Reformed Forum Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 02 Jan 2025 16:21:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Events – Reformed Forum 32 32 The 2024 Christmas Extravaganza Fri, 27 Dec 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Join us for the Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza 2024, a four-hour special filled with lively theological discussion, reflections on the past year, and a look ahead to what’s in store […]]]>

Join us for the Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza 2024, a four-hour special filled with lively theological discussion, reflections on the past year, and a look ahead to what’s in store for 2025. Hosted by Camden Bucey, this festive livestream features contributions from regular panelists Lane Tipton, Bob Tarullo, Jim Cassidy, Carlton Wynne, and special guests like Ruth Huang, a Mid-America Reformed Seminary student working on translating Reformed resources into Chinese.

Explore topics ranging from the state of the church worldwide to the joys and challenges of ministry in different cultural contexts. Enjoy special segments with Pamela York performing jazz piano, Kurt Vetterli sharing insights on ministry in Switzerland, and James Chu discussing the challenges and opportunities for ministry in the Philippines. These moments provide a global perspective on the Reformed faith and the work of the church across cultures.

Plus, enjoy games, giveaways, and reflections on Reformed theology, all delivered with the warmth and camaraderie of the Reformed Forum community. Whether you’re a long-time listener or discovering us for the first time, this episode captures the heart of our mission: to equip believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Visit to support our year-end campaign and help us continue providing free theological resources worldwide.

Watch on YouTube and Vimeo.


  • 00:00:00 Sponsor: Five More Talents
  • 00:01:04 Introduction
  • 00:33:58 Ruth Huang and the Church in Asia
  • 01:08:04 Steve Schmidt Hosts Wits & Wagers
  • 01:44:12 Joe Cristman’s Top Books of 2024
  • 02:18:56 Ministry and Campaign Update with Ryan Noha
  • 02:28:38 Pamela York Plays Jazz
  • 02:47:56 Kurt Vetterli on Ministry in Switzerland
  • 03:11:19 Brad Isbell with the Top Stories of 2024
  • 03:29:35 James Chu on Ministry in the Philippines
  • 03:59:05 Wrap-Up and Announcement of Giveaway Winners

Participants: , , , ,

Join us for the Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza 2024 a four hour special filled with lively theological discussion reflections on the past year and a look ahead to what s ...Events,Missions,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Perichoresis, Endoxation, and the Glory-Spirit Fri, 17 Dec 2021 17:00:00 +0000 Lane Tipton delivers a plenary address from the annual Reformed Forum Theology Conference, which was hosted October 8–9 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas. Dr. Tipton’s address is titled, “Perichoresis, […]]]>

Lane Tipton delivers a plenary address from the annual Reformed Forum Theology Conference, which was hosted October 8–9 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas. Dr. Tipton’s address is titled, “Perichoresis, Endoxation, and the Glory-Spirit: Foundations for Image-Endowment and Covenant Theology in the Work of Meredith G. Kline


  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:02:36 Perichoresis, Endoxation, and the Glory-Spirit
  • 00:18:22 Endoxation and Incarnation
  • 00:32:50 Endoxation as the Initial Creational Replication of Trinitarian Perichoresis
  • 00:46:42 The Glory-Spirit and the Image of God
  • 01:01:21 Special Revelation and Covenantal Advancement
  • 01:09:16 Conclusion

Participants: ,

Lane Tipton delivers a plenary address from the annual Reformed Forum Theology Conference which was hosted October 8 9 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville Texas Dr Tipton s address is ...2021TheologyConference,BiblicalTheology,TrinityReformed Forumnono
“This is a Myth”: Barth’s Rejection of the Covenant of Works Fri, 19 Nov 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Jim Cassidy delivers a plenary address from the annual Reformed Forum Theology Conference, which was hosted October 8–9 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas. Cassidy investigates the ontological assumptions which […]]]>

Jim Cassidy delivers a plenary address from the annual Reformed Forum Theology Conference, which was hosted October 8–9 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas.

Cassidy investigates the ontological assumptions which led Karl Barth to reject the doctrine of the covenant of works. He considers how Barth’s doctrine of God, with its actualistic ontology, is the ground for his rejection of the historic doctrine of classical federal theology. In the process of showing how his novel construction of the doctrine of God leads to his critique, Barth sets up—albeit unwittingly—how own kind of covenant of works whereby man today can ascend into “God’s time for us” to gain the knowledge of God.


00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:28 “This Is a Myth”: Barth’s Rejection of the Covenant of Works
01:00:41 Conclusion

Participants: ,

Jim Cassidy delivers a plenary address from the annual Reformed Forum Theology Conference which was hosted October 8 9 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville Texas Cassidy investigates the ontological assumptions ...2021TheologyConference,KarlBarthReformed Forumnono
Geerhardus Vos and the Covenant of Works Fri, 29 Oct 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Danny Olinger delivers an address at the 2021 Reformed Forum Theology Conference. The event was held October 8–9, 2021 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas. The conference theme was, “The […]]]>

Danny Olinger delivers an address at the 2021 Reformed Forum Theology Conference. The event was held October 8–9, 2021 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas.

The conference theme was, “The Promise of Life: God’s Plan for His People in the Covenant of Works.” In contrast to Roman Catholic, modernist, and evangelical approaches, we explored a thoroughly Reformed understanding of God’s relationship to Adam as he was created. We learned how Jesus Christ ultimately brings us to the glorious future which God originally offered to Adam in the garden of Eden.

Danny Olinger is General Secretary for the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He is the author of Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian and the editor of A Geerhardus Vos Anthology: Biblical and Theological Insights Alphabetically Arranged.


00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:46 Geerhardus Vos and the Covenant of Works
00:10:49 Summary in The Eschatology of the Psalter
00:16:20 Adam and Christ in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15
00:26:06 The Promise of Life in the Covenant of Works
00:41:28 The Nature and Destiny of Man
00:48:43 Reformed and Roman Catholic Theology
00:59:15 Theology from Genesis 2:16–17
01:02:22 The Sabbath Day
01:12:25 Conclusion

Participants: ,

Danny Olinger delivers an address at the 2021 Reformed Forum Theology Conference The event was held October 8 9 2021 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville Texas The conference theme was ...2021TheologyConference,Anthropology,Eschatology,GeerhardusVosReformed Forumnono
Nature, Grace, and Covenant: The Deeper Protestant Conception and Twentieth-Century Roman Catholicism Fri, 22 Oct 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The beatific vision (1 John 3:2) is the consummation of God’s relationship with his people. While Christians of all traditions acknowledge this blessed future to some degree, there are significant […]]]>

The beatific vision (1 John 3:2) is the consummation of God’s relationship with his people. While Christians of all traditions acknowledge this blessed future to some degree, there are significant differences as to how it all works out. The Reformed tradition has understood this future and its genesis in terms of a covenantal relationship between God and Adam.

If you have listened much to our podcasts or courses at Reformed Forum, you likely have heard us discuss “the deeper Protestant conception.” This is a phrase first used by Geerhardus Vos in his Reformed Dogmatics. It involves the notion that man originally was created good yet with an eschatological purpose. Even before the fall into sin, Adam was intended to advance to a higher, more glorious, eschatological life with God in heavenly places. Elsewhere, this is captured in the phrase, “eschatology precedes soteriology.”

Yet developments in Roman Catholic theology throughout the end of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century gave rise to a movement that also advocates for eschatology preceding soteriology and a dismantling of the traditional dualistic separation of nature and grace.

In this address, Camden Bucey traces the historical developments of Roman Catholic theology in the twentieth century. In so doing, we may deepen our understanding of the already deeper Protestant conception while improving our ability to represent the diversity of Catholic thought leading up to and following the Second Vatican Council.

This address was delivered at our 2021 Theology Conference held at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas.

Chapter Markers

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:22 Nature, Grace, and Covenant
00:11:01 Basic Features of the Covenant of Works
00:18:42 The Deeper Protestant Conception
00:31:43 Twentieth-Century Developments in Catholicism
00:40:03 Henri de Lubac’s Proposal
00:45:57 Karl Rahner’s Response
00:50:22 Understanding Merit in Relation to Nature, Grace, and Covenant
00:57:40 Twentieth-Century Catholicism and the Reformed Tradition
01:10:55 Conclusion


The beatific vision 1 John 3 2 is the consummation of God s relationship with his people While Christians of all traditions acknowledge this blessed future to some degree there ...2021TheologyConference,Anthropology,ModernChurchReformed Forumnono
Foundations of Covenant Theology Sat, 02 Nov 2019 04:00:22 +0000

Dr. Lane G. Tipton teaches on the Foundations of Covenant Theology, summarizing the basic points of his course available now. This lesson was delivered at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois during the adult Sunday school hour over the course of the 2019 Reformed Forum theology conference.


]]> 0 https vimeo com 369914848 Dr Lane G Tipton teaches on the Foundations of Covenant Theology summarizing the basic points of his course available now This lesson was delivered at Hope ...2019TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Law and Spirit in Romans 7–8 and Galatians 3 Thu, 31 Oct 2019 04:00:50 +0000

Dr. Camden M. Bucey explores Paul’s enigmatic phrase in Romans 7:14 by using Galatians 3 as an interpretive context for Romans 7–8.

This address concluded the main sessions of the 2019 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 0 https vimeo com 369898541 Dr Camden M Bucey explores Paul s enigmatic phrase in Romans 7 14 by using Galatians 3 as an interpretive context for Romans 7 8 This ...2019TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
The History of Heaven: Paul’s Christological Interpretation of the New Beginning in 1 Corinthians 15:45–49 Thu, 24 Oct 2019 18:00:11 +0000

Dr. Lane G. Tipton delivers his second plenary address at the 2019 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. In this address, he discusses Paul’s Christological interpretation of the new beginning in 1 Corinthians 15:45–49.


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Questions and Answers Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:00:36 +0000

Jeff Waddington, Lane Tipton, Glen Clary, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey answer questions at the Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois on October 12, 2019.

Participants: , , , ,

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Now No Condemnation: The Law of the Spirit of Life versus the Law of Sin and Death Mon, 21 Oct 2019 04:00:11 +0000

Dr. Jeffrey C. Waddington delivers a plenary address at the 2019 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


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The History of Heaven: The Absolute Beginning and Sabbath Rest Before The Law — Genesis 1:1–2:2 Fri, 18 Oct 2019 20:00:33 +0000

Dr. Lane G. Tipton delivers his first plenary address at the 2019 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


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He Condemned Sin in the Flesh: The Law and Union with Christ Thu, 17 Oct 2019 21:52:01 +0000

Camden Bucey speaks at our 2019 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. The theme of the conference is “The Law Is Spiritual,” which is a phrase that comes from Romans 7:14. This is a verse that has been a perennial challenge for interpreters. What does it mean for the law to be “spiritual”? In this opening lecture, Dr. Bucey offers several exegetical, hermeneutical, and biblical-theological suggestions for approaching this difficult verse and its immediate context, namely Romans 7. This is a sketch of what could be developed in due course.

There is a typological and eschatological difference post-Pentecost. This is a fundamental point of Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. There is deep congruence between Galatians’ structure and that of Romans. It is interesting to compare the flow of Paul’s argument in Galatians with that of Romans. If that is true, you should be able to look to one letter for assistance when the other is particularly difficult to understand. Romans 7 is one of those chapters, particularly with regard to the so-called “schizophrenic I.”[1] When Paul uses the first-person singular pronoun, what does he mean?

The ancient church held the view that Paul was referring to himself when he was an unbeliever. The Augustinian and Reformational tradition viewed it as the struggle of a believer battling with indwelling sin in this age. Others have argued for a redemptive-historical view that Paul describes life under the Old Covenant.

We will consider consider the hypothesis that Romans 7:14a is explained in part by Galatians 3:19 and Galatians 3:22–24 sheds light on Romans 7:14b. The struggle of Romans 7 is that of the earthly/dust (χοϊκός) man (1 Corinthians 15:47–48). The law originates from heaven and guides us as a pedagogue unto the precipice just as Moses brought the people to the Jordan. But to cross over into the promised land, we need the man of heaven, the life-giving Spirit. Once there, we can offer the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5), which was the goal of the law in the first place (Romans 8:4).

[1] See Dennis Johnson’s chapter in Resurrection and Eschatology: Essays in Honor of Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.


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Geerhardus Vos and J. Gresham Machen Thu, 25 Oct 2018 04:00:41 +0000 Rev. Danny E. Olinger lectures on the connection Geerhardus Vos and J. Gresham Machen. This lesson was taught at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois as part of the […]]]>

Rev. Danny E. Olinger lectures on the connection Geerhardus Vos and J. Gresham Machen. This lesson was taught at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois as part of the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference.


]]> 1 Rev Danny E Olinger lectures on the connection Geerhardus Vos and J Gresham Machen This lesson was taught at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois as part of the ...2018TheologyConference,GeerhardusVos,J.GreshamMachenReformed Forumnono
The Deeper “Catholic” Conception: Vatican II, Protestantism, and the Ecumenical Future Tue, 23 Oct 2018 04:00:49 +0000 Camden Bucey delivers the concluding address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois.]]>

Camden Bucey delivers the concluding address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois.

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Participation in the Divine Life: Aquinas and Vos on the Lord’s Supper Mon, 22 Oct 2018 04:00:14 +0000 Glen Clary delivers a plenary address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Download the handouts. Participants: Glen Clary]]>

Glen Clary delivers a plenary address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Download the handouts.


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Karl Barth’s Analogia Thu, 18 Oct 2018 04:00:25 +0000 Jim Cassidy delivers a plenary address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Download the handout. Participants: Jim Cassidy]]>

Jim Cassidy delivers a plenary address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Download the handout.


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Thomas’s and Dionysius’s Use of the Great Chain of Being Wed, 17 Oct 2018 04:00:36 +0000 Jeff Waddington spoke at the fifth annual Reformed Forum Conference, which was held October 5–7, 2018 at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. The theme of the conference was “Seeing God: […]]]>

Jeff Waddington spoke at the fifth annual Reformed Forum Conference, which was held October 5–7, 2018 at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. The theme of the conference was “Seeing God: The Deeper Protestant Conception.” The speakers addressed important theological challenges and controversies facing the contemporary Reformed church by exploring the theologies of Thomas Aquinas, Karl Barth, and Geerhardus Vos on the beatific vision and glorification of man.


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The Trinity, Creation, and Covenantal Condescension: The Deeper Protestant Conception Tue, 16 Oct 2018 04:00:20 +0000 Lane Tipton delivers the first plenary address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Download the lecture notes to follow along. Participants: […]]]>

Lane Tipton delivers the first plenary address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Download the lecture notes to follow along.


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The Hope of Glory: Why the Beatific Vision Matters for All Christians Mon, 15 Oct 2018 04:00:25 +0000 Camden Bucey delivers the opening and introductory address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Camden Bucey]]>

Camden Bucey delivers the opening and introductory address at the Reformed Forum 2018 Theology Conference at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois.


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Registration is Now Open for the 2018 Theology Conference Tue, 26 Jun 2018 22:00:20 +0000 The fifth annual Reformed Forum Conference will be held October 5–7, 2018 at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Our theme will be, “Seeing God: The Deeper Protestant Conception.” We will […]]]>

The fifth annual Reformed Forum Conference will be held October 5–7, 2018 at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Our theme will be, “Seeing God: The Deeper Protestant Conception.” We will address important theological challenges and controversies facing the contemporary Reformed church by exploring the theologies of Thomas Aquinas, Karl Barth, and Geerhardus Vos on the beatific vision and glorification of man. The beatific vision captures the glorious reality believers will experience when Christ returns. “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2). This presents an important theological question: How shall we be like him? Is it by participating in the divine essence? Is it by being identified with God in a revelatory Christ-event? Does God change his being in some manner to accommodate this new relationship?

Reformed orthodoxy demands a deeper conception.

Our conference theme may sound esoteric, but these are critically important matters facing the Church today as an age-old theological controversy is rising once again. We seek to present a clear thesis that Vos offers the biblical way forward between two forms of divine-human univocism. These are represented by consistent Thomism and modernist Barthianism. Ostensibly, these systems are diametrically opposed to one another, yet Vos’s insights will help demonstrate how Thomism and Barthianism eventually converge in what Cornelius Van Til termed the “Aristotle-Christ-Kant Synthesis.” Through the biblical doctrines of divine immutability, covenant, and the image of God, Vos demonstrates how God enters into a glorious communion bond with his people without deifying them or becoming a creature himself. We plan to devote several episodes of Christ the Center to this subject leading up to the conference and develop a pre-conference reading list for those who want to get the most out of their experience. We look forward to seeing you in October. Register Now

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Machen and Van Til Mon, 30 Oct 2017 04:00:47 +0000 The adult Sunday school lesson from the Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference held at Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 0 54:12The adult Sunday school lesson from the Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference held at Hope Presbyterian Church OPC in Grayslake Illinois2017TheologyConference,Apologetics,CorneliusVanTilReformed Forumnono
The Reformation of Apologetics: Retrospect and Prospect Wed, 25 Oct 2017 04:00:41 +0000 The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #5 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) Participants: Camden Bucey]]>

The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #5 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC)


]]> 0 39:21The Reformation of Apologetics Session 5 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church OPC2017TheologyConference,Apologetics,CorneliusVanTilReformed Forumnono
Revelation, Reason, and Evidence in Acts 17:30–31 Mon, 23 Oct 2017 04:00:35 +0000 The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #4 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) Participants: Lane G. Tipton]]>

The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #4 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC)


]]> 1 1:13:11The Reformation of Apologetics Session 4 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church OPC2017TheologyConference,Apologetics,CorneliusVanTilReformed Forumnono
Covenantal, Not Classical Wed, 18 Oct 2017 04:00:28 +0000 The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #2 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) Download the handouts. Participants: K. Scott Oliphint]]>

The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #2 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) Download the handouts.


]]> 1 1:18:53The Reformation of Apologetics Session 2 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church OPC Download the handouts2017TheologyConference,Apologetics,CorneliusVanTilReformed Forumnono
The Problem of Thomistic Foundations for Apologetics Mon, 16 Oct 2017 04:00:23 +0000 The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #1 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) Download the handouts. Participants: K. Scott Oliphint]]>

The Reformation of Apologetics, Session #1 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC) Download the handouts.


]]> 3 1:10:12The Reformation of Apologetics Session 1 Reformed Forum 2017 Theology Conference Hope Presbyterian Church OPC Download the handouts2017TheologyConference,Apologetics,CorneliusVanTilReformed Forumnono
Cornelius Van Til and the Archetype/Ectype Distinction Thu, 12 Oct 2017 04:00:22 +0000 Jeff Waddington spoke about Van Til and the archetype/ectype distinction during our 2017 Theology Conference VIP dinner at Market House on the Square in Lake Forest, Illinois. Participants: Jeff Waddington]]>

Jeff Waddington spoke about Van Til and the archetype/ectype distinction during our 2017 Theology Conference VIP dinner at Market House on the Square in Lake Forest, Illinois.


]]> 0 37:09Jeff Waddington spoke about Van Til and the archetype ectype distinction during our 2017 Theology Conference VIP dinner at Market House on the Square in Lake Forest Illinois2017TheologyConference,Apologetics,CorneliusVanTilReformed Forumnono
Eschatology and the Image of the Last Adam Wed, 26 Oct 2016 04:00:47 +0000 Camden Bucey speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016. Participants: Camden Bucey]]>

Camden Bucey speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016.


]]> 0 1:01:12Camden Bucey speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois on October 8 20162016TheologyConference,AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
The Archetypal Image in Colossians 1:15: Theological Implications Mon, 24 Oct 2016 04:00:53 +0000 Lane Tipton delivers his second address at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016. Participants: Lane G. Tipton]]>

Lane Tipton delivers his second address at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016.


]]> 0 1:01:19Lane Tipton delivers his second address at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois on October 8 20162016TheologyConference,AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
The Image of God and Imaging God: A Plea for Including the Ontological and Ethical Preconditions of the Function of the Image in Our Understanding of the Image of God Sat, 22 Oct 2016 04:00:42 +0000 Jeff Waddington speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016. Participants: Jeff Waddington]]>

Jeff Waddington speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016.


]]> 0 59:38Jeff Waddington speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois on October 8 20162016TheologyConference,AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
Image of God and Images of God: The Second Commandment and Reformed Worship Wed, 19 Oct 2016 04:00:36 +0000 Glen Clary speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016. Participants: Glen Clary]]>

Glen Clary speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois on October 8, 2016.


]]> 0 1:00:47Glen Clary speaks at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois on October 8 20162016TheologyConference,AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
The Trinity, Image of God, and Apologetics: Bavinck’s Consistently Reformed Defense of the Faith Mon, 17 Oct 2016 04:00:27 +0000 Jim Cassidy speaks on Herman Bavinck’s consistently Reformed defense of the faith at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Jim […]]]>

Jim Cassidy speaks on Herman Bavinck’s consistently Reformed defense of the faith at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 1 1:04:18Jim Cassidy speaks on Herman Bavinck s consistently Reformed defense of the faith at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois2016TheologyConference,AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
The Image of God: Biblical-Theological Foundations Sat, 15 Oct 2016 04:00:23 +0000 Lane Tipton delivers the first address at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Lane G. Tipton]]>

Lane Tipton delivers the first address at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 1 53:19Lane Tipton delivers the first address at the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois2016TheologyConference,AnthropologyReformed Forumnono
The Image of God: Historical and Contemporary Challenges Fri, 14 Oct 2016 04:00:22 +0000 The panel discusses the image of God live from the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference. The event was held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois beginning on October 7, 2016. In this conversation, we address historical views of the image of God, the historicity of Adam, woman’s relationship to man, gender, and the implications of the image of God doctrine for racial equality.

Participants: , , , ,

]]> 0 1:45:33The panel discusses the image of God live from the 2016 Reformed Forum Theology Conference The event was held at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake Illinois beginning on October ...2016TheologyConference,Anthropology,BiblicalTheology,Marriage&GenderReformed Forumnono
Creation and Covenant: Why Karl Barth Didn’t Go Far Enough in His Rejection of Natural Theology Wed, 11 May 2016 04:00:15 +0000 Dr. James J. Cassidy delivers the third plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville, Texas on April 30, 2016. Download the handout for the lecture. The theme of our conference […]]]>

Dr. James J. Cassidy delivers the third plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville, Texas on April 30, 2016. Download the handout for the lecture. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our World: Nature, Grace, and the Foundation of Divine Revelation. Download the audio from each of our sessions:

]]> 0 1:00:37Dr James J Cassidy delivers the third plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville Texas on April 30 2016 Download the handout for the lecture The theme of ...2016AustinTheologyConference,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Nature, Grace, and the Eschatology of Salvation Mon, 09 May 2016 04:00:59 +0000 Dr. Camden M. Bucey delivers the second plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville, Texas on April 30, 2016. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our World: Nature, […]]]>

Dr. Camden M. Bucey delivers the second plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville, Texas on April 30, 2016. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our World: Nature, Grace, and the Foundation of Divine Revelation. Download the audio from each of our sessions:

]]> 0 59:06Dr Camden M Bucey delivers the second plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville Texas on April 30 2016 The theme of our conference was God s Word ...2016AustinTheologyConference,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Nature and the Means of Grace Fri, 06 May 2016 04:00:55 +0000 Lane Tipton, Glen Clary, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey speak about nature-grace dualism and the means of grace. This was a live panel discussion held during our Austin Theology Conference […]]]>

Lane Tipton, Glen Clary, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey speak about nature-grace dualism and the means of grace. This was a live panel discussion held during our Austin Theology Conference at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas, April 30, 2016. Download the audio from each of our sessions:

Participants: , , ,

]]> 0 1:06:53Lane Tipton Glen Clary Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey speak about nature grace dualism and the means of grace This was a live panel discussion held during our Austin Theology ...2016AustinTheologyConference,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Covenant and Nature: Paul’s Eschatology of the Natural in 1 Corinthians 15:45 Wed, 04 May 2016 04:00:10 +0000 Dr. Lane G. Tipton delivers the first plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville, Texas on April 30, 2016. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our […]]]>

Dr. Lane G. Tipton delivers the first plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville, Texas on April 30, 2016. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our World: Nature, Grace and the Foundation of Divine Revelation. Download the audio from each of our sessions:

