Nelson Kloosterman Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 29 Mar 2013 13:33:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nelson Kloosterman – Reformed Forum 32 32 Bavinck on Marriage and the Family Fri, 05 Apr 2013 05:00:28 +0000 Nelson Kloosterman speaks about Herman Bavinck’s theology of marriage and the family. Kloosterman recently translated Bavinck’s book The Christian Family. Though he wrote in early 20th century Netherlands, Bavinck’s book […]]]>

Nelson Kloosterman speaks about Herman Bavinck’s theology of marriage and the family. Kloosterman recently translated Bavinck’s book The Christian Family. Though he wrote in early 20th century Netherlands, Bavinck’s book is relevant for the present day. In distinction from so many contemporary works, Bavinck establishes a theology of marriage and the family that can be applied to the manifold challenges facing families in the present day.

Dr. Kloosterman is Executive Director of Worldview Resources, International and works as a translator of important theological works. Listen as he unfolds Bavinck’s doctrine of sin and redemptive-historical focus as they pertain to God’s design for the family and society as a whole.

Participants: , ,

]]> 5 51:31Nelson Kloosterman speaks about Herman Bavinck s theology of marriage and the family Kloosterman recently translated Bavinck s book The Christian Family Though he wrote in early 20th century Netherlands ...FamilyReformed Forumnono
Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms in Dutch Theology Fri, 02 Nov 2012 05:00:37 +0000 Dr. Nelson Kloosterman returns to Christ the Center to speak about natural law and two kingdom theology in early 21st century Dutch thought. Dr. Kloosterman is Executive Director of Worldview Resources […]]]>

Dr. Nelson Kloosterman returns to Christ the Center to speak about natural law and two kingdom theology in early 21st century Dutch thought. Dr. Kloosterman is Executive Director of Worldview Resources International, while he also labors in translating great Dutch theological works into English.

In this discussion, Dr. Kloosterman speaks about his arguments found in Kingdoms Apart, edited by Ryan C. McIlhenny and published by P&R Publishing. Dr. Kloosterman’s essay, “Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms in the Thought of Herman Bavinck” seeks to explain Bavinck’s position in light of recent criticisms. In addition, Kloosterman speaks about his translations of two articles on the two kingdoms by S. G. de Graaf, an important early 21st c. Dutch theologian.

Listeners may also be interested to hear Dr. Kloosterman speak about many different related subjects in our Christ and Culture series.

Participants: , , ,

]]> 7 1:01:44Dr Nelson Kloosterman returns to Christ the Center to speak about natural law and two kingdom theology in early 21st century Dutch thought Dr Kloosterman is Executive Director of Worldview ...SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Christ and Culture, Round 3: Nelson Kloosterman Fri, 11 Jun 2010 05:00:40 +0000 Nelson Kloosterman brings his final remarks to the Christ and culture discussion table. Dr. Kloosterman teaches at Mid-America Seminary, and has translated The Ten Commandments: Manual for the Christian Life by Joachim Douma, a wonderful exposition of the Decalogue.

This project is an asynchronous debate in the vein of the Four Views on… books published by InterVarsity Press. We recorded each participant independently over the course of three rounds – swapping recordings to the other participants between each round. These are Dr. Kloosterman’s closing remarks.

Participants: ,

]]> 0 30:55Nelson Kloosterman brings his final remarks to the Christ and culture discussion table Dr Kloosterman teaches at Mid America Seminary and has translated The Ten Commandments Manual for the Christian ...ChristandCulture,SystematicTheology,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
Kloosterman’s and Hart’s Responses Fri, 28 May 2010 05:00:10 +0000 Today we continue our second round responses in our Christ and Culture series. Nelson Kloosterman and Darryl Hart respond to the comments made by the other participants during the first round.

