Comments on: Union with Christ: Historically Most Basic (Part 3) Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 22 Mar 2013 01:07:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Fri, 22 Mar 2013 01:07:06 +0000 I liked how you started to mention the ecclesial dimensions of this in point 5. Salvation happens through our incorporation into Christ’s body. One cannot be a Christian on one’s own, but only by being in the body of Christ and so united to Him. This idea that one can love Christ but not organized religion is not… Christian, because Christ Himself started an organized religion.

I guess a further question to ask is how is it precisely that we are united to Him? We are one “body” but that clearly does not mean a physical body. Are we simply brought into a moral union with God where we will the same things? It seems the most intimate union between two persons is when they thoroughly know each other because then the idea of the other person is taken into one’s self. It would seem, then, that union with God would be achieved through knowing Him and ultimately knowing Him by seeing Him face to face, that is, without any intermediaries. Faith will be replaced with sight and knowing the full love of Christ will bring ecstatic joy.

By: Mark G Thu, 21 Mar 2013 12:38:20 +0000 Hi Jared,

This itemized list of benefits of union is very helpful. I think people too often view doctrine in the abstract and are unable to see its practical importance.

J. Todd Billings in “Union with Christ” argues (chapter 5) that union forms the biblical basis for ministry and mission. For example, he argues from I Cor. 9:19-23 that for Paul the sacrificial servant hood of Christ is normative in terms of Paul’s and the church’s mission in the world. I think this is important because Billings contrasts this with the incarnational model of missions and the missional church movement which are prevalent in some circles.
