Greg Beale Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 17 Jan 2025 15:34:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Greg Beale – Reformed Forum 32 32 The Use of the Old Testament in Colossians Fri, 17 Jan 2025 06:00:00 +0000 In this episode we welcome back Dr. G. K. Beale, professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas, to discuss Paul’s use of the Old Testament in his […]]]>

In this episode we welcome back Dr. G. K. Beale, professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas, to discuss Paul’s use of the Old Testament in his letter to the church in Colossae. Dr. Beale has written an insightful commentary on Colossians and Philemon in which he highlights the theological depth and practical application of these epistles, focusing on the Old Testament allusions in Colossians and their relevance to Paul’s message of Christ’s supremacy and the believer’s union with Him.

The conversation explores the nature of Paul’s argument against syncretistic false teaching, the significance of Christ as the true temple, and the practical implications of Paul’s exhortations for the church today. Dr. Beale also shares his method for identifying Old Testament allusions and discusses the relationship between Ephesians and Colossians.

This episode is a rich resource for pastors, teachers, and students interested in biblical theology, exegesis, and the practical application of Scripture.

Watch on YouTube and Vimeo.


  • 00:07 Introduction
  • 04:36 AI in NT Studies
  • 13:10 Reformed Forum Seminary in Oklahoma City
  • 15:37 Introduction to Colossians
  • 21:27 Quotations and Allusions
  • 25:15 The Nature of the Colossian Heresy
  • 29:12 The Relationship between Colossians and Ephesians
  • 32:05 Old Testament Allusions in Colossians
  • 53:12 Initiation into and Maturity in Christ
  • 55:19 The Elemental Principles of the World
  • 58:46 Conclusion

Participants: ,

In this episode we welcome back Dr G K Beale professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas to discuss Paul s use of the Old Testament in ...NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2024 Fri, 03 Jan 2025 06:00:00 +0000 This special year-end episode highlights the top 10 most-viewed episodes and webinars from 2024. We work through key moments from discussions on Reformed theology and history. These clips showcase rich […]]]>

This special year-end episode highlights the top 10 most-viewed episodes and webinars from 2024. We work through key moments from discussions on Reformed theology and history.

These clips showcase rich theological discussions spanning topics from biblical interpretation and church history to contemporary cultural challenges facing Reformed Christians. This annual highlight episode continues a tradition dating back to the show’s founding in 2008, offering listeners both a recap of the year’s most impactful conversations and an invitation to explore the full episodes in greater depth.

The episode serves as both a celebration of Reformed Forum’s mission to support the church in presenting every person mature in Christ and a reminder of our commitment to providing free Reformed theological resources worldwide.

Watch on YouTube and Vimeo.


Participants: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This special year end episode highlights the top 10 most viewed episodes and webinars from 2024 We work through key moments from discussions on Reformed theology and history These clips ...Apologetics,BiblicalTheology,ChurchHistory,NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Union with the Resurrected Christ Fri, 02 Aug 2024 05:00:00 +0000 In this episode, we are honored to welcome Dr. Greg K. Beale, a renowned biblical scholar and author, to discuss his latest book, Union with the Resurrected Christ (Baker Academic). […]]]>

In this episode, we are honored to welcome Dr. Greg K. Beale, a renowned biblical scholar and author, to discuss his latest book, Union with the Resurrected Christ (Baker Academic). Join us as Dr. Beale examines the profound theological concept of the believer’s union with the resurrected Christ, exploring its biblical foundations, theological implications, and practical applications.

Throughout our conversation, Dr. Beale shares insights from key biblical passages in both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting how themes such as the new exodus in Isaiah and the teachings of Paul and Jesus form the basis of this transformative union. We also discuss the eschatological significance of this union and how it shapes our understanding of sanctification, Christian living, and our identity in Christ.

Listeners will gain a deeper appreciation for the unique contributions of Union with the Resurrected Christ to contemporary theological scholarship, as well as practical consideration for living out this union in their daily lives. Whether you are a scholar, pastor, or layperson, this episode offers valuable insights into the full scope of Christian salvation.

Dr. Gregory K. Beale is Professor of New Testament at RTS Dallas. With a distinguished academic career spanning decades, Dr. Beale has shaped minds at institutions such as Grove City College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wheaton Graduate School, and Westminster Theological Seminary. A former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, Dr. Beale brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our conversation on New Testament interpretation and biblical theology.

Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion that underscores the richness of our union with the resurrected Christ and its vital importance for the Christian faith.



  • 00:00:07 Introduction
  • 00:06:00 How This New Book Relates to Dr. Beale’s Other Works
  • 00:11:28 Union Not Only in the Death of Christ but with the Resurrected Christ
  • 00:17:45 Christ Is the Substance of All Scripture
  • 00:21:57 The New Exodus
  • 00:39:36 Considering Romans 6:1–11
  • 00:53:23 The Theme of Union with the Resurrected Christ outside the Pauline Epistles
  • 01:00:19 Implications for the Christian Life
  • 01:07:08 How We Read Our Old Testament
  • 01:15:25 Other Projects
  • 01:19:00 Conclusion

Participants: , ,

In this episode we are honored to welcome Dr Greg K Beale a renowned biblical scholar and author to discuss his latest book Union with the Resurrected Christ Baker Academic ...UnionwithChristReformed Forumnono
Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Fri, 09 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000 In this episode, we welcome Drs. Benjamin Gladd and G. K. Beale, co-editors of The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Baker Academic) along with D. […]]]>

In this episode, we welcome Drs. Benjamin Gladd and G. K. Beale, co-editors of The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Baker Academic) along with D. A. Carson and Andrew Naselli. We explore various theological and biblical topics, particularly focusing on the intricate relationship between the New Testament and the Old Testament. This conversation includes examining how New Testament writers drew upon and interpreted Old Testament texts, shedding light on the continuity and development of biblical themes across the testaments. The episode illuminates the complex intertextuality present in the Bible, emphasizing the importance of understanding these connections for a more comprehensive grasp of Christian theology.

Additionally, the dialogue touches upon various methods and challenges in biblical scholarship, including the interpretation of biblical allusions and the significance of these allusions in understanding the New Testament’s fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and typologies. Drs. Gladd and Beale’s expertise provides a rich, nuanced perspective on these subjects, making the episode particularly valuable for those interested in deepening their understanding of biblical theology and the hermeneutical principles underlying the study of Scripture.



  • 0:00 – Introduction and Guest Welcome
  • 0:57 – New Testament Use of the Old Testament
  • 2:17 – Current Projects and Articles
  • 4:38 – The Study Bible Project
  • 13:54 – Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
  • 18:00 – Evangelical Perspective and Competing Works
  • 20:00 – Biblical Intertextuality and Hermeneutics
  • 43:04 – Practical Applications for Pastors and Students
  • 51:11 – Future of Biblical Theology and Studies
  • 1:03:33 – Conclusion and Resources

Participants: , ,

In this episode we welcome Drs Benjamin Gladd and G K Beale co editors of The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Baker Academic along with ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Since 2008, we have been taking time around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have several great clips lined up […]]]>

Since 2008, we have been taking time around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have several great clips lined up for you today.

The Top Episodes of 2023 (by YouTube views)

  1. Dan Ragusa — Preterism and 2 Peter 3 (YouTube)
  2. Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock — A Theological Introduction to Neo-Calvinism (YouTube)
  3. Greg Beale — The New Testament Use of the Old Testament (YouTube)
  4. Carlton Wynne — Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion (YouTube)
  5. Camden Bucey — The Importance of Cornelius Van Til for Today (YouTube)
  6. Jim Cassidy — Introducing and Interpreting Karl Barth (YouTube)
  7. Danny Olinger — Christianity and Liberalism: Introduction (YouTube)
  8. Lane Tipton — Exitus and Reditus in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas (YouTube)
  9. Jonathan Master — Reformed Theology (YouTube)
  10. Michael Beck — Covenant Theology and Cultural Engagement in the Thought of Meredith G. Kline (YouTube)


  • 00:00:07 Introduction
  • 00:03:26 The Top 10 Episodes of 2023
  • 00:15:13 [Dan Ragusa] Preterism and 2 Peter 3
  • 00:24:22 [Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock] A Theological Introduction to Neo-Calvinism
  • 00:30:14 [Greg Beale] The New Testament Use of the Old Testament
  • 00:39:28 [Carlton Wynne] Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion
  • 00:46:58 [Camden Bucey] The Importance of Cornelius Van Til for Today
  • 01:00:24 [Jim Cassidy] Introducing and Interpreting Karl Barth
  • 01:12:16 [Danny Olinger] Christianity and Liberalism: Introduction
  • 01:16:59 [Lane Tipton] Exitus and Reditus in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas
  • 01:25:09 [Jonathan Master] Reformed Theology
  • 01:34:52 [Michael Beck] Covenant Theology and Cultural Engagement in the Thought of Meredith G. Kline
  • 01:40:52 Conclusion

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Since 2008 we have been taking time around New Year s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year We have several great clips lined ...BiblicalTheology,J.GreshamMachen,ModernChurch,NewTestament,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
The New Testament Use of the Old Testament Fri, 24 Mar 2023 05:00:03 +0000 Dr. Gregory K. Beale, Professor of New Testament at RTS Dallas, returns to the program to speak about a wide array of topics touching upon the study of the Bible. […]]]>

Dr. Gregory K. Beale, Professor of New Testament at RTS Dallas, returns to the program to speak about a wide array of topics touching upon the study of the Bible. After speaking about an exciting upcoming conference and workshop in Plano, Texas, Dr. Beale discusses developments in Old and New Testament studies over the last several decades, the nature of intertextuality and biblical theology, future areas ripe for new research, and research methods and tools.



  • 00:00:07 Introduction
  • 00:08:27 Conference: Preaching and Teaching the NT Use of the OT
  • 00:15:29 Developments in Scholarship
  • 00:26:53 Intertextuality and Biblical Theology
  • 00:35:59 Potential New Areas of Study
  • 00:47:47 Hermeneutics and Homiletics
  • 00:55:27 Study Methods and Tools
  • 01:11:21 Conclusion

Participants: ,

Dr Gregory K Beale Professor of New Testament at RTS Dallas returns to the program to speak about a wide array of topics touching upon the study of the Bible ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2021 Fri, 31 Dec 2021 05:00:00 +0000 It’s that time of year again. Since 2008, we have been taking a beat around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. […]]]>

It’s that time of year again. Since 2008, we have been taking a beat around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have a bunch of great clips lined up for you today.

Throughout 2021 we continued to develop Reformed Academy, our online learning platform. We doubled our student base from last year to more than 3,800 people in 73 countries. These brothers and sisters are taking our on-demand courses in Reformed theology, and many of their churches are using these resources in study groups and Sunday school courses.

We are committed to having each of our courses translated and subtitled in languages where we have established relationships with Reformed missionaries and indigenous churches.

Over the last two years, we have had many wonderful opportunities but not enough people and time in the day to complete many of these projects. We have grown significantly in terms of our reach, but we need to mature in terms of our ministry’s staff and infrastructure.

Please consider supporting us prayerfully and financially in these efforts. Visit

Top Clips from 2021

  1. Episode 689 with Christopher Watkin — Foucault on Sexuality and Identity
  2. Episode 689 with Christopher Watkin — Foucault on Power
  3. Episode 695 with Bruce Pass — Bavinck and Supralapsarianism
  4. Episode 706 with Jim Cassidy — Comparing PCA and OPC General Assemblies
  5. Episode 687 with Benjamin Gladd — Israel and Dispensationalism
  6. Episode 712 — Van Til Group #5 with Lane Tipton and Carlton Wynne — Natural Theology, Experience, and Reason
  7. Episode 699 with G.K. Beale and Benjamin Gladd — Inaugurated Eschatology
  8. Episode 713 with Danny Olinger and John Muether — Premillennialism among Presbyterian Fundamentalists
  9. Episode 709 — Listener Questions with Ryan Noha and Jeff Waddington — Thomas, Van Til, and Classical Theism
  10. Episode 696 with Crawford Gribben — Christian Reconstruction and the Religious Right
  11. Reformed Forum Hot Ones

Episode Chapters

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:01:13 2021 in Review
  • 00:10:19 Foucault on Sexuality and Identity
  • 00:16:18 Foucault on Power
  • 00:20:32 Bavinck and Supralapsarianism
  • 00:23:55 Comparing PCA and OPC General Assemblies
  • 00:28:45 Israel and Dispensationalism
  • 00:31:35 Natural Theology, Experience, and Reason
  • 00:36:16 Inaugurated Eschatology
  • 00:44:14 Premillennialism among Presbyterian Fundamentalists
  • 00:49:54 Thomas, Van Til, and Classical Theism
  • 00:55:09 Christian Reconstruction and the Religious Right
  • 00:59:56 Reformed Theology Meets Spicy Wings
  • 01:06:14 Looking Ahead to 2022

Participants: , , , , , , , , , , ,

It s that time of year again Since 2008 we have been taking a beat around New Year s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the ...Apologetics,BiblicalTheology,ChurchHistory,NewTestament,OldTestament,PracticalTheology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament Fri, 21 May 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Drs. G. K. Beale and Benjamin Gladd speak about their book The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament (IVP Academic) in which they seek to couch every major […]]]>

Drs. G. K. Beale and Benjamin Gladd speak about their book The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament (IVP Academic) in which they seek to couch every major passage of Scripture within the broad history of redemption, making sense of the New Testament in light of the Old. New Testament introductions typically either emphasize the history behind the text through discussions of authorship, dating, and audience or explore the content of the text itself. This introduction is unique in that it considers the Old Testament background to the New Testament and the overarching narrative of redemption throughout all of redemptive-history.

Dr. G. K. Beale is Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Benjamin L. Gladd is Associate Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.


Participants: , ,

Drs G K Beale and Benjamin Gladd speak about their book The Story Retold A Biblical Theological Introduction to the New Testament IVP Academic in which they seek to couch ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
The Use of Irony in Redemptive-History Fri, 04 Dec 2020 05:00:28 +0000 Dr. G. K. Beale speaks about the use of irony in redemptive-history, which is the subject of his book Redemptive Reversals and the Ironic Overturning of Human Wisdom (Crossway). The […]]]>

Dr. G. K. Beale speaks about the use of irony in redemptive-history, which is the subject of his book Redemptive Reversals and the Ironic Overturning of Human Wisdom (Crossway).

The Bible is full of ironic situations in which God overturns the world’s wisdom by doing the opposite of what is expected―people are punished by their own sin, the persecution of the church is the catalyst for its growth, Paul claims to have strength through weakness, and more. In this book, Beale explores God’s pattern of divine irony in both judgment and salvation, finding its greatest expression in Jesus’s triumph over death through death on a cross. Unpacking this pattern throughout redemptive history, Beale shows us how God often uses what is seemingly weak and foolish to underscore his own strength and power in the lives of his people today.

Dr. Beale holds the J. Gresham Machen chair of New Testament and is research professor of New Testament and biblical interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary.


Participants: ,

Dr G K Beale speaks about the use of irony in redemptive history which is the subject of his book Redemptive Reversals and the Ironic Overturning of Human Wisdom Crossway ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism Fri, 30 Jan 2009 05:00:22 +0000 The Christ the Center panel, ably augmented by Dr. Carl R. Trueman of Westminster Theological Seminary, interacts with Dr. Greg K. Beale, the Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament and coordinator of the MA program in Biblical Exegesis, at Wheaton College Graduate School in Wheaton, IL, about his recent book The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism. In addition to this book, Dr. Beale has written the New International Greek Testament Commentary on Revelation, The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts?, The Temple and the Church’s Mission, We Become What We Worship, and several other books and articles. Dr. Beale discusses the significance of Biblical inerrancy, its Scriptural basis, and the problems with jettisoning the doctrine. In addition to a proper concern for inerrancy, Beale explains how scholars can rightly approach the use of Ancient Near Eastern and 2nd Temple Jewish literature without undermining the authority and perspicuity of Scripture. Along the way, the panel considers the influence of postmodernism on Biblical studies. All in all, this is a very interesting discussion that hopefully will lead to further interaction.


  • Greg Beale
  • Carl Trueman
  • Jeff Waddington
  • Nick Batzig
  • Camden Bucey


Beale, G. K. The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text (New International Greek Testament Commentary. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998.

—. The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism : Responding to New Challenges to Biblical Authority. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.

—. The Temple and the Church’s Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God. InterVarsity Press, 2004.

Beale, G. K., and D. A. Carson. Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Baker Academic, 2007.

Carson, D. Becoming Conversant With The Emerging Church: Understanding A Movement And Its Implications. Grand Rapids Mich.: Zondervan, 2005.

Enns, Peter. Inspiration and Incarnation : Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2005.

Geisler, Norman. Biblical Errancy, 1981.

Hannah, John D. Inerrancy and the Church. Chicago: Moody Press, 1984.

Institutes of the Christian Religion 1541 French Edition. Eerdmans Pub Co, 2009.

John Calvin’s Impact on Church and Society, 1509-2009. Eerdmans Pub Co, 2009.

McGowan, A. The Divine Spiration of Scripture: Challenging Evangelicial Perspectives. Nottingham: Apollos, 2007.

Packer, J. I. “Fundamentalism” and the Word of God: Some Evangelical Principles. Christian classics series. Leicester: Inter-Varsity, 1996.

Selderhuis, H. John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life. Downers Grove Ill.: IVP Academic, 2009.

Sparks, Kenton L. God’s Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2008.

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, Samuel G. Craig, and Cornelius Van