Participants: , ,

]]> 2 40:16Today we continue our second round responses in our Christ and Culture series Nelson Kloosterman and Darryl Hart respond to the comments made by the other participants during the first ...ChristandCulture,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
Common Grace, Natural Law and Eschatology Fri, 30 Apr 2010 05:00:33 +0000 This is part four of our series entitled Christ and Culture and marks the end of our first round. Bill Dennison, Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak about […]]]>

This is part four of our series entitled Christ and Culture and marks the end of our first round. Bill Dennison, Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak about their views of common grace, natural law, and eschatology. This series of programs strays from the typical Christ the Center format. This project is an asynchronous debate in the vein of the Counterpoints series published by InterVarsity Press. In future episodes each participant will have the opportunity to criticize the other views.

post photo by vermin inc

Books and other media from the participants

Bill Dennison

Darryl Hart

Nelson Kloosterman

Doug Wilson

Participants: , , , ,

]]> 2 74:52This is part four of our series entitled Christ and Culture and marks the end of our first round Bill Dennison Darryl Hart Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak ...ChristandCulture,Eschatology,SystematicTheology,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
Vocation, Education and Fine Arts Fri, 23 Apr 2010 05:00:03 +0000 This is part three of our series entitled Christ and Culture. Bill Dennison, Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak from their unique perspectives. Today the participants address the […]]]>

This is part three of our series entitled Christ and Culture. Bill Dennison, Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak from their unique perspectives. Today the participants address the issues of vocation, education and engagement in the fine arts. This series of programs strays from the typical Christ the Center format. This project is an asynchronous debate in the vein of the Counterpoints series published by InterVarsity Press. In future episodes each participant will have the opportunity to criticize the other views.

post photo by Craig Stevens

Books and other media from the participants

Bill Dennison

Darryl Hart

Nelson Kloosterman

Doug Wilson

Participants: , , , ,

]]> 6 60:54This is part three of our series entitled Christ and Culture Bill Dennison Darryl Hart Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak from their unique perspectives Today the participants address ...ChristandCulture,PracticalTheology,SystematicTheology,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
Christ and Culture: Politics Fri, 16 Apr 2010 05:00:07 +0000 This is part two of our series entitled Christ and Culture. Four men participate in an engaging discussion on the relationship of Christ to culture. Bill Dennison, Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak from their unique perspectives.

This series of programs strays from the typical Christ the Center format. This project is an asynchronous debate in the vein of the Four Views on… books published by InterVarsity Press. The listener should be aware that this is a debate and should not be seen as an endorsement for any particular speaker. Please be advised that in future episodes each participant will criticize the other views.

Today the participants address the subject of politics.

Books and other media from the participants

Bill Dennison

Darryl Hart

Nelson Kloosterman

Doug Wilson

Participants: , , , ,

]]> 4 61:23This is part two of our series entitled Christ and Culture Four men participate in an engaging discussion on the relationship of Christ to culture Bill Dennison Darryl Hart Doug ...ChristandCulture,Politics,WorldviewReformed Forumnono
Christ and Culture: Introductory Remarks Fri, 09 Apr 2010 05:00:52 +0000 This is part one of a new series entitled Christ and Culture. Four men participate in an engaging discussion on the relationship of Christ to culture. Bill Dennison, Darryl Hart, Doug Wilson and Nelson Kloosterman each speak from their unique perspectives.

This project is an asynchronous debate in the vein of the Four Views on… books published by InterVarsity Press. We recorded each participant independently over the course of three rounds – swapping recordings to the other participants between each round.

This series of programs strays from the typical Christ the Center format. The listener should be aware that this is a debate and should not be seen as an endorsement for any particular speaker. Please be advised that future episodes each participant will criticize the other views.

In the first round, we asked a series of questions under the following headings.

  • General/Introductory
  • Politics
  • Vocation
  • Education
  • Fine Arts, Etc.
  • Theological Undercurrents
    • Common Grace
    • Natural Law
    • Eschatology
  • Conclusion

This introductory episode includes each participant’s opening and closing comments. The entire series is conveniently grouped under one page.

Books and other media from the participants

Bill Dennison

Darryl Hart

Nelson Kloosterman

Doug Wilson

Participants: , , , ,

]]> 37 34:47This is part one of a new series entitled Christ and Culture Four men participate in an engaging discussion on the relationship of Christ to culture Bill Dennison Darryl Hart ...ChristandCulture,PracticalTheology,SystematicTheology,WorldviewReformed Forumnono