Reformed Forum Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 06 Sep 2024 16:32:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Preaching – Reformed Forum 32 32 Mark 1:14–45 — What Is the Gospel Wed, 04 Sep 2024 05:00:00 +0000 There is a transition that occurs between the ministry of John the Baptist and the Ministry of Jesus. John begins to decrease, and Jesus begins to increase. The Lord Jesus […]]]>

There is a transition that occurs between the ministry of John the Baptist and the Ministry of Jesus. John begins to decrease, and Jesus begins to increase. The Lord Jesus teaches and shows what the gospel is by his words and actions. We see how Jesus himself is the subject matter of the good news—the gospel, and his words and actions reveal the nature of the kingdom.

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There is a transition that occurs between the ministry of John the Baptist and the Ministry of Jesus John begins to decrease and Jesus begins to increase The Lord Jesus ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 34 — Rape and Retribution Wed, 10 Jul 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Something significant is missing in Genesis 34 as we read one of the most shocking stories of Scripture. How do you preach Christ in a text where a violent act […]]]>

Something significant is missing in Genesis 34 as we read one of the most shocking stories of Scripture. How do you preach Christ in a text where a violent act is met with severe retribution? Are Jacob’s sons exercising just judgment or personal revenge? Does this episode parallel the later conquest of Canaan? We seek to answer these questions and show how the ravages of sin can be undone; how the unclean can be made clean. There is good news for the Christian in this dreadful story.

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Something significant is missing in Genesis 34 as we read one of the most shocking stories of Scripture How do you preach Christ in a text where a violent act ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 2:11–19 — Brought Near in Christ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Paul calls upon his readers to remember five realities of their former life: separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants, having no hope, and […]]]>

Paul calls upon his readers to remember five realities of their former life: separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants, having no hope, and without God. But the glorious good news is “BUT NOW in Christ Jesus” those who were far off have been brought near. Jesus, through his death and resurrection, has reconciled the repentant sinner to God, so that he is no longer a stranger, but a member of God’s household.

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Paul calls upon his readers to remember five realities of their former life separated from Christ alienated from the commonwealth of Israel strangers to the covenants having no hope and ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 2:4–10 — The Good News Wed, 05 Jun 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Although humanity is dead and lost in sin, with no way to merit favor with God, God is rich in mercy and loves his people with a great love. Those […]]]>

Although humanity is dead and lost in sin, with no way to merit favor with God, God is rich in mercy and loves his people with a great love. Those whom God loves are then saved only through the death, resurrection, ascension, and session of Jesus Christ. Believers then, through their union with Christ, are privileged to have died with him, been resurrected with him, and ascended with him to the heavenly places. This glorious news should humble us and lead us to worship and walk in holiness.

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Although humanity is dead and lost in sin with no way to merit favor with God God is rich in mercy and loves his people with a great love Those ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Mark 1:1–15 — The Beginning of the Gospel Wed, 15 May 2024 05:00:00 +0000 In this episode, we introduce the Gospel of Mark. We also explore how Mark introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Of special interest is the […]]]>

In this episode, we introduce the Gospel of Mark. We also explore how Mark introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Of special interest is the redemptive nature of the Gospel. This is shown by Mark’s high Christology (Jesus is God), John’s baptism, and Jesus’ successful resistance of Satan’s temptation. 

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In this episode we introduce the Gospel of Mark We also explore how Mark introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Of special interest is the ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 33 — Reconciled with God and Man Wed, 28 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Moses brings us to the height of the conflict between Jacob and Esau. We look at the need to preserve the tension in the story while connecting it to the […]]]>

Moses brings us to the height of the conflict between Jacob and Esau. We look at the need to preserve the tension in the story while connecting it to the larger narrative. Here we learn how Jacob’s humility leads to a resolution of conflict. We see also the high point of the story — the building of the altar, as Jacob has reconciled with God and man.

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Moses brings us to the height of the conflict between Jacob and Esau We look at the need to preserve the tension in the story while connecting it to the ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 2:1–10 — The Bad News (Part One) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000 In this episode, we consider the reality that mankind, apart from God’s glorious grace, is completely and totally lost in sin. Before Paul moves to extol the riches of God’s […]]]>

In this episode, we consider the reality that mankind, apart from God’s glorious grace, is completely and totally lost in sin. Before Paul moves to extol the riches of God’s grace in Eph 2:4–10, he first digs down deep to expose the reality of sinful man’s helpless estate. The more we understand the depth of our sin, the more we will fall to our knees in wonder of God’s mercy in Christ. We must first reckon with the bad news before we bathe in the good news.

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In this episode we consider the reality that mankind apart from God s glorious grace is completely and totally lost in sin Before Paul moves to extol the riches of ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Psalm 18 — David’s Profession of Righteousness Wed, 14 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000 In this episode, we explain the meaning of David’s profession of righteousness. How can David speak about himself as being without guilt, relative to God’s law, when we know he […]]]>

In this episode, we explain the meaning of David’s profession of righteousness. How can David speak about himself as being without guilt, relative to God’s law, when we know he was a sinner? If our salvation is by grace alone, then how can David say that God rewarded him for his righteousness by saving him from his enemies?

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In this episode we explain the meaning of David s profession of righteousness How can David speak about himself as being without guilt relative to God s law when we ...MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,PsalmsReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:18–23 — Paul’s Prayer (Part Two) Wed, 07 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000 In part two of Paul’s Prayer we return to consider Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers. Yes, Paul’s burden is that the Ephesian believers would know the Lord. But what specifically […]]]>

In part two of Paul’s Prayer we return to consider Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers. Yes, Paul’s burden is that the Ephesian believers would know the Lord. But what specifically does he pray for them? What specifically, in this passage, does he want them to know? Join us as we reflect on Paul’s — and the Lord’s — burden for his people.

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In part two of Paul s Prayer we return to consider Paul s prayer for the Ephesian believers Yes Paul s burden is that the Ephesian believers would know the ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,Prayer,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:15–18 — Paul’s Prayer (Part One) Wed, 17 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000 In part one of Paul’s Prayer, we will examine how the apostle Paul prays for the Spirit to be at work so that Christians can know God more. Paul’s thankfulness […]]]>

In part one of Paul’s Prayer, we will examine how the apostle Paul prays for the Spirit to be at work so that Christians can know God more. Paul’s thankfulness for the believers at Ephesus moves him to constant prayer that God would soften their hearts and open their eyes to hear and believe the gospel. This should be our burden in prayer: that we would know God more.

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In part one of Paul s Prayer we will examine how the apostle Paul prays for the Spirit to be at work so that Christians can know God more Paul ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,Prayer,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 32:13–32 — Wrestling with God Wed, 10 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Jacob expects a conflict with Esau but instead ends up wrestling with an unknown assailant, who can clearly best him at any moment. But when that moment comes, Jacob will […]]]>

Jacob expects a conflict with Esau but instead ends up wrestling with an unknown assailant, who can clearly best him at any moment. But when that moment comes, Jacob will not release his hold until he receives a blessing. The content of that blessing points to the God who will not forsake Jacob and will fulfill his covenant promises.

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Jacob expects a conflict with Esau but instead ends up wrestling with an unknown assailant who can clearly best him at any moment But when that moment comes Jacob will ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Psalm 5 — Christian Hatred Wed, 08 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000 What is a Christian to do with the imprecatory Psalms? Are they to be read and sung today, and if so, with what understanding? Jim Cassidy talks about how to […]]]>

What is a Christian to do with the imprecatory Psalms? Are they to be read and sung today, and if so, with what understanding? Jim Cassidy talks about how to situate the Psalms within their redemptive-historical context, instead of reading them in the abstract.

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What is a Christian to do with the imprecatory Psalms Are they to be read and sung today and if so with what understanding Jim Cassidy talks about how to ...MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,PsalmsReformed Forumnono
Genesis 32:1–12 — Preparing for Conflict Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000 As Jacob continues toward Canaan in obedience to God’s call, he comes up against another significant obstacle: Esau is coming to meet him Genesis 32:1–12—preparing for conflict with a small […]]]>

As Jacob continues toward Canaan in obedience to God’s call, he comes up against another significant obstacle: Esau is coming to meet him Genesis 32:1–12—preparing for conflict with a small army. Jacob’s reliance upon God’s covenant promises, and his humble prayer, are models for today’s Christians. We may pray with confidence as did Jacob, for the reality of those promises are even greater for us through Jesus Christ.

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As Jacob continues toward Canaan in obedience to God s call he comes up against another significant obstacle Esau is coming to meet him Genesis 32 1 12 preparing for ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Matthew 4:1-11 — The Testing and Temptation of the Son of God — Part One Wed, 24 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000 This episode looks at the testing of Jesus that comes on the heels of his baptism. At his baptism, the Father declares “This is my beloved Son, with whom I […]]]>

This episode looks at the testing of Jesus that comes on the heels of his baptism. At his baptism, the Father declares “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Satan comes to test that claim. But God has his own purposes as Jesus is led into the wilderness to demonstrate that he is indeed who the father declared him to be.

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This episode looks at the testing of Jesus that comes on the heels of his baptism At his baptism the Father declares This is my beloved Son with whom I ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Hermeneutics and Homiletics Fri, 28 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Mark Winder, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey discuss the relationship between hermeneutics and homiletics, focusing specifically on the preaching of Geerhardus Vos. Links Chapters Participants: Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Mark […]]]>

Mark Winder, Jim Cassidy, and Camden Bucey discuss the relationship between hermeneutics and homiletics, focusing specifically on the preaching of Geerhardus Vos.



  • 00:00:07 Introduction
  • 00:02:05 Hermeneutics and Homiletics
  • 00:18:27 Sermon Forms and Contemporary Expectations
  • 00:27:47 Preaching Occurs in Context
  • 00:37:15 Sermons Are Not Theological Lectures
  • 00:46:23 Directing toward Application
  • 00:49:27 What Is Not Said Is Important
  • 00:52:59 The Dominating Theme of a Sermon
  • 00:56:16 Word Pictures and Illustrations
  • 01:05:11 Conclusion

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Mark Winder Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey discuss the relationship between hermeneutics and homiletics focusing specifically on the preaching of Geerhardus Vos Links Proclaiming Christ Geerhardus Vos Grace and Glory ...PreachingReformed Forumnono
Psalm 2 — A Biblical Conspiracy Theory Wed, 29 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Psalm 2 speaks of rebellious kings conspiring together against the Lord and his anointed. But the outcome of such conspiracies is clear. The Son will have the earth as his […]]]>

Psalm 2 speaks of rebellious kings conspiring together against the Lord and his anointed. But the outcome of such conspiracies is clear. The Son will have the earth as his possession. 

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Psalm 2 speaks of rebellious kings conspiring together against the Lord and his anointed But the outcome of such conspiracies is clear The Son will have the earth as his ...MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,PsalmsReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:11–14 — The Believer’s Inheritance Wed, 01 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000 In Eph 1:11–14 the Apostle Paul describes the glorious heavenly inheritance of the Christian. He seeks to encourage the Ephesian Christians—many of whom had given up earthly glory—by reminding them […]]]>

In Eph 1:11–14 the Apostle Paul describes the glorious heavenly inheritance of the Christian. He seeks to encourage the Ephesian Christians—many of whom had given up earthly glory—by reminding them of an even greater glory in Christ. May Paul’s words be a wonderful encouragement to the church today!

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In Eph 1 11 14 the Apostle Paul describes the glorious heavenly inheritance of the Christian He seeks to encourage the Ephesian Christians many of whom had given up earthly ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 31:22–55 — Jacob’s Covenant with Laban Wed, 15 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000 The narrative portions of Scripture serve to highlight the paradigm established by Genesis 3:15. In the story of Jacob and Laban we see primarily not a conflict between two human […]]]>

The narrative portions of Scripture serve to highlight the paradigm established by Genesis 3:15. In the story of Jacob and Laban we see primarily not a conflict between two human beings but a conflict between the one true God and the gods of Laban. Laban’s gods are helpless and put to shame. Jacob’s God fulfills his covenant and provides a redeemer to cleanse Jacob—and us—from sin.

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The narrative portions of Scripture serve to highlight the paradigm established by Genesis 3 15 In the story of Jacob and Laban we see primarily not a conflict between two ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Psalm 1 — The Blessed Man Wed, 14 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000 We embark on a study through a new book—Psalms. Jim Cassidy provides some important interpretive principles which he illustrates through a consideration of Psalm 1. Written for Israel, a nation […]]]>

We embark on a study through a new book—Psalms. Jim Cassidy provides some important interpretive principles which he illustrates through a consideration of Psalm 1. Written for Israel, a nation under a theocracy, how do the Psalms manifest Christ, and how are they applicable to us today? How may it be said that the Christian today will prosper?

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We embark on a study through a new book Psalms Jim Cassidy provides some important interpretive principles which he illustrates through a consideration of Psalm 1 Written for Israel a ...BiblicalTheology,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,PsalmsReformed Forumnono
Matthew 3:13–17 — To Fulfill All Righteousness Wed, 30 Nov 2022 06:00:00 +0000 The baptism of Jesus is a pivotal event in the life of Christ and in all of redemptive history. In this episode, we explore its significance, seek to answer the […]]]>

The baptism of Jesus is a pivotal event in the life of Christ and in all of redemptive history. In this episode, we explore its significance, seek to answer the question of why Jesus would need to undergo a baptism of repentance, and examine some of the thematic elements of his baptism.

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The baptism of Jesus is a pivotal event in the life of Christ and in all of redemptive history In this episode we explore its significance seek to answer the ...BiblicalTheology,Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 31:1–21 — Jacob Makes His Escape Wed, 23 Nov 2022 06:00:00 +0000 Jacob exhibits his faith as he responds in obedience to the Lord’s command to return to the land of his fathers. He had made a vow before the Lord, and […]]]>

Jacob exhibits his faith as he responds in obedience to the Lord’s command to return to the land of his fathers. He had made a vow before the Lord, and the Lord now calls upon him to keep his vows. In this episode we see an appearance of “the angel of God,” who points Jacob — and us — to a greater inheritance than land or riches, but the inheritance of “the God of Bethel” — redemption from sin and reconciliation with God.

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Jacob exhibits his faith as he responds in obedience to the Lord s command to return to the land of his fathers He had made a vow before the Lord ...BiblicalTheology,MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Hosea 14 — Turn Around Wed, 16 Nov 2022 06:00:00 +0000 Repentance today is a byword. It conjures up images of a religious fanatic standing on a street corner with a cheap megaphone that more obscures the sound than amplifies it. […]]]>

Repentance today is a byword. It conjures up images of a religious fanatic standing on a street corner with a cheap megaphone that more obscures the sound than amplifies it. But the call to repentance is divine grace. In this final chapter of Hosea, the Lord calls Israel to return to him. What a gift this is! God’s arms remain wide open. He will take away their iniquity, he will accept a sacrifice for their sins, he will heal their apostasy, he will love them freely, and make his people to reside under his shadow and to flourish. All this he does in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son. So we return to God through Christ, for he has made a way for us to be accepted by the Father. 

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Repentance today is a byword It conjures up images of a religious fanatic standing on a street corner with a cheap megaphone that more obscures the sound than amplifies it ...BiblicalTheology,Hosea,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
Matthew 3:1–12 — A Voice Crying in the Wilderness Wed, 05 Oct 2022 05:00:00 +0000 In this episode we see how John, the last prophet of the Old Covenant, transitions us to the New Covenant era by announcing the arrival of the LORD in the […]]]>

In this episode we see how John, the last prophet of the Old Covenant, transitions us to the New Covenant era by announcing the arrival of the LORD in the person of Jesus Christ. The focus of the passage is not on the uniqueness of John the Baptist, but the uniqueness of the one toward whom he points.

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In this episode we see how John the last prophet of the Old Covenant transitions us to the New Covenant era by announcing the arrival of the LORD in the ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Faculty Focus Interview with Lane Tipton Wed, 21 Sep 2022 18:05:09 +0000 This the second installment of a quarterly series of interviews highlighting the Lord’s work in the lives and ministries of our Reformed Forum faculty. Lane Tipton, Fellow of Biblical and […]]]>

This the second installment of a quarterly series of interviews highlighting the Lord’s work in the lives and ministries of our Reformed Forum faculty. Lane Tipton, Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Reformed Forum and pastor of Trinity OPC in Easton, Pennsylvania, sits down with Ryan Noha to discuss his conversion through a Leviticus 16 sermon on TV, his zeal for Christian education and global missions, and his joyful service of the Lord in his family, church, and the work of Reformed Forum as the George Bailey of Glenside.

Lane, I’m familiar with your background and how you came to know the Lord, but it’s always a joy to hear of the old, old story of the gospel and how the Lord brings the finished work of Christ to bear effectually upon his people. Would you tell us how you were converted and then eventually became a minister in the OPC?

I grew up in a Southern Baptist home. My mother was a devout and godly woman. Her parents were both wonderful Christians. My father was not a believer, but my mother would have us attend worship with her every Sunday morning. From the earliest time I can remember, I was sitting under the gospel, but I did not accept and embrace it. After I hit about age 13, my mom did not require me to go to church but gave me the opportunity to either go or not go, and I decided I wouldn’t go. I went through my junior high and high school years without really going to church at all, without attending any worship services at all. I played a year of football on a scholarship out of Tascosa at Eastern New Mexico State University. I was thinking about pursuing a law degree and thought when I came home that summer that it would be a really wise thing to read my Bible and get a little bit of familiarity with the Judeo-Christian ethic, given the fact that I was wanting to pursue law.

I turned to Jesus’ denunciation of the Pharisees almost instantly where he was denouncing them in Matthew 23 and following for being whitewashed tombs, clean on the outside, but inside full of dead men’s bones. I recognized that he was speaking in his word to me, and that I was in danger of the judgment. A few days later on a Sunday morning, I turned on the television, and a man was preaching on Leviticus 16 and the Day of Atonement. He then talked about the blood of a sacrificial offering, a sin offering, being brought into the most holy place and satisfying the wrath of God. He talked about a scapegoat, having the sins of Israel confessed over its head and being driven outside the camp, bearing away the guilt of God’s people. He said these were types of Jesus. And I instantly recognized that my release from my sin, and my fear, and my guilt, and my burden was found in the wrath-propitiating, blood sacrifice of Jesus who bore away my sin. I saw instantly in that typology that Jesus was like the scapegoat, who had taken my sin away from me as far as the east is from the west. He had shed his blood for my sin and satisfied God’s wrath. And I repented of my sin; I asked the Lord to forgive me. I was elated. I thought, goodness, how could I have not seen this all of these years? I instantly told my mom who just came into the room and was weeping tears of joy. She had been praying for this for 19 years. And the Paul Harvey aspect of the story is that of all people to preach that sermon, it happened to be Jimmy Swaggart, believe that or not.

So I was converted and within a few months had found my way toward the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. I had received through some men, who were in Amarillo at the time, interested in Reformed theology, some literature that led me toward the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. As I read systematic theologies—Louis Berkhof, some B. B. Warfield, a little bit of Van Til—I was very quickly led by conviction to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. I came to appreciate immensely Machen’s commitment to the spirituality of the church, his critique of liberalism as a different religion, the militancy of the OPC, its self-conscious embrace of being a pilgrim people, maintaining faithfulness to the gospel, not seeking cultural influence or affluence, but seeking rather to worship the Lord as engaged pilgrims, taking every thought captive, making it obedient to Christ, seeking the things above by faith, entering Sabbath rest, and being concerned most of all for the worship of the Triune God and giving a consistent, faithful witness to the world and calling all men and women, boys and girls everywhere to repent. That sent me on a path toward going to seminary.

It was a strangely quick movement from my conversion to pursuing the OPC and coming to a profound appreciation of Machen and his militancy and humility, and the church as it has been called by Charlie Dennison, “the church of the brokenhearted,” the church that mourns. This is not the norm, this kind of policy and worship and doctrine and this heavenly-mindedness. I have been in the OPC years and years now. I joined the Abilene congregation in 1989, if my memory serves, so it’s been a while.

I rejoice to hear of the Lord’s grace in your life afresh, not only that he was pleased to raise you from the deadness of your sin, but to grant you such rapid growth and maturity, even that you would see Christ in all of Scripture from day one and then dive right away into the deep end of Reformed theology with Machen and all the greats. This is truly a wonderful grace and profound mercy. I’d love to hear about the Lord’s gracious work in your family, as well. Would you introduce us to the Tiptons and share with us how the Lord is leading you all through this current season of life?

I met my wife, Charlene, when I came back from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. She has five uncles who have been or still are Orthodox Presbyterian ministers. We met in Abilene, Texas in 1992. About 10 months later, we were married. Everyone was saying, you guys need to get married. And I was all excited about us—you didn’t have to encourage me! She’s a beautiful, godly, intelligent, wonderful woman. Soon after that, we went to seminary, Westminster California. And by the time 1998 came around, we had our first child, Lauren; a few years later, Lyle; a few years after that, Trevor; a few years after that, Katie or Kaitlyn. And so we have four children. The oldest, Lauren, is now married. Lyle and Trevor are at Geneva playing basketball. And I will admit, tearing it up, and I’m very thankful for that. They’re godly young men walking with the Lord. Katie is class president just flourishing at Phil-Mont school founded by Cornelius Van Til. It’s all worked out in an amazing way.  Char and I are coming up on our 30th anniversary this next year. She works in the OPC home offices. She has been working there for several years now and does a fantastic job.

We’ve been here in Glenside since 1998, and it’s wonderful. I’m serving at Trinity OPC in Easton. It’s about 50 minutes from here. The family is doing great. They are a delight to my heart. They love the Lord and are all flourishing. I am so thankful. I’ve joked around before; I’ll adapt it, transpose it into this: I’m the George Bailey of Glenside, brother. I am just so thankful, so happy, and so richly blessed to have this family. They are, outside of the Lord, just the truest and purest joy of my heart.

Now as long as you mentioned Phil-Mont Academy and Van Til, I’ve got to ask, did you and Char have a devotional yet over that 1961 Van Til editorial I shared with you? The one that was published by Willow Grove Christian Day School, “The Whole Armour of God”?

Not yet. But talk about a letter that just states all that my wife has said before! Char has said before a number of times that she loves obviously loves Van Til. She and I married in part around a passionate commitment to Christian education. When I was in seminary out in California, Char taught at a Christian school. She taught years before that in Reformed Christian schools. She is just a fantastic teacher. We homeschooled our children. But when we first met, she and I read Van Til’s Essays on Christian Education as devotional literature and would marvel at the wonderful, robust, Reformed Trinitarianism, and Covenant Theology, and antithesis, and understanding of common grace, and the proper and indispensable role of Christian education from a Reformed world-and-life view. We fell in love around that. And so when we came to the Philadelphia area, and Phil-Mont was within ten minutes of our house, founded by Van Til—it’s just wonderful. So we’ll get around to that essay. I’m sure we’ll have numbers of discussions about it. Char has said, and I agree in certain ways with this, that Van Til might be at his very best when he’s talking about Christian education. You know, there’s a lot of “best” about Van Til, but one of his brightest points is talking about a consistently Reformed theological education for covenant children.

I couldn’t agree more. Now, you mentioned that you’re currently serving as pastor of Trinity OPC in Easton, Pennsylvania. What is your beloved congregation like and how is the Lord using the ordinary means of grace to gather and perfect the saints at Trinity?

I’ve been at Trinity in Easton for around a decade. Right before I arrived, the pastor left to join the Roman Catholic communion, which was a devastating blow to the congregation. For the past decade, I’ve had the unparalleled privilege of pastoring and shepherding and encouraging the saints in their walk with the Lord. As I said, apart from the Lord, my family is my chief delight, but just right in there, just as an unqualified delight is the service of the saints at Trinity. The elders, Charlie DeBoer, Joe Olliff, Luke DeBoer, Ian Parkin—a dear brother passed away about a year ago, went to be with the Lord—serving alongside those dear brothers in such a loving and giving congregation has been an oasis in the wilderness for me. I have delighted in my service, to know and love the congregation, to preach, teach, and serve alongside those brothers on the Session. The congregation over the years has grown to be what I would consider now to be a thriving, vibrant congregation filled with delightful people. I don’t want to overuse the George Bailey allusion, so I’ll change here, but I’ve been spoiled. And there is no end in sight from my side in terms of the service there. It continues to be an increasing joy for me. To see the way the Lord blesses through slow, steady, self-conscious means of grace, through Word and sacrament, through visiting and getting to know them as brothers and sisters in the Lord, walking beside them, bearing burdens, turning them to the sufferings and the comfort that are in Jesus Christ. I’ve always wanted to be a pastor; I was never initially aspiring to be a professor. And the Lord has granted me one of the deepest desires of my heart. Once again, I’m just so thankful for it.

That is tremendous, brother. To follow up for those who don’t know, who is George Bailey? And would your elaborate a bit upon what you’re preaching and teaching through these days and share any particular insights you might have from your studies in the Word?

If you remember, Jimmy Stewart played George Bailey in an all-time Christmas classic, It’s A Wonderful Life. And the long story short is that he finds that the money, the influence, the opportunity for notoriety, that all of those things pale mightily in comparison to having a group of people, family and friends, who gather around and love you and rejoice when you rejoice and mourn when you mourn. I don’t want to spoil it in case there are some younger folks out there who haven’t seen it, but at the end of the movie, when everyone’s coming into the house, doing something that’s just beautiful—I can’t resist the analogy. It’s delightful, whether it’s you brothers at Reformed Forum, whether it’s a number of dear brothers throughout the world, my loving family, the dear congregation, the Lord has just blessed me. And so I really do mean it, partly as a joke, but partly true: I’m like the George Bailey of Glenside, brother. I’m very thankful for it.

