David Garner https://reformedforum.org Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 23 Aug 2024 21:24:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://reformedforum.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2020/04/cropped-reformed-forum-logo-300dpi-side_by_side-1-32x32.png David Garner – Reformed Forum https://reformedforum.org 32 32 How Can I Know For Sure? https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc333/ https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc333/#comments Fri, 16 May 2014 05:00:25 +0000 http://reformedforum.wpengine.com/?post_type=podcast&p=3585 Dr. David Garner comes to the program to speak about the topic of his new booklet, “How Can I Know For Sure?” from the Christian Answers to Hard Questions Series, published by […]]]>

Dr. David Garner comes to the program to speak about the topic of his new booklet, “How Can I Know For Sure?” from the Christian Answers to Hard Questions Series, published by P&R Publishing. Church members and especially college students are breathing in the air of popular postmodernism, and the question of certainty requires an answer. Dr. Garner argues that to find answers we must look to the Bible as God’s authoritative word for mankind.

Dr. Garner is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.

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https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc333/feed/ 3 55:35Dr David Garner comes to the program to speak about the topic of his new booklet How Can I Know For Sure from the Christian Answers to Hard Questions Series ...CorneliusVanTil,Epistemology,Philosophy,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
Insider Movements https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc263/ https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc263/#comments Fri, 11 Jan 2013 05:00:14 +0000 http://reformedforum.wpengine.com/?post_type=podcast&p=2480 We welcome David Garner and Phil DeHart to speak about Insider Movements, which are increasingly popular approaches to missions predicated on controversial theological and hermeneutic foundations. Insider Movements have gained […]]]>

We welcome David Garner and Phil DeHart to speak about Insider Movements, which are increasingly popular approaches to missions predicated on controversial theological and hermeneutic foundations. Insider Movements have gained particular influence in mission fields and religio-sociological contexts that are particularly hostile to Christianity.

Dr. Garner is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary at Pastor of Teaching at Proclamation Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Bryn Mawr, PA. Dr. Garner has written “High Stakes: Insider Movement Hermeneutics and the Gospel,” an excellent essay on the subject. Phil DeHart has worked in the missions field in Asia and is currently a student at Westminster Theological Seminary.

Dr. Garner has also coordinated with the producers of the film Half Devil, Half Child, a documentary on Insider Movements, to offer a special discount to Reformed Forum listeners. Just visit halfdevilhalfchild.com to purchase the digital download, and use the code “reform” to receive 25% off the download price of the film.

Episode image by terbeck.

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https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc263/feed/ 10 54:29We welcome David Garner and Phil DeHart to speak about Insider Movements which are increasingly popular approaches to missions predicated on controversial theological and hermeneutic foundations Insider Movements have gained ...ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Did God Really Say? https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc233/ https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc233/#comments Fri, 15 Jun 2012 05:00:55 +0000 http://reformedforum.wpengine.com/?post_type=podcast&p=2146 David B. Garner, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, visits the studio to speak about the doctrine of Scripture. Dr. Garner has edited an excellent collection of […]]]>

David B. Garner, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, visits the studio to speak about the doctrine of Scripture. Dr. Garner has edited an excellent collection of essays titled Did God Really Say?: Affirming the Truthfulness and Trustworthiness of Scripture. Many of the contributions for this book were originally lectures delivered at the 2011 PCA General Assembly. Join us for this fascinating discussion on an important subject.

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https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc233/feed/ 11 40:23David B Garner Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary visits the studio to speak about the doctrine of Scripture Dr Garner has edited an excellent collection of ...ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
The Eschatology of Adoption https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc55/ https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc55/#comments Fri, 06 Feb 2009 05:00:48 +0000 http://www.reformedforum.wpengine.com/?p=565 Christ the Center had the honor to interview the newest faculty member of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Rev. Dr. David Garner, who also serves as the institution’s vice president of advancement, about the doctrine of adoption. Adoption, one of the benefits of redemption that the believer gains by faith alone in union with Christ, relates to the believer’s gaining admittance into the family of God because of the work of the Son of God, elder brother Jesus Christ. Many aspects of the doctrine are discussed in this episode. Dr. Garner did his dissertation on this topic and has contributed a chapter, The First and Last Son, to Resurrection and Eschatology.


  • Dave Garner
  • Jeff Waddington
  • Jim Cassidy
  • Nick Batzig
  • Camden Bucey



Beeke, Joel. Heirs with Christ: The Puritans on Adoption. Grand Rapids Mich.: Reformation Heritage Books, 2008.

Burke, Trevor J. Adopted into God’s Family: Exploring a Pauline Metaphor. Nottingham, England; Downers Grove, Ill.: Apollos ; InterVarsity Press, 2006.

Gaffin, Richard B., Jr. Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul’s Soteriology. 2nd ed. P & R Publishing, 1987.

Garner, David. Adoption in Christ, 2002.

Hall, David W. The Legacy of John Calvin: His Influence on the Modern World. Calvin 500 series. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.

Mathison, Keith A. From Age to Age: The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R Pub., 2009.

Phillips, Richard D. Saved by Grace: The Glory of Salvation in Ephesians 2. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2009.

Scott, James M. Adoption as Sons of God: An Exegetical Investigation into the Background of [huiothesia] in the Pauline Corpus. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 48. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1992.

Spijker, W. Calvin: A Brief Guide to His Life and Thought. 1st ed. Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009.

Still, William, Nigel M. de S. Cameron, and Sinclair B. Ferguson. Pulpit & People: Essays in Honour of William Still on His 75th Birthday. Edinburgh: Rutherford House Books, 1986.

Withrow, Brandon. Katherine Parr: A Guided Tour of the Life and Thought of a Reformation Queen. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2009.

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https://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc55/feed/ 6 47:48Christ the Center had the honor to interview the newest faculty member of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia Rev Dr David Garner who also serves as the institution s vice ...Eschatology,Soteriology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono