Comments on: The Resurrection as Somatic Transformation Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 21 May 2015 17:24:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bruce Sanders Thu, 21 May 2015 17:24:51 +0000 I am surprised that you have not received a flood of disagreements to Vos’s quotation, or at least, calls for clarification.

Prior to “somatic resurrection” there is somatic death. The body that is buried does not remain intact awaiting Vos’s ‘transformation’, but rather, it is consumed by other life forms, which in turn are consumed upon their deaths. Over time, every atom of the original body is completely dispersed and all DNA is destroyed.

So, “if there be a somatic resurrection” (per Vos), then it is technically a ‘creation’, not a ‘transformation’ of the old.

Furthermore, it is not the ‘normal’ that is restored, despite the added faculties. To admit such is to say that a child who dies will be raised a child with child-like mentality … (this is but one example).

Regarding “supernormal qualities” … this statement is nondescript and only fuels speculation of idyllic attributes of interest to each believer.

Some believers might build their desired imagery using Paul’s “glorified risen Christ,” however, according to John, Jesus was crucified as a 30-year-old Jewish man and was raised as the first begotten of the dead looking like a 30-year-old Jewish man who had just been crucified, telling people they could put their finger into his wounds of crucifixion. Jesus may have had “supernormal qualities”; however, I suspect most individuals who believe in the resurrection expect a lot more than the ‘normal’ condition that the risen Jesus exemplified.