I’ve been preaching for some time on the book of Ephesians. I took about a one-year break and did some work on Hebrews 12 during the pandemic to talk about the unshakable kingdom. No matter what happens in this world, we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Over the past several months, I’ve been preaching through the armor of God and Ephesians 6, which is Christ, and have looked at how that armor is fundamentally putting on Christ, his ordinances, his Word, his Spirit, and by faith rising up with his people to fight against the principalities and powers of this present evil age, to set forth the truth of the gospel and its antithetical, full-orbed glory, and to recognize that no matter what happens in terms of the escalation of evil around us in the culture or in the world, Jesus Christ has established his Church. The gates of hell will not prevail against it because the Lord who is our armor has gone before us, destroyed his and our enemies and is in the process of making them a footstool for his feet, which will reach its climax in his glorious, visible second coming.

It’s been a delight to preach through that that book, and I’m kind of coming up on the end of it. You never know; I can’t ever calculate how many more sermons are in the hopper for it. But we’re moving toward the end of the Ephesians 6, and it has been an unusually rich feast for me to preach through. You think you understand the text until you work on it week in and week out for weeks, months, or years, and so it has been peculiarly rich for me. I’ve been very encouraged doing it. Of course, I have—I don’t want to diminish any other congregations in the world—but I might have the most patient and loving congregation in the OPC. They have stayed through it all, and we’ve taken a slow, careful look at that text and just feasted on the Christ who is revealed in it. It’s been a delight.

Now you’re a bit unusual as a minister in the OPC because you not only have the privilege of preaching twice every Lord’s day and doing Sunday school and visitation and serving the saints in Easton, but you’re also a Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Reformed Forum. How are you actively engaged in the Colossians 1:28 mission of Reformed Forum in that particular capacity?

Let me begin by saying Reformed Forum has been and always will be a pure labor of love for me. You do not find anything like it anymore. In the past, there were some that were striving for this, but the combination of militancy and love, distinctive commitments to the Confession, Van Til, Vos Kline, and the development of what you might call the old Westminster theology or the first generation OPC theology, enriched by people like Kline, Gaffin, Strimple, and others—that’s unique to Reformed Forum. The ministry is so distinctive, while at the same time not succumbing to these biblicist, mutualist perversions that you find in the evangelical and ostensibly “Reformed” world of contemporary vintage in the last 20 years. At Reformed Forum you’ve got a catholic, Reformed, robust ministry of Reformed theology with Colossians 1:28 as the mission, seeking to present everyone mature in Christ.

My service, whether it pertains to the Reformed Academy and teaching courses on Van Til, Reformed Forum conferences—we’ve got one coming up that I’m so excited I can barely contain myself over—or the books that I’ve been graciously given the opportunity to write for Reformed Forum—Foundations of Covenant Theology, the Van Til book [The Trinitarian Theology of Cornelius Van Til], and several on the way—all continues to be a joy in the Lord. I don’t feel like in any of this that I’m working. I’m serving with joy, gladness, and peace and would not want to be anywhere in the whole world serving in except Reformed Forum. So again, I said about pastoring that the Lord’s given me the desire of my heart. Serving with Reformed Forum, though, it’s just been a delight that the Lord has brought. There are people that I won’t mention by name, but they have engaged in extraordinary giving and continue to give in ways that astound me to enable this kind of ministry. They have my deepest gratitude and admiration in the Lord. So, brother, as long as the Lord continues to cause Reformed Forum to flourish, and I have the ability and capacity and strength to serve, the duty is delight. They go right together.

To have over 3800 students in 75 countries involved at Reformed Forum, and to see it exploding in terms of worldwide outreach and ministry and serving the global church so profoundly, that especially gives me unbridled joy in the Lord. I pray that the Lord will continue making Reformed Forum this growing servant of the universal, worldwide Church. I love everything about Reformed Forum, but that, in particular, really is close to my heart to be able to serve brothers and sisters in different countries, under great persecution, who otherwise don’t have access to this kind of theology. To be able to serve them with rich, Reformed theology in the way that Reformed Form enables, and with the quality in terms of the platform and the presentation, as men committed to the deeper Protestant conception, it’s very exciting. I’m thankful to be a part of it, and I’m thankful to see the way the Lord has been blessing it. I’ve been amazed at the way that the Lord is causing Reformed Forum’s ministry to explode throughout the world. And it’s all of the Lord, so we give him glory.

In terms of that worldwide explosion, would you at liberty to share about any of the work that you’ve done with our brethren in China or Cambodia?

I’ll give you just one example. I’ve had an opportunity with a dear brother to talk to numbers of brothers in China, engaging in the training of pastors. I’ve taught a course to brothers in the Lord who are serving and pastoring. I just recently recorded some sermons that will be a part of a conference coming up, and I believe that there are going to be around 1200 people attending. For the last decade, I’ve had opportunities pre-COVID to go to Hong Kong to engage in service of these Chinese brothers and sisters. I can just testify to this: the Lord is giving them extraordinary grace and deep conviction. If Reformed theology in seminaries in this country is on the decline, which it is, and if the broad evangelicalism of this country is strangling true piety and vibrant doctrine, which it is, if liberalism and Barth and the post-conservative evangelical, post-liberal movements are divesting the system of doctrine of its vitality and substance, which it is—as you see a relative decline in the West, these brothers are on fire. The persecution that they are receiving is only causing more and more joy and vigor and militancy to make Christ known and to have an opportunity to serve. I’m going to stop because this gets me choked up, brother, but to have the honor and the privilege to serve such brothers whose hearts are so clearly cruciform and cross-stamped, serving the Lord, not seeking treasure on Earth but in heaven, it’s amazing. That opportunity and ongoing attempts to partner with those brothers, it’s just a delight.

Amen, brother. What you’re saying resonates in a peculiar way with me as I’ve had the great joy of regularly corresponding and working with many brothers and sisters in mainland China and Taiwan through our Reformed Academy. I’m consistently blown away by how they are willing to joyfully lay their lives down for the gospel. They often suffer much hardship for the sake of our Savior in their families and work, and yet at the end of the day, they still have the Spirit-wrought energy and zeal do the difficult work of translation and subtitle correction for us at Reformed Forum. They labor for nothing but for the glory of God and to see the riches of the Reformed faith flourish in their land. I’m truly in awe of what the Lord is pleased to do in bringing Reformed Forum these connections with saints that weren’t on my radar, but they were on the Lord’s radar. He is bringing the Church, his global family, together even while the world is at war. Chinese believers and Western believers are loving one another and are growing unto perfection in Christ.

It is of the Lord. They are the dearest of brothers and sisters, so praise the Lord for them.

As we come to the close of our interview, how might our friends and supporters around the world pray for you and your ministry?

I really appreciate you asking. Pray for my wife to continue to flourish and for our relationship to grow; for my children to continue to flourish and walk with the Lord as they’re doing; for faithfulness in ministry at Trinity, preservation of the elders and growth of the congregation. Pray also for the work at Reformed Forum to move forward with people recognizing that we give all of our resources up front for free. Pray that the Lord would raise up people to support Reformed Forum’s work so that this global outreach, these 3800 plus students from 75 countries, could continue to be served. Pray that the Lord would make Reformed Forum faithful in serving the church and not be distracted by any other mission outside of the mission of Colossians 1:28, to seek to present everyone mature in Christ through the presentation of what the Scriptures teach as received and expounded and enriched in our Reformed confessional tradition. Prayer along all those lines, and that the Lord would make me personally faithful in love and in truth for the sake of Christ would be deeply appreciated.

Hosea 13 — The Dead Son Lives Wed, 07 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Hosea 13 contains mostly words of rebuke and condemnation. But there is good news there as well. The Lord rebukes his son, Israel, whom he called out of Egypt, for […]]]>

Hosea 13 contains mostly words of rebuke and condemnation. But there is good news there as well. The Lord rebukes his son, Israel, whom he called out of Egypt, for the sin of covenantal faithlessness. They have gone after other gods. So thorough will God’s coming judgment be that it is likened to death. But he also offers a word of hope which contains the promise of life, as death itself will be defeated. 

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Hosea 13 contains mostly words of rebuke and condemnation But there is good news there as well The Lord rebukes his son Israel whom he called out of Egypt for ...Hosea,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
Catechetical Preaching Fri, 02 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Drs. Alan Strange and Cornelis Venema speak about the practice of catechetical preaching from a practical as well as historical perspective. While the practice is more common within the Dutch […]]]>

Drs. Alan Strange and Cornelis Venema speak about the practice of catechetical preaching from a practical as well as historical perspective. While the practice is more common within the Dutch Reformed tradition, Dr. Strange also provides a case for Presbyterians to engage in preaching using the Westminster Standards as aids. Regardless of where you may land on the particular role of secondary standards in organizing the preaching of the Word, this conversation is useful and instructive for considering how the church may best instruct her members.

Dr. Cornelis Venema is Professor of Doctrinal Studies and President of Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana. Dr. Alan Strange is Professor of Church History, Registrar, and Theological Librarian of Mid-America Reformed Seminary.



  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:02:02 Homiletics and Catechetical Instruction
  • 00:15:34 Preaching from the Catechism
  • 00:22:30 Preaching through the Westminster Larger Catechism
  • 00:42:19 Reading the Catechisms during the Worship Service
  • 00:51:09 Keeping Catechetical Preaching Fresh
  • 01:05:09 Conclusion

Participants: , ,

Drs Alan Strange and Cornelis Venema speak about the practice of catechetical preaching from a practical as well as historical perspective While the practice is more common within the Dutch ...PreachingReformed Forumnono
Matthew 2:13–23 — The Exodus of the Son of God Wed, 31 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000 We look at the significance of a trio of prophecies: the flight to Egypt, Jeremiah’s prophecy of the weeping of Rachel, and that “he would be called a Nazarene.” Matthew […]]]>

We look at the significance of a trio of prophecies: the flight to Egypt, Jeremiah’s prophecy of the weeping of Rachel, and that “he would be called a Nazarene.” Matthew identifies Jesus with us, so that we might identify with him. The glorious king is not what many expected, and his kingdom does not look the way many expect.

Participants: ,

We look at the significance of a trio of prophecies the flight to Egypt Jeremiah s prophecy of the weeping of Rachel and that he would be called a Nazarene ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:9, 10 — The Uniting of Heaven and Earth Wed, 06 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000 What does Paul mean when he says that all things in heaven and earth will be united in Christ? The apostle moves from what Christ did on the cross for […]]]>

What does Paul mean when he says that all things in heaven and earth will be united in Christ? The apostle moves from what Christ did on the cross for his people — to look at the place of the cross in all of history. Robert Arendale and Mark Winder look at the concept of mystery, the language of “things in heaven and things on earth,” and the culmination of this text — the uniting of these things.

Participants: ,

What does Paul mean when he says that all things in heaven and earth will be united in Christ The apostle moves from what Christ did on the cross for ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Faculty Focus Interview with Jim Cassidy Fri, 20 May 2022 04:00:00 +0000 This the first installment of a quarterly series of interviews highlighting the Lord’s work in the lives and ministries of our Reformed Forum faculty. Up first is Jim Cassidy, president […]]]>

This the first installment of a quarterly series of interviews highlighting the Lord’s work in the lives and ministries of our Reformed Forum faculty. Up first is Jim Cassidy, president of the Reformed Forum board of directors and pastor of South Austin OPC in Austin, Texas. He sits down with Ryan Noha to discuss growing up Roman Catholic, giving up his life for the gospel, and serving the Lord in his family, church, and the work of Reformed Forum.

Jim, we have many longtime friends and supporters at Reformed Forum who know you well, but for those who are just meeting you for the first time or haven’t heard about your background, tell us how you made your way from Roman Catholicism into the OPC. How were you converted, and then how were you “born again” as one of Machen’s Warrior Children?

I appreciate that question. I think that growing up Roman Catholic has given me a particular perspective on the Reformation. When I was growing up Roman Catholic, the emphasis was very much upon the rules and doing what you’re supposed to do so that you don’t displease God. And if you don’t displease God, then you can get yourself out from underneath his wrath. So everything was geared towards this work of merit, whether it’s in the participation of the sacraments, going to church, not talking in church to your friends, kneeling properly, being an altar boy—you got some extra points for that. Now, they didn’t put it in those terms. But that’s sort of the message that was communicated.

As I was growing up and into college, I was under the impression that if you did enough good works, or if you did more good works than bad works, then you would go to either purgatory or heaven. But if you were a particularly nasty sort that did more bad deeds than good deeds, you would go to hell. Now, nobody I knew, despite the depravity that we exercised in our lives, thought that they were so bad as to be going to hell. And when they did something that was particularly bad, and they knew it, they would joke around and laugh and say, “Ha, I’m going to hell!” But it was not really taken seriously. I had this impression going into college.

It was there in college that I met a Baptist believer who was ministering to me and praying for me. His church’s youth group back home was also praying for me. And he was witnessing to me telling me about the gospel. When I told him my understanding of Christianity as I just explained it, he said, “No, that’s not how you get to heaven. You get into heaven by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” And now, we know, and I know from hindsight, that that’s not itself the gospel: “Having a personal relationship with Jesus.” That’s more of an evangelical way of saying that it’s not on the basis of your works or your goodness that you get into heaven but by faith in Jesus Christ. And so I remember going to bed that evening and saying to Jesus that I wanted to have a relationship with him. I woke up the next day, and I began to read my Bible and basically haven’t looked back since.

Now at that time, I didn’t fully comprehend the gospel. I knew nothing of the Reformation. So my intent was to be a Catholic—a good Catholic—and to stay in the Catholic Church. My intent was to go around telling everybody that they need to have a “personal relationship with Jesus” because that’s what I was taught. At that point, a Reformed person who was part of a Protestant Bible study took me aside. He began to explain to me the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, and he told me a little bit about the Reformation and “faith alone” and “grace alone” and all of that stuff. And when I went home over Christmas break during my sophomore year, I began to read Galatians. It blew my mind because Paul was articulating everything that I did not believe or that I was not taught growing up. In fact, it was the exact opposite of what I was being taught as I was growing up. It absolutely transformed and renovated my way of thinking about sin and salvation, the gospel—the whole nine yards. I quickly became very angry at the Catholic Church when I thought about the way that they were misleading me. My soul, and the souls of millions, was dependent upon the church proclaiming the truth and the true gospel, and Rome wasn’t doing that. It upset me very much.

I’ve gotten over my anger, but speaking to the issue of Machen’s Warrior Children, perhaps the reason that I am so dogmatically committed to Reformed theology is because I believe that it is as Warfield put it: “Christianity come to its own.” And if Reformed Christianity is “Christianity come to its own,” then we absolutely must stand for it; we must fight for it. Souls are at stake. I would never want our church to lose that message. I think Machen felt that way, too, even though he wasn’t raised Catholic. He was raised within the Presbyterian Church, but he was militant about the truth because he knew that it was a life-or-death situation. And I know it’s a life-or-death situation. So I believe in the Reformed faith and in zealously maintaining it, promoting it, preaching it, and teaching it because I believe truly that lives are at stake.

Amen, brother. I never tire of hearing how the Lord has brought a person to the understanding of that life-giving gospel: the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified, risen, ascended, and coming again. It’s only through union with him that we have any hope of salvation. It’s really that simple. We aren’t Reformed because we’re pugilistic, but because the Reformed faith is the only faith worth contending for. It’s radically consistent with Scripture, and that’s why we love it. That’s why we agree with Machen when he said on his deathbed, “Isn’t the Reformed faith grand?”

Yes. I think everybody has it within them to give their lives for something. We all know the brevity of our lives, and I think I think everybody wants to give their life to something that that counts, that makes a difference. Most of the time people identify the wrong thing to give their lives for. When I found and discovered the truth of the gospel as it was recaptured and re-articulated by the Reformers, I found something where I could say, I’m willing to die on that hill. I’m willing to surrender my life for the sake of that message because it has eternal consequences, even as the message itself is eternal as it says in the Book of Revelation, the “eternal gospel.” Without that understanding, we don’t have the gospel. We only have a man-made imitation of it as Paul says in Galatians, which is “no gospel at all.”

It’s really important for us to understand that we don’t want to be Machen’s Warrior Children, as it were, for the sake of making other people’s lives difficult. Or if we’re being just obnoxious, having a reputation for being that pugilistic guy who’s always looking to fight—we don’t want that. We don’t fight for the sake of the fight; we fight for the sake of the faith. We fight the good fight of faith. It’s important for us to keep our eyes on that because it’s that faith which will bring Christ’s children to maturity. And that’s part of what our goal is at Reformed Forum: to declare the whole counsel of God unto the people of God so that everyone in the church can be brought to the point of maturity in Christ, all to the glory of Christ, for the good of his church, and the evangelization of the lost. That’s something that we have to bear in mind.

