Comments on: What hath Geneva to do with Canterbury? Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 21 Apr 2022 20:49:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph S. Laughon Thu, 05 Sep 2019 15:22:30 +0000 An interesting day when the Anglicanism is reformed enough for Calvin but not for presbyterian sectaries.

By: Warren Dodson Thu, 05 May 2016 08:10:41 +0000 Is this really a question of holding to the RPW? No higher authority is commanded the local church officers to conduct particular services or perform particular rituals. And I am unaware of any Reformed churches that command their members to attend such services or participate in such rituals.

That said, I think we could ask whether these issues are better considered under the heading of causing the weaker brother to stumble and of detracting from the God-ordained means of grace.

Also, your opening paragraph mentioned following the lectionary. Since (1) God has commanded that we read and preach the Scripture, (2) God has not ordained a particular schedule for the reading and preaching of the Scripture, (3) no Reformed minister is under a state or ecclesial authority improperly commanding the following of a lectionary, and (4) a minister could conclude that there are pedagogical benefits to the use of a particular lectionary, how can the following of a lectionary per se be contrary to the RPW?

I’m not necessarily disagreeing with this post about whether some of these practices raise issues of concern, it is just that I don’t think we can nail down every issue of worship practice with the RPW hammer.

By: Gil Thu, 28 Apr 2016 13:15:21 +0000 Canterbury is following Rome. Therefore, “What hath Geneva to do with Romish practices?”

By: Jason Wallace Thu, 28 Apr 2016 10:42:06 +0000 In my limited experience, the drift in worship is part of a larger abandonment of Reformed theology. The two groups I’ve observed going this direction in the PCA are either connected with the Federal Vision or with Tim Keller. We have a local PCA that celebrates Ash Wednesday, and they also recommend The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola as a positive model for discipleship. They are obsessed with social justice and race. All of these come straight out of Redeemer. The whole trend reminds me of the apostasy of the PCUS in my youth. One of the reasons I despair for the PCA is that the Federal Vision folks, who started in a very different place, have now made common cause with Keller. Last week, I had a PCA man tell me he wanted to create a Mark Driscoll type of church, with Reformed theology. He then told me that he almost wasn’t allowed in the presbytery, because he was “too conservative.”

By: What Hath Geneva To Do With Canterbury? -IKTHUS.NET Thu, 28 Apr 2016 05:24:20 +0000 […] in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and is the pastor of Providence OPC near Austin, Texas. This article appeared on his blog and is used with […]

By: What Hath Geneva To Do With Canterbury? Thu, 28 Apr 2016 04:05:11 +0000 […] in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and is the pastor of Providence OPC near Austin, Texas. This article appeared on his blog and is used with […]

By: Sat, 19 Mar 2016 22:32:10 +0000 In reply to R. Martin Snyder.


By: R. Martin Snyder Sat, 19 Mar 2016 20:51:02 +0000 A great reference to help remedy the situation..
George Gillespie, Dispute against the English Popish Ceremonies

By: Mark Loughridge Sat, 19 Mar 2016 15:02:00 +0000 In reply to

Thanks for changing it! Much clearer.

By: Sat, 19 Mar 2016 13:48:41 +0000 In reply to Matt.

I was licensed in the PCA in 2004. I don’t recall a single church in the presbytery (North Texas Presbytery) that observed Lent. That’s certainly not the case today. Robert Webber’s Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail was the first book of its kind (as far as I know). Webber was paving the way for other evangelicals to follow that path. I haven’t read any good books critiquing the drift toward high church worship.

By: Cris Dickason Sat, 19 Mar 2016 10:07:07 +0000 “Wanglicans” is a good term: wannabe Anglicans, yes, that’s a good one. Someone called it Anglican Envy over lunch at Presbytery. Maybe it’s laziness? It’s easier to follow a trajectory of liturgy, with its seasonal changes, than to invest in the work of exegesis, sermon crafting and pastoral application. Just exegete the liturgical turn of season and the color-coded vestments. Being scriptural requires too much work.

By: Jason Sat, 19 Mar 2016 07:21:38 +0000 There is certainly a lot to find out about this
subject. I really like all the points you have made.

By: Matt Fri, 18 Mar 2016 20:30:18 +0000 Glen, do you have any books to recommend that trace the ‘Canterbury trail’ to Episcoterianism? Just curious. The fact that the ‘Reformed Episcopal Church’ has stayed relatively tiny (even by OPC standards!) has always made me wonder if you can really have a tertium quid between Geneva and Canterbury. But it does seem like Lent is practiced by far more churches in the PCA now than I remember 15 years ago when I came out of seminary.

By: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 23:03:16 +0000 In reply to Mark Loughridge.

I may have to send a few sincere apologies. 😉

By: Mark Loughridge Wed, 16 Mar 2016 22:58:47 +0000 Speedy reply! Thanks for the clarification. I suppose I’m used to reading the capitalised Reformed Presbyterian as the denomination, and reformed Presbyterians as Presbyterians who are reformed!

I thought I was going to have to send a few stern emails to the RPCNA!

By: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 22:47:09 +0000 In reply to Mark Loughridge.

I’m referring to Presbyterians who are Reformed. I didn’t even think that some might read it as RPCNA, RPCGA, etc. Good catch.

By: Mark Loughridge Wed, 16 Mar 2016 22:39:16 +0000 When you say Reformed Presbytetians, do you mean the denomination, or Presbyterians who are reformed?

I’m surprised if RPs are celebrating ask Wednesday
