Reformed Forum Reformed Theological Resources Thu, 24 Jun 2021 17:02:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Deuteronomic History – Reformed Forum 32 32 Discussing Foundations of Covenant Theology Thu, 24 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Lane Tipton speaks about his new book, Foundations of Covenant Theology, available now through Reformed Forum. Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating […]]]>

Lane Tipton speaks about his new book, Foundations of Covenant Theology, available now through Reformed Forum.

Drawing from Genesis 1:1 and subsequent biblical revelation, Lane Tipton argues that before creating the visible world, the immutable triune God created a heavenly temple dwelling, filled that heavenly dwelling with the unchanging glory of his Spirit, and sanctified that heavenly dwelling as the realm of everlasting Sabbath rest.

Adam, as the created image of God and federal head of his posterity, could have advanced through perfect covenantal obedience beyond probation on the mountain of God in earthly Eden into the heavenly dwelling of God in Sabbath rest. This God-centered and heaven-focused theological backdrop enriches our understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ, as the second and last Adam in the covenant of grace, who in his humiliation and exaltation has opened the gates of heavenly paradise for his church.

Copies are available now.

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Lane Tipton speaks about his new book Foundations of Covenant Theology available now through Reformed Forum Drawing from Genesis 1 1 and subsequent biblical revelation Lane Tipton argues that before ...BiblicalTheology,DeuteronomicHistoryReformed Forumnono
Genesis 29:1–18 — Seeking His Bride Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:30:37 +0000 Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride. […]]]>

Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride. We therefore must become servants of Christ that as his bride we might receive the water of life.


Jacob s search for a bride parallels two other searches all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his ...DeuteronomicHistory,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
The Sufferings and Glory of Jesus the Messiah in Acts 2–3 Fri, 07 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000 We welcome Dr. Rita Cefalu to speak about the rich biblical-theological themes regarding Christ in Acts 2–3. Dr. Cefalu has written, “The Sufferings and Glory of Jesus the Messiah in […]]]>

We welcome Dr. Rita Cefalu to speak about the rich biblical-theological themes regarding Christ in Acts 2–3. Dr. Cefalu has written, “The Sufferings and Glory of Jesus the Messiah in Acts 2–3,” which appears in The Seed of Promise: The Sufferings and Glory of the Messiah: Essays in Honor of T. Desmond Alexander (Glossa House), co-edited by Dr. Cefalu and Paul R. Williamson. Dr. Cefalu is a writer and lecturer in biblical and theological studies in Florida.

This book is a festschrift presented to T. Desmond Alexander on the year of his 65th birthday. In distinction from other volumes of this type, this book is structured around the biblical theological theme of the seed promise of Genesis 3:15, with its sub-theme focused on the sufferings and glory of the Messiah. Accordingly, biblical scholars (both OT and NT), who have in some capacity benefited from Dr. Alexander’s scholarship and are known for their work in particular books of the Bible and/or the discipline of biblical theology, investigate these particular themes in light of their respective books.


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We welcome Dr Rita Cefalu to speak about the rich biblical theological themes regarding Christ in Acts 2 3 Dr Cefalu has written The Sufferings and Glory of Jesus the ...ActsandPaul,BiblicalTheology,DeuteronomicHistoryReformed Forumnono
Genesis 27:41–28:9 — The Departure of Jacob Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises, we see, through two theological paradigms—the offspring and the land—that God Almighty will lead his people to […]]]>

Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises, we see, through two theological paradigms—the offspring and the land—that God Almighty will lead his people to the land of promise.

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Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises we see through two theological paradigms the offspring and the land that God Almighty will lead his ...DeuteronomicHistory,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 26 — Compromise, Controversy, and Covenant Wed, 22 Apr 2020 04:00:00 +0000 Mark Winder shows us how in the story of Isaac which parallels that of Abraham, there is a theological point being made: from a human perspective there is one crisis […]]]>

Mark Winder shows us how in the story of Isaac which parallels that of Abraham, there is a theological point being made: from a human perspective there is one crisis after another. But from the divine perspective, there is no salvation outside of God. Only his hand will triumph. We will also see how Abraham’s obedience is a type of the obedience of Christ.

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]]> 0 Mark Winder shows us how in the story of Isaac which parallels that of Abraham there is a theological point being made from a human perspective there is one crisis ...DeuteronomicHistory,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 14:17–24 — Abram and Melchizedek Wed, 18 Apr 2018 04:00:29 +0000 On the heels of a tremendous victory, Abram has a choice to make. Not necessarily an easy one if his focus was on earthly things. Here’s Abram’s chance to make […]]]>

On the heels of a tremendous victory, Abram has a choice to make. Not necessarily an easy one if his focus was on earthly things. Here’s Abram’s chance to make it big in Canaan. Or is he looking for some other city? What will he do? What should we do as we follow in his footsteps?

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]]> 0 44:25On the heels of a tremendous victory Abram has a choice to make Not necessarily an easy one if his focus was on earthly things Here s Abram s chance ...BiblicalTheology,DeuteronomicHistory,OldTestament,PreachingReformed Forumnono
New Archaeological Finding from Jerusalem’s First-Temple Period Mon, 01 Jan 2018 15:35:21 +0000 Archaeologists working in Israel’s Western Wall Plaza have unearthed a “docket,” or clay impression of a seal from לשר העיר (“[belonging] to the governor of the city”). The identity of this […]]]>

Archaeologists working in Israel’s Western Wall Plaza have unearthed a “docket,” or clay impression of a seal from לשר העיר (“[belonging] to the governor of the city”). The identity of this governor could be Joshua, the governor of Jerusalem in the days of Hezekiah (2 Kings), or Maaseiah, is the governor in the days of Josiah (2 Chronicles).

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The Role of Ephraim in Judges Fri, 26 May 2017 04:00:35 +0000 On this episode, we open to the book of Judges with our guest, William Wood. Mr. Wood is a PhD student in Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, […]]]>

On this episode, we open to the book of Judges with our guest, William Wood. Mr. Wood is a PhD student in Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He challenges the conventional wisdom that the author of Judges exhibits an anti-Ephraimite stance exclusively. Will joined us previously to speak about Ephesians 6:10–17 and a Biblical Theology of Clothing. Download the Judges and Ephraim chart mentioned in the episode.

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]]> 3 1:13:40On this episode we open to the book of Judges with our guest William Wood Mr Wood is a PhD student in Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia ...DeuteronomicHistoryReformed Forumnono
Biblical Theology and Joshua Fri, 30 Sep 2016 04:00:12 +0000 Dan Ragusa speaks about the United Reformed Churches in North America, biblical theology, and the book of Joshua. Dan is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently studying […]]]>

Dan Ragusa speaks about the United Reformed Churches in North America, biblical theology, and the book of Joshua. Dan is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is currently studying at Westminster Theological Seminary. After a brief conversation, we share a lesson from Mr. Ragusa’s Sunday school series on Joshua taught at Oak Glen United Reformed Church of Lansing, Illinois.

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]]> 0 1:21:51Dan Ragusa speaks about the United Reformed Churches in North America biblical theology and the book of Joshua Dan is a graduate of Mid America Reformed Seminary and is currently ...BiblicalTheology,DeuteronomicHistory,ReformedChurchReformed Forumnono
Narrative Analogies among Israel’s and Judah’s Kings Fri, 11 Sep 2015 04:02:33 +0000 Matthew Patton offers us several interpretive guidelines for understanding narrative analogies among Israel’s and Judah’s kings. These insights provide for a richer and deeper understanding of typology. Dr. Patton previously joined […]]]>

Matthew Patton offers us several interpretive guidelines for understanding narrative analogies among Israel’s and Judah’s kings. These insights provide for a richer and deeper understanding of typology. Dr. Patton previously joined us to speak about Restoration Prophecy in Ezra-Nehemiah and Typology and Jehoiachin. In the latter episode we focused upon on his dissertation, and today we resume that focus by comparing Israel’s and Judah’s kings to David and ultimately to Jesus Christ.

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]]> 0 1:02:52Matthew Patton offers us several interpretive guidelines for understanding narrative analogies among Israel s and Judah s kings These insights provide for a richer and deeper understanding of typology Dr ...DeuteronomicHistoryReformed Forumnono