We’re supporting the Great Commission of the church. We’re not the church; we’re not doing the Great Commission. Rather, we’re seeking to come alongside the church to support its mission to preach the gospel. And without understanding exactly what it is that the Scriptures teach about the gospel, we have nothing to offer the world. We have no evangel, no gospel to preach, unless we are clear, concise, and accurate in our proper reading of the Scriptures, aided by the Holy Spirit through the testimony of the church in the past and all the greats upon whose shoulders we stand. Without that, we don’t have a message that is worth living for. It’s not worth dying for. It doesn’t aid in the work of evangelism.

That’s right. Without that message, it’s not even evangelism at all. Now, on that note of discipleship, I’d love to hear how this all works out in your family life. Would you give us portrait of your family and then share a bit about how you seek to lead in such a way that the Lord would draw your wife and children into these glorious truths that we hold so dear?

My wife, Eve, is a great helpmeet to me. She has been there by my side in ministry for the last 20 years. I’m so very grateful. We’ve known each other longer than that, but we’ve been married in ministry for 20 years. We have three wonderful children, Caitlyn, Ian, and Anna, and they’re all great kids. I love them dearly. In terms of your question about discipleship, it’s a little bit different now because the kids are older. Eve has a job outside the home, and I have a job, of course. So we’re all going every which way, and our time together for regular, regimented family worship is not in the same pattern as it was when the kids were younger. We were very regimented. After our evening meal, we would have Bible reading, catechesis, and prayer. Now, my pastoral instinct to try to mitigate the awkward schedule of having older kids, one of whom is in college, is to take every opportunity to talk to them about the things of the Lord and to pray with them. I drive my daughter to school every day and we pray on the way to school; we talk about the things of the Lord and about the church. My kids are inquisitive, so they like to ask questions. I try to maximize those questions to illuminate the faith.

It’s much more dynamic, living as it is now in terms of ministry to the family, but I have to emphasize the importance of catechesis. My kids have a bedrock, a foundation, in the Catechism that they learned when they were younger. If I were to be honest and sober, I would say that they probably wouldn’t be able to recite word for word the vast majority of the Q and A’s that they learned as they were growing up, but the substance is there. And there are a few very key questions and answers that the kids still very much have burned or etched within their memories, such that it would go rote if I were to ask the question at random. Sometimes I’ll say, “What does every sin deserve?” in the course of conversation, and the kids instantly say, “the wrath and curse of God,” which is from the Children’s Catechism. There are some of those questions that are really familiar: Who made you? What’s your chief end? And however you might rephrase that question, they’ve got it; they know it. So it gives us something to build on as they as they grow older and as they mature in the faith.

Catechesis was the kind of thing that I did not grow up with. Catholicism would say, we do catechesis; the Catholic Church has a Catechism. But really, catechesis is a Protestant Reformational practice. When I was growing up, we read very little Bible. Even in Catholic parochial school, which I went to from first grade right through college, we studied very little in the Scriptures. And we certainly didn’t get regular, regimented catechesis, learning questions and answers in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We were not well instructed at all. Despite the fact that we had religious training all throughout, we didn’t learn the faith systematically.

Nonetheless, that’s a beautiful thing that you can look back on God’s faithfulness today and see how he has worked through the “foolishness” of catechesis in your own family, in the next generation. You can share in the great joy that the Apostle John spoke about when he heard that his children, his flock, were “walking in the truth.” Tell us about your own church, your own flock. Where do you serve and how is the Lord using the means of grace to gather and perfect his people there?

Thank you for that. I love my church very much. And it’s a joy to be able to talk about the congregation and the work here in South Austin. I came here in 2014. The congregation in Pflugerville, Texas, which is just to the northeast of Austin, not very far outside city limits—that was the original South Austin Presbyterian Church actually. They were originally meeting in locations on the south side of the city. Then they were able to get a piece of land and build a building, but it was to the northeast in Pflugerville. They ended up moving up there, leaving the south side somewhat untended in terms of Reformed witness. Glen Clary was the pastor there before I arrived at Providence in Pflugerville. And they had a group at that church that was meeting for Bible study down on the south side. There were about 20 to 25 people that were traveling north from South Austin up to Pflugerville for worship on Sunday, and they were desirous of starting a work on the south side.

That Bible study had been going on for five years when they finally called me to come as a church planter. We started worship services in July of 2014, and we became a particular congregation in 2015. From there we began to grow and to develop as the Lord continued to add to our numbers. A couple of years ago, we were able to purchase the building where we now carry out our ministry. Not long after we started worshiping, after we particularized, we had a couple of families come to our church from the New Braunfels area, which is about 45 minutes south of here towards San Antonio. We ministered to those families, and they were desirous of starting a work in New Braunfels. This was funny, because we were praying from the very beginning that the Lord would allow us to become a church-planting church plant. We didn’t want to wait very long to start praying and thinking about the next church plant. And so that’s what ended up happening. Within five years, we ended up starting the work down in New Braunfels. And now in a couple of weeks’ time, Lord willing, the New Braunfels church is going to particularize as a new and regular congregation. We’re really excited about that.

South Austin OPC itself is a very mature congregation. The folks are very serious about the word. They’re absolutely committed to Reformed worship, to the inclusion of Psalms in worship—not exclusively, but inclusive psalmody—and to Reformed orthodoxy. Our elders are very good shepherds. They take good care of the people and are very attentive, patient, kind, and loving. Our deacons are the same. They’re attentive to the needs of the congregation and have done a great job tending to the flock. Anyway, that’s a little bit about us. It’s a congregation that I’m so very much in love with.

What are you preaching and teaching through these days in terms of sermon series or Sunday school, and what fruit is your ministry bearing in the congregation?

In the morning, we are going through the book of James. That has been very useful for all of us, myself, especially. James’ exhortation with regard to the use of our words has been transforming for me, and I think for others, as well. As Reformed Christians, we are a very principled people, and rightly so. We believe that we are to live on the basis of God’s Word, and so we live in a very principled way. And we believe that we can know God and how he wants us to live. But sometimes, when a principled mindset combines with the old nature, we can very quickly allow our zeal to overtake our holiness, our self-discipline, and our restraint. Then sometimes we speak out of a desire to be principled, to stand for the truth, but we do so perhaps in a way that’s not loving and kind and proper and biblical.

James’ exhortations on what it means to suffer have also been a tremendous help to me personally. He’s one of the few places outside of the Book of Job that you can find reference to Job. James is very concerned to instruct the congregation who is obviously suffering. They are suffering persecution and opposition from the world, and James is concerned to teach them what it means to suffer righteously. Sometimes, suffering righteously means guarding your words in such a way that when you’re attacked, you don’t return attack for attack and so forth and so on. That’s been very helpful, I think, to the congregation.

In the evening, I’ve been preaching on 1 Chronicles. We’re going to get to 1 Chronicles 5 this Sunday, Lord willing. The congregation has been remarkably receptive to that series. I thought it would be a flop, quite frankly, because, as you know, the first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles is just a list of names except in chapter four where you have the prayer of Jabez. Of course, much has been made of that by some. I did a two-part series on chapter four, focusing exclusively on the prayer of Jabez. There were some little polemics in those sermons, which is appropriate in this instance.

The emphasis that I’ve been trying to underscore, however, is that we are the people of God. Our identity in Jesus Christ is found with the people of God under the old covenant. So when we read these genealogies, we have to understand that they are our genealogies. We’re living in a day and age where there seems to be a renewed interest in family lineage and genealogy. You can take a prick of blood or saliva, send it to some company, and they’ll tell you who your people are. But that’s DNA. We’re talking about something that’s deeper than DNA, which is the covenant of grace. We’re emphasizing our unity in the covenant of grace with the people of old and now showing the way in which the people of God are a people of every tribe, nation, and tongue.

During Sunday school, we’ve been working through R. B. Kuiper’s book on the doctrine of the church, The Glorious Body of Christ. And I talked about that a little bit recently on a Christ the Center episode. That’s been really helpful, especially in the area of church authority and power. I think there’s a lot of confusion out there about what church power and authority is or is not. Kuiper gives us a tonic to avoid an evangelical sort of no-churchism on the one hand, and then a kind of Roman Catholic-authoritarian-dominating kind of approach to authority and power on the other. He gives us the Reformed position. That’s been very helpful and sparked a good deal of interesting conversation in our congregation.

Another area where Kuiper is so good is on the indestructibility of the church. Persecution not only does not destroy the church, but persecution is actually the seed bed of the church. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. The church grows from persecution. The world can’t destroy the church; rather persecution will only advance the cause of Christ in this world. When we suffer righteously, we are identifying most intimately with our savior in his sufferings. The pinnacle point at which we are to imitate Christ is precisely here, in our willing suffering. That doesn’t mean that we go out and ask for it or look for it. Some of the early church fathers were somewhat guilty in this regard, but normally nobody wants to suffer. At the same time, we are willing, like Jesus, and as he calls his disciples to do, to lay our lives down for our friends, the glory of Christ, and the building of the church.

That foolishness of the cross will never become less foolish to the world, but to those who are God’s elect, it is the power of God unto salvation. So keep preaching it, brother! Now we could continue discussing and rejoicing in the Lord’s good work through your ministry in the local church, but I’d love to hear how you are also striving to serve the church in her Colossians 1:28 work through your labors here at Reformed Forum.

My role at Reformed Forum is somewhat supportive, which is great because that’s what I think I’m good at that. I’m not the sort of person that excels at leadership and taking charge and making things happen. Our dear brother Camden, our Executive Director, is excellent at organization, administration, execution of tasks and what not. He’s got the big vision; he knows what he’s doing. I’m here simply as a board member, and as the president of the board, to support him and our faculty—to cheer everybody on and to assist in anything that needs to be done to accomplish our mission.

As a faculty member, I’ve been working on a number of things, including a class on the Gospel of John that I hope to be able to roll out sometime later this year. I also do blog posts and Christ the Center episodes. I try to encourage our Van Til cohort students on Discord (our chat platform). I just see myself as playing a supporting role, throwing myself in anywhere that the Lord opens up for me to encourage, help, and assist. Everybody over there at the new office is doing a great job in terms of getting my material for the Westminster Shorter Catechism classes [Qs. 1–38 and Qs. 39–107] into published, book form. I’ve been working on that manuscript, and hopefully that will come out later on this year.

With the busyness of the pastorate and family, finding time to be able to execute on those projects that I have on my desk is something that is moving along way too slowly. I wish that I was able to produce more as a faculty member, but I remain blessed. The Lord has been gracious and kind. I love what Reformed Forum is doing. To be involved at all is a privilege and an honor. I’m sort of like the free safety in football—just kind of standing by waiting to make an interception or to maybe a tackle. I’m looking to be there when I’m needed and then to fill in that gap as those needs arise. But really, if I aspire to anything, it’s to become the water boy.

That’s one thing that I love about working with you. And the same is true for the other brothers at RF. You have a servant heart. You’re just seeking to live coram Deo and to serve the church. I love that that’s in our mission statement. It’s in our blood, our spiritual DNA. We don’t want to be big shots or to replace the church; we want to be servants to her and to labor unto the glory of our Head, even Jesus Christ, who by his Spirit and word perfects his bride. It’s such a joy to labor with you as a like-minded brother in Christ, to know the bond of peace that we have by the Spirit.  

Psalm 133. It’s better than the oil going down Aaron’s beard and robe. Amen, and amen. And the feeling is mutual brother. Thank you for the great work here that you’re doing for Reformed Forum. We are exceedingly grateful and regard you as a gift from the Lord.

All that I’ve received is from him, and I praise him for that. As we look together unto the Lord to provide the increase for all of our labors, are there any particular things that our listeners and supporters can lift up in prayer on your behalf?

We always covet prayers, the prayers of the saints wherever they may find themselves, for our church and ministry in South Austin. We covet the prayers of God’s people everywhere for the ministry of Reformed Forum for everything that we’re doing, from recording classes to rolling out books and blog posts. Pray that the work of Christ by His Spirit would continue. And I would ask even that it would increase in my heart, so that as I become more like Christ, I will be more effective at showing others how to walk with Christ.

Preaching Post-Covid Tue, 05 Apr 2022 19:07:03 +0000 This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss the church, worship, and preaching in a post-covid society. Has the pandemic changed the fundamental nature of society such that church leaders should rethink worship and preaching?

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This week on Theology Simply Profound Rob and Bob discuss the church worship and preaching in a post covid society Has the pandemic changed the fundamental nature of society such ...Preaching,WorshipReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:7–8 — Redeemed by the Blood Wed, 02 Feb 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Redemption is the work of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Pauline trinitarian emphasis is something that may be somewhat lacking in modern preaching, but is essential […]]]>

Redemption is the work of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Pauline trinitarian emphasis is something that may be somewhat lacking in modern preaching, but is essential in understanding the unique work of each of the three persons. With this trinitarian emphasis Robert Arendale takes a look at the need, the cost, and the blessing of redemption.

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Redemption is the work of the Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit This Pauline trinitarian emphasis is something that may be somewhat lacking in modern preaching but is essential in ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Hosea 12 — The Lord’s Indictment Wed, 26 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000 The Lord pronounces an indictment upon Israel and convicts her of her sins. He also calls her to repentance and to return to him. The coming judgment in exile reminds […]]]>

The Lord pronounces an indictment upon Israel and convicts her of her sins. He also calls her to repentance and to return to him. The coming judgment in exile reminds of Christ who was exile in death for us, that in him we might have life and restoration in the heavenly promised land. 

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The Lord pronounces an indictment upon Israel and convicts her of her sins He also calls her to repentance and to return to him The coming judgment in exile reminds ...Hosea,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
Genesis 30:25–43 — God Gives the Increase Wed, 10 Nov 2021 05:00:00 +0000 How do you preach a passage as speckled and mottled as this one? We look at a text that at first glance has nothing to say about Christ and see […]]]>

How do you preach a passage as speckled and mottled as this one? We look at a text that at first glance has nothing to say about Christ and see how through the continuity of God’s covenant promises we are presented with a foreshadowing of Christ plundering Satan’s house, and through death destroying the one who had the power of death.

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How do you preach a passage as speckled and mottled as this one We look at a text that at first glance has nothing to say about Christ and see ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Hosea 11 — Out of Egypt Wed, 22 Sep 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Hosea prophesied that God would call his son out of Egypt. Of course, that was long after the Exodus. But here in Chapter 11 the Exodus serves as a motif […]]]>

Hosea prophesied that God would call his son out of Egypt. Of course, that was long after the Exodus. But here in Chapter 11 the Exodus serves as a motif for God’s redeeming grace. It recalled the Exodus as a foreshadow of Israel’s restoration from exile. Unfortunately, the restoration fell short of the great expectation Israel had for the fulfillment of God’s promises to the patriarchs. The day when God called his Son out of Egypt would ultimately arrive in Christ, the true Son and faithful Israel of God. He was called out of Egypt after he fled there to escape Herod’s deadly grasp. And so we, in our union with Christ, are sons of the living God who have been redeemed and called out of the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of his Son. 

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Hosea prophesied that God would call his son out of Egypt Of course that was long after the Exodus But here in Chapter 11 the Exodus serves as a motif ...Hosea,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
1 Corinthians 3:10–17 — The Church as God’s Temple Wed, 15 Sep 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The apostle Paul uses the metaphor of a building to describe the people of God. What is the significance of this metaphor, and what are the implications of that, particularly […]]]>

The apostle Paul uses the metaphor of a building to describe the people of God. What is the significance of this metaphor, and what are the implications of that, particularly for ministers of the word? We also discuss how to choose a pericope and how much exegetical detail is appropriate in a sermon.

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The apostle Paul uses the metaphor of a building to describe the people of God What is the significance of this metaphor and what are the implications of that particularly ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:4–6 — Chosen in Christ Wed, 01 Sep 2021 04:00:00 +0000 What does it mean to be predestined, and to what end does God predestine his people? Robert Arendale joins us again in an exposition of this important passage, including a […]]]>

What does it mean to be predestined, and to what end does God predestine his people? Robert Arendale joins us again in an exposition of this important passage, including a discussion exploring what part polemics play in a sermon.

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What does it mean to be predestined and to what end does God predestine his people Robert Arendale joins us again in an exposition of this important passage including a ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
Genesis 29:19-30:24 – Human Deception; Divine Operation Wed, 25 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000 This section of Genesis showcases an alarming lack of dependence upon God, which results in deception and contention in Jacob’s family. Here we see the foundation laid for much of […]]]>

This section of Genesis showcases an alarming lack of dependence upon God, which results in deception and contention in Jacob’s family. Here we see the foundation laid for much of the conflict of the following chapters, as well as the introduction of Joseph whose story will be the subject of the last third of Genesis. In spite of Jacob’s foolishness, God will take this dysfunctional family in forming people for himself.

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This section of Genesis showcases an alarming lack of dependence upon God which results in deception and contention in Jacob s family Here we see the foundation laid for much ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Ephesians 1:1–3 — Welcome to Ephesus Wed, 30 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus to remind them of the “unsearchable riches” of Christ (3:8).  That is, he writes to remind the Christians living in that […]]]>

The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus to remind them of the “unsearchable riches” of Christ (3:8).  That is, he writes to remind the Christians living in that metropolitan port city, awash in paganism, of the heavenly blessings that belong to them in Christ (1:3).  A few years prior to his writing the letter to the Ephesians, Paul had labored in the city for almost three years.  God in his grace blessed Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, and many sinners repented and turned to Christ (Acts 19:1-20).  Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is a rich treasure of Christ-exalting truth.  In Christ the age to come has exploded into this present evil age; and by means of the Holy Spirit, the exalted Christ is building his church composed of both Jew and Gentile who have been reconciled unto God and unto one another.  As we, like the Ephesians, revel in the blessings of our union with Christ, we are called to ‘live a life worthy of the calling we have received’ (4:1).  We are called to walk by faith in a manner befitting our status as saints in Christ (1:1).  Join us as we introduce the glorious letter of the Apostle Paul.

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The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus to remind them of the unsearchable riches of Christ 3 8 That is he writes to remind the Christians living in ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 29:1–18 — Seeking His Bride Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:30:37 +0000 Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride. […]]]>

Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride. We therefore must become servants of Christ that as his bride we might receive the water of life.


Jacob s search for a bride parallels two other searches all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his ...DeuteronomicHistory,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Hosea 10 – The Fruitful Vine Wed, 26 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000 In Hosea 10 the prophet likens Israel to a vineyard and and garden – but not a very fruitful one. In fact, her covenants with the nations has given rise […]]]>

In Hosea 10 the prophet likens Israel to a vineyard and and garden – but not a very fruitful one. In fact, her covenants with the nations has given rise to terrible idolatry, which is spiritual adultery. She is faithless and therefore fruitless. But the judgment and curse God pronounced upon her would not finally fall upon her, but on him who is the true vine. And now as branches in that vine, we have redemption and the grace to bear good fruit. 

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In Hosea 10 the prophet likens Israel to a vineyard and and garden but not a very fruitful one In fact her covenants with the nations has given rise to ...Hosea,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
On Our Radar [15 Apr 21] Thu, 15 Apr 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The following books are on our radar for April 15, 2021. Greidanus, Sidney. Preaching Christ from Leviticus: Foundations for Expository Sermons (Eerdmans, March 2021). 344 pages. $35.00. Paperback. Ryken, Leland and Mathes, […]]]>

The following books are on our radar for April 15, 2021.

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The following books are on our radar for April 15 2021 Greidanus Sidney Preaching Christ from Leviticus Foundations for Expository Sermons Eerdmans March 2021 344 pages 35 00 Paperback Ryken ...KarlBarth,ModernChurch,PracticalTheology,Preaching,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
On Our Radar [8 Apr 21] Thu, 08 Apr 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The following books are on our radar for April 8, 2021. Barrett, Matthew. Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit (Baker, March 2021). 368 pages. $24.99. Paperback.  Van Dam, Cornelis. In the […]]]>

The following books are on our radar for April 8, 2021.

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The following books are on our radar for April 8 2021 Barrett Matthew Simply Trinity The Unmanipulated Father Son and Spirit Baker March 2021 368 pages 24 99 Paperback Van ...ModernChurch,Pentateuch,Preaching,Trinity,WisdomReformed Forumnono
Genesis 28:10–22 — God’s Ladder Wed, 24 Mar 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Occasionally the New Testament provides a direct connection to the words of the Old, pointing like a bright beacon to the person of Christ. We find that is the case […]]]>

Occasionally the New Testament provides a direct connection to the words of the Old, pointing like a bright beacon to the person of Christ. We find that is the case as we look at the story of God’s ladder from Genesis 28. Angels ascend the ladder with a message for God from Jacob and descend from heaven with a message from God for Jacob.


Occasionally the New Testament provides a direct connection to the words of the Old pointing like a bright beacon to the person of Christ We find that is the case ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Genesis 27:41–28:9 — The Departure of Jacob Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises, we see, through two theological paradigms—the offspring and the land—that God Almighty will lead his people to […]]]>

Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises, we see, through two theological paradigms—the offspring and the land—that God Almighty will lead his people to the land of promise.

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Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises we see through two theological paradigms the offspring and the land that God Almighty will lead his ...DeuteronomicHistory,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Matthew 2:1–12 — The Visit of the Magi Wed, 03 Mar 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Matthew’s account of the visit of the Magi is not exactly the story as we know it from our cultural Christmas traditions. The response of these wisemen to the birth […]]]>

Matthew’s account of the visit of the Magi is not exactly the story as we know it from our cultural Christmas traditions. The response of these wisemen to the birth of Jesus is what the response of Herod should have been, and what our response should be, namely, worship.

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Matthew s account of the visit of the Magi is not exactly the story as we know it from our cultural Christmas traditions The response of these wisemen to the ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Matthew 1:18–25 — The Birth of Jesus Wed, 24 Feb 2021 05:00:00 +0000 In today’s episode we look at Matthew’s account of the genesis of Jesus. In this account of his birth story Matthew draws our attention to the particular perspective of Joseph, […]]]>

In today’s episode we look at Matthew’s account of the genesis of Jesus. In this account of his birth story Matthew draws our attention to the particular perspective of Joseph, the comforting message of the angel, the wonder of the virgin birth, the glory of the Immanuel promise, and the significance of the name of Jesus as the one who saves his people from their sins.

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In today s episode we look at Matthew s account of the genesis of Jesus In this account of his birth story Matthew draws our attention to the particular perspective ...Gospels,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono
What Happens When We Worship Fri, 12 Feb 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Jonathan Landry Cruse speaks about worship. Cruse has written What Happens When We Worship (Reformation Heritage Books). Many churchgoers assume that worship is inherently boring, something we need to make […]]]>

Jonathan Landry Cruse speaks about worship. Cruse has written What Happens When We Worship (Reformation Heritage Books). Many churchgoers assume that worship is inherently boring, something we need to make exciting. But Cruse seeks to demonstrate that churchgoing only seems monotonous and mundane because our eyes are blinded to the supernatural wonder that is taking place all around us. In this conversation, we discuss the significance of worship and the elements that comprise it.

Rev. Cruse is pastor of Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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Jonathan Landry Cruse speaks about worship Cruse has written What Happens When We Worship Reformation Heritage Books Many churchgoers assume that worship is inherently boring something we need to make ...Hymnody,LiturgicalTheology,Preaching,Sacraments,WorshipReformed Forumnono
Hosea 9 — Elect Exiles Wed, 10 Feb 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Hosea ministers in Israel between the time of the conquest of Canaan and the exile. In chapter nine of his prophecy, he tells of the coming judgment-exile of Israel into […]]]>

Hosea ministers in Israel between the time of the conquest of Canaan and the exile. In chapter nine of his prophecy, he tells of the coming judgment-exile of Israel into the land of the uncircumcised. But there is hope! God will preserve a remnant—elect exiles—for his own glory and as his chosen portion. For Christ was exiled in his death because of our sins, so that we who were once far off may be brought near by the blood. And now, in Christ, we are elect exiles called to conduct ourselves honorably in the midst of wicked and perverse generation.

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Hosea ministers in Israel between the time of the conquest of Canaan and the exile In chapter nine of his prophecy he tells of the coming judgment exile of Israel ...Hosea,MinistryoftheWord,Preaching,ProphetsReformed Forumnono
Genesis 27:1–40 — To Steal a Blessing Wed, 03 Feb 2021 05:00:33 +0000 Esau has been disqualified to receive the covenant blessing, but Isaac intends to give it to him anyway. In fact, none of the four characters in this chapter is painted […]]]>

Esau has been disqualified to receive the covenant blessing, but Isaac intends to give it to him anyway. In fact, none of the four characters in this chapter is painted in a good light. As Jacob and Rebecca plot to steal the blessing, it becomes clear that the blessing may only come through the work of God himself—and we are pointed to the promised covenant Son.

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Esau has been disqualified to receive the covenant blessing but Isaac intends to give it to him anyway In fact none of the four characters in this chapter is painted ...MinistryoftheWord,Pentateuch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
1 Corinthians 3:1–9 — God’s Fellow Workers Wed, 27 Jan 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Paul once again admonishes the church in Corinth over its division into rival parties with some following Paul, and other Apollos. Paul rebukes them because this behavior is of the […]]]>

Paul once again admonishes the church in Corinth over its division into rival parties with some following Paul, and other Apollos. Paul rebukes them because this behavior is of the flesh and they have elevated the minister of the gospel to an unwarranted and unbiblical position. Ministers are but servants used as instruments in the hands of God and they are fellow workers under God.

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Paul once again admonishes the church in Corinth over its division into rival parties with some following Paul and other Apollos Paul rebukes them because this behavior is of the ...ActsandPaul,MinistryoftheWord,PreachingReformed Forumnono