiration from seminal works such as John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied, this brief yet thorough treatment offers a fresh perspective. It explores the objective accomplishment of salvation by Jesus Christ in history and couples it with an exploration of how this accomplishment is subjectively applied by the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer.

The book serves as more than just a theological guide; it is a bridge between doctrine and experience. Unfolding Redemption not only challenges readers to move beyond a simplistic, experience-driven understanding of salvation but also illuminates how the believer’s personal experience, shaped by the work of the Holy Spirit, fits into God’s grand narrative of redemption for his people throughout history.

Regeneration and Redemptive History: A Biblical-Theological Consideration of Regeneration Mon, 14 Aug 2023 21:53:19 +0000 Wright, Scott R. New paperback.]]>

With an appreciation for the redemptive-historical cast of Scripture, Dr. Scott Wright’s Regeneration and Redemptive History: A Biblical-Theological Consideration of Regeneration aims to highlight the eschatological nature of regeneration and, in so doing, to strengthen the faith of Christ’s church and cultivate the assurance of God’s people. After providing an historical survey, Dr. Wright offers a careful consideration of pertinent biblical texts touching on the doctrine of regeneration. He emphasizes the priority of the historia salutisthe redemptive works of God in history. With pastoral gentleness and candor, Dr. Wright clearly expounds the theological, pastoral, and personal implications of the eschatological nature of regeneration as well as the significance of Jesus’ accomplished redemptive work. This thorough, practical guide will assist students, pastors, and lay people in developing a new appreciation for the truth and fullness of the distinctive soteriological doctrine of regeneration.


Dr. Wright has served the church well by offering his book Regeneration and Redemptive History. The regenerative work of God is not a post-Christ phenomenon at all. Though the word regeneration is not used frequently in Scripture, the author identifies words and expressions throughout the Bible that indicate God’s work of regeneration. Historically, Christian theologians have not employed the term regeneration uniformly. Wright recognizes this and demonstrates how the term has been narrowed to refer to that act of God by which he gives spiritual life to those who are spiritually dead. This use of the term is due largely to the place regeneration has in the ordo salutis (order of salvation). Stressing the historia salutis (history of salvation), Dr. Wright shows that regeneration is not simply a point at the beginning of one’s spiritual life. The creation of a new age, a new people, the new heavens, and a new earth is the telos of Christ’s regenerative work. Christ makes all things new. The author shows that the regenerated participate in the age to come irrespective of the administration of the covenant under which they have lived. Already, the new age intrudes into this present age. I recommend the reading of this book to enlighten and enrich one’s understanding of God’s great regenerative work.

Dennis Disselkoen, ThM, EdD—Retired pastor in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

The governing purpose of this book is to show that the understanding of regeneration that has been developed and maintained by Reformed theology is “true doctrine, but . . . not the full doctrine.” Often missing in the important truth of regeneration seen as a distinct element in the application of salvation (ordo salutis) is the eschatological perspective of Scripture on this enlivening, faith-creating work of God in the individual sinner. With a thorough treatment of relevant passages in the whole of Scripture, Dr. Wright demonstrates the richness of regeneration, whether in view prospectively (the Old Testament) or retrospectively (the New Testament), as it is grounded in and flows out of the accomplishment of salvation in the history of redemption that culminates in the once-for-all work of Christ (historia salutis). An added benefit of this study is the pastoral and homiletical observations with which it concludes.

Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.—Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus Westminster Theological Seminary

This is a thorough, interesting biblical theology of regeneration that locates the doctrine both in dogmatic history and, more importantly, in redemptive history. Armed with a thorough knowledge of both the primary and secondary biblical literature, Dr. Wright deftly demonstrates that the doctrine of God giving life to the dead is as old as the Genesis fall itself, and that the doctrine then continues to develop throughout the Scriptures pervasively, appearing in every major moment in inscripturated revelation. Dr. Wright convincingly demonstrates that individual regeneration is an aspect of God’s re-creating and re-vivifying of the cosmic order itself, and his eschatological framing of the doctrine of regeneration pervades the entire book. While not a brief book, nearly every page rewards the reader’s effort generously.