  • Lane Tipton, “Covenant and Nature: Paul’s Eschatology of the Natural in 1 Corinthians 15:45
  • Panel Discussion with Lane Tipton, Glen Clary, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey (Christ the Center, episode 436), “Nature and the Means of Grace”
  • Camden Bucey, “Nature, Grace, and the Eschatology of Salvation”
  • Jim Cassidy, “Creation and Covenant: Why Karl Barth Didn’t Go Far Enough in His Rejection of Natural Theology”
]]> 0 1:02:21Dr Lane G Tipton delivers the first plenary address from our Austin Theology Conference at Pflugerville Texas on April 30 2016 The theme of our conference was God s Word ...2016AustinTheologyConference,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
2016 Austin Theology Conference Audio Mon, 02 May 2016 18:40:55 +0000 Download the audio from our 2016 Austin Theology Conference held April 30, 2016 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our World: […]]]>

Download the audio from our 2016 Austin Theology Conference held April 30, 2016 at Providence OPC in Pflugerville, Texas. The theme of our conference was God’s Word in Our World: Nature, Grace and the Foundation of Divine Revelation.

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Christology and Hebrews Wed, 23 Dec 2015 05:00:00 +0000 Dr. Lane G. Tipton teaches the adult Sunday school class at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois, considering Christology from the early chapters of the epistle to the Hebrews. Participants: Lane […]]]>

Dr. Lane G. Tipton teaches the adult Sunday school class at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois, considering Christology from the early chapters of the epistle to the Hebrews.


]]> 0 37:20Dr Lane G Tipton teaches the adult Sunday school class at Hope OPC in Grayslake Illinois considering Christology from the early chapters of the epistle to the Hebrews2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Philippians 1:6 — A Good Work Begun Tue, 01 Dec 2015 05:00:56 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. preaches during the morning service at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. preaches during the morning service at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 0 Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr preaches during the morning service at Hope OPC in Grayslake Illinois2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Jonathan Edwards: Pastor-Apologist Mon, 30 Nov 2015 05:00:52 +0000 Dr. Jeffrey C. Waddington delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum theology Conference. Participants: Jeff Waddington]]>

Dr. Jeffrey C. Waddington delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum theology Conference.


]]> 0 Dr Jeffrey C Waddington delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum theology Conference2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Theological Implications of Pneumatology, Q&A Thu, 26 Nov 2015 05:00:39 +0000 Participants: Lane G. Tipton]]>


]]> 0 https www youtube com watch v P j7c4NtV U2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Pneumatology and Moses Wed, 25 Nov 2015 05:00:46 +0000 Participants: Lane G. Tipton]]>


]]> 0 http www youtube com watch v u K485kFxgA2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Justified in the Spirit — Life Giving Spirit (Part Two) Tue, 24 Nov 2015 05:00:42 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference.


]]> 0 Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference http www youtube com watch v zMDa JfLIGQ2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Let’s Do Presbyterianism: The Trinitarian Foundations for Biblical and Church Polity Mon, 23 Nov 2015 05:00:55 +0000 Dr. James J. Cassidy delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum Theology Conference. Participants: Jim Cassidy]]>

Dr. James J. Cassidy delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum Theology Conference.


]]> 0 Dr James J Cassidy delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum Theology Conference2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
The Sensus Fidei: Pneumatology and Ecclesiology in Catholic and Reformed Theology Thu, 19 Nov 2015 05:00:14 +0000 Participants: Camden Bucey]]>


]]> 2 https www youtube com watch v cgO9LI0p49U2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Pneumatology and Adam Wed, 18 Nov 2015 05:00:30 +0000 Lane Tipton delivers the first of his two plenary addresses at our 2015 Theology Conference at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Lane G. Tipton]]>

Lane Tipton delivers the first of his two plenary addresses at our 2015 Theology Conference at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 0 http www youtube com watch v aw50LPkMWgA Lane Tipton delivers the first of his two plenary addresses at our 2015 Theology Conference at Hope OPC in Grayslake Illinois2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Justified in the Spirit — Life-Giving Spirit (Part One) Tue, 17 Nov 2015 05:00:08 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 2 1:09:18Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake Illinois http www youtube com watch v 4wsgZkmZgfM2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Theological Implications of Pneumatology, Q&A Mon, 19 Oct 2015 02:49:00 +0000

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Pneumatology and Moses Sat, 17 Oct 2015 18:00:56 +0000

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