Dr. T. David Gordon—Grove City, Pennsylvania


Foundations of Covenant Theology: A Biblical-Theological Study of Genesis 1–3 (eBook) Mon, 01 Aug 2022 18:46:00 +0000 Tipton, Lane G. ebook (PDF and ePub)]]>

This product is a digital download and includes an ebook in both PDF and ePub formats. A Kindle version is also available.

Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating the visible world, the immutable triune God created a heavenly temple dwelling, filled that heavenly dwelling with the unchanging glory of his Spirit, and sanctified that heavenly dwelling as the realm of everlasting Sabbath rest.

Adam, as the created image of God and federal head of his posterity, could have advanced through perfect covenantal obedience beyond probation on the mountain of God in earthly Eden into the heavenly dwelling of God in Sabbath rest. This God-centered and heaven-focused theological backdrop enriches our understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ, as the second and last Adam in the covenant of grace, who in his humiliation and exaltation has opened the gates of heavenly paradise for his church.

The Trinitarian Theology of Cornelius Van Til (eBook) Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:11:10 +0000 Tipton, Lane G. eBook (PDF and ePub format).]]>

“If ever there was need for re-affirming and teaching the true doctrine of the Trinity, it is now.” —Cornelius Van Til

Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) offered a confessionally Reformed doctrine of the Creator-creature relation that stands out as distinct in contrast to both traditional Roman Catholic and contemporary Barthian alternatives. His Trinitarian theology of the Creator-creature relation supplied a pioneering enrichment of Reformed theology in the traditions of Old Princeton and Old Amsterdam.

In this volume, Lane G. Tipton interprets Van Til in his own historical and polemical context and demonstrates how the immutably dynamic life of the self-contained Trinity bears upon God’s relation to Adam in the work of creation, the act of special providence in covenant, and the person of the eternal Son in the event of incarnation.

Tipton argues that Van Til’s Trinitarian theology deepens confessionally Reformed Trinitarianism and federalism in contrast to medieval Thomistic and modern Barthian theological alternatives. In a period marked by theological decline, he strives to clarify and extend confessional Reformed Trinitarian and federal theology in the service of the church’s union and communion with the immutable person of the crucified and ascended Christ of Scripture.

The Trinitarian Theology of Cornelius Van Til Wed, 20 Jul 2022 20:08:03 +0000 Tipton, Lane G. New hardcover w/jacket.]]>

“If ever there was need for re-affirming and teaching the true doctrine of the Trinity, it is now.” —Cornelius Van Til

Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) offered a confessionally Reformed doctrine of the Creator-creature relation that stands out as distinct in contrast to both traditional Roman Catholic and contemporary Barthian alternatives. His Trinitarian theology of the Creator-creature relation supplied a pioneering enrichment of Reformed theology in the traditions of Old Princeton and Old Amsterdam.

In this volume, Lane G. Tipton interprets Van Til in his own historical and polemical context and demonstrates how the immutably dynamic life of the self-contained Trinity bears upon God’s relation to Adam in the work of creation, the act of special providence in covenant, and the person of the eternal Son in the event of incarnation.

Tipton argues that Van Til’s Trinitarian theology deepens confessionally Reformed Trinitarianism and federalism in contrast to medieval Thomistic and modern Barthian theological alternatives. In a period marked by theological decline, he strives to clarify and extend confessional Reformed Trinitarian and federal theology in the service of the church’s union and communion with the immutable person of the crucified and ascended Christ of Scripture.

Foundations of Covenant Theology (10-pack) Fri, 13 Aug 2021 13:34:42 +0000 This product includes ten copies of Foundations of Covenant Theology. Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating the visible world, the immutable triune […]]]>

This product includes ten copies of Foundations of Covenant Theology.

Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating the visible world, the immutable triune God created a heavenly temple dwelling, filled that heavenly dwelling with the unchanging glory of his Spirit, and sanctified that heavenly dwelling as the realm of everlasting Sabbath rest.

Adam, as the created image of God and federal head of his posterity, could have advanced through perfect covenantal obedience beyond probation on the mountain of God in earthly Eden into the heavenly dwelling of God in Sabbath rest. This God-centered and heaven-focused theological backdrop enriches our understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ, as the second and last Adam in the covenant of grace, who in his humiliation and exaltation has opened the gates of heavenly paradise for his church.

Foundations of Covenant Theology: A Biblical-Theological Study of Genesis 1–3 Thu, 27 May 2021 15:13:50 +0000 Tipton, Lane G. New paperback.]]>

Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating the visible world, the immutable triune God created a heavenly temple dwelling, filled that heavenly dwelling with the unchanging glory of his Spirit, and sanctified that heavenly dwelling as the realm of everlasting Sabbath rest.

Adam, as the created image of God and federal head of his posterity, could have advanced through perfect covenantal obedience beyond probation on the mountain of God in earthly Eden into the heavenly dwelling of God in Sabbath rest. This God-centered and heaven-focused theological backdrop enriches our understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ, as the second and last Adam in the covenant of grace, who in his humiliation and exaltation has opened the gates of heavenly paradise for his church.

Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian Wed, 28 Nov 2018 21:22:29 +0000 Olinger, Danny E. New smyth-sewn cloth hardcover with dust jacket.]]>

“He was probably the best exegete Princeton ever had,” Benjamin B. Warfield once told Louis Berkhof about their mutual friend Geerhardus Vos. Abraham Kuyper was so impressed with Vos’s academic ability that Kuyper offered him a faculty position at the Free University of Amsterdam when Vos was only twenty-four years old. Before Vos was thirty, both William H. Green and Herman Bavinck urged him to come teach at their respective institutions. J. Gresham Machen said that if he knew as much as Vos, he would be writing all the time. John Murray believed that Vos was the most incisive exegete in the English-speaking world in the twentieth century. Cornelius Van Til considered Vos the most erudite man he had ever known. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. proclaimed Vos “the father of Reformed biblical theology.” Notwithstanding such acclaim among these and other leading Reformed theologians, and his teaching at Princeton Seminary from 1893 to 1932, Vos was increasingly marginalized during his own lifetime. In Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian, Danny Olinger tells the story of Vos’s life and analyzes the theological contributions of Vos’s writings. Olinger further details Vos’s significant influence upon the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and Westminster Theological Seminary, despite not joining either one.

Praise for Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian

“This thoroughly researched biography with its insightful theological focus sets a gold standard for those interested in the life and work of Vos.”

—Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary

“Rooted in meticulous historical research and demonstrating a penetrating theological understanding, Olinger provides an invaluable resource for those devoted to pursuing in the 21st century that ‘deeper Protestant conception’ set forth by Vos with unprecedented clarity .”

—Lane G. Tipton Charles Krahe Chair, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary

About the Author

Danny E. Olinger is the General Secretary of the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He serves as editor of the monthly periodical New Horizons in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and is the author of A Geerhardus Vos Anthology. He has also co-edited History for a Pilgrim People: The Historical Writings of Charles G. Dennison and Confident of Better Things: Essays Commemorating Seventy-Five Years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Foreword by Camden M. Bucey

Camden Bucey is the president of Reformed Forum and the pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Grayslake, Illinois.

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Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian (E-book) Mon, 19 Nov 2018 19:30:16 +0000 Olinger, Danny E. ePUB and PDF formats.]]>

ePUB and PDF versions of Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian.

“He was probably the best exegete Princeton ever had,” Benjamin B. Warfield once told Louis Berkhof about their mutual friend Geerhardus Vos. Abraham Kuyper was so impressed with Vos’s academic ability that Kuyper offered him a faculty position at the Free University of Amsterdam when Vos was only twenty-four years old. Before Vos was thirty, both William H. Green and Herman Bavinck urged him to come teach at their respective institutions. J. Gresham Machen said that if he knew as much as Vos, he would be writing all the time. John Murray believed that Vos was the most incisive exegete in the English-speaking world in the twentieth century. Cornelius Van Til considered Vos the most erudite man he had ever known. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. proclaimed Vos “the father of Reformed biblical theology.” Notwithstanding such acclaim among these and other leading Reformed theologians, and his teaching at Princeton Seminary from 1893 to 1932, Vos was increasingly marginalized during his own lifetime. In Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian, Danny Olinger tells the story of Vos’s life and analyzes the theological contributions of Vos’s writings. Olinger further details Vos’s significant influence upon the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and Westminster Theological Seminary, despite not joining either one.

Praise for Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian

“This thoroughly researched biography with its insightful theological focus sets a gold standard for those interested in the life and work of Vos.”

—Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary

“Rooted in meticulous historical research and demonstrating a penetrating theological understanding, Olinger provides an invaluable resource for those devoted to pursuing in the 21st century that ‘deeper Protestant conception’ set forth by Vos with unprecedented clarity .”

—Lane G. Tipton Charles Krahe Chair, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary

About the Author

Danny E. Olinger is the General Secretary of the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He serves as editor of the monthly periodical New Horizons in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and is the author of A Geerhardus Vos Anthology. He has also co-edited History for a Pilgrim People: The Historical Writings of Charles G. Dennison and Confident of Better Things: Essays Commemorating Seventy-Five Years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Foreword by Camden M. Bucey

Camden Bucey is the president of Reformed Forum and the pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Grayslake, Illinois.

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No Uncertain Sound: Reformed Doctrine and Life (eBook) Sat, 26 Aug 2017 15:47:32 +0000 No Uncertain Sound: Reformed Doctrine and Life is the first book published by Reformed Forum. We exist to assist the church in her call to discipleship. We serve the church by communicating the […]]]>

No Uncertain Sound: Reformed Doctrine and Life is the first book published by Reformed Forum. We exist to assist the church in her call to discipleship. We serve the church by communicating the riches of our theological tradition and advancing it according to our confessional boundaries through in-depth research and scholarly discourse. In this collection of essays, the authors set forth the salient features of their shared Reformed identity. Drawing upon a thorough redemptive-historical hermeneutic and the historic Reformed confessions, these contributors issue a clear call—no uncertain sound—to those with ears to hear.


Lane G. Tipton establishes our redemptive-historical approach to the Scriptures with an essay on Jesus in the Old Testament. He demonstrates that the Scriptures of the Old Testament presuppose a progressive, organic, revelation of the Messiah in promise form that gives way to eschatological fulfillment in the humiliation and exaltation of Jesus Christ. Christ is not an afterthought. The church must receive the Christ who is truly revealed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments by the supernatural agency of the Spirit. He speaks powerfully in Scripture as a revelational record of the history of special revelation.

Camden M. Bucey builds upon Tipton’s work by demonstrating our belief in the relationship between biblical and systematic theology. While both disciplines are based on exegetical theology, systematic theology organizes the teaching of Scripture topically while biblical theology studies Scripture as it progressively unfolds. We believe a true Reformed theologian must not only be systematic but also biblical-theological.

Jeffrey C. Waddington addresses the doctrine of salvation with his chapter on union with Christ and the ordo salutis. Nothing is more significant about a Christian than the fact that he is united to Christ. The good news is that the triune God has brought us into a blessed relationship, a covenantal communion bond with him through his Son. We have every Spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3). In accord with that glorious truth, Glen J. Clary reminds us that Reformed theology is not merely intellectual. It has bearing upon our practice. We were created to glorify and enjoy God forever, and therefore Reformed theology must be directed toward worship. By following his Word, we experience his grace and grow ever closer to him.

Our identity is hidden away with Christ in God. Yet Jesus calls us to be salt and light in the world. As such, we are separatist though not isolationist. James J. Cassidy explains this existence. We are citizens of heaven and not of this world. We are pilgrims traveling through the wilderness unto the Promised Land, our eternal rest in the New Heavens and New Earth. Cassidy develops an ecclesiology and ethic of heavenly-mindedness. We are in a war, but “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). As such, we fight not with the weapons of this world, but with the weapons of Christ’s heavenly kingdom.

Jeffrey C. Waddington directs us in this fight with a concluding chapter about Reformed apologetics. We defend the faith on the basis of the self-attesting Word of God. We seek to share the uncompromised message of Christ crucified and raised for sinners.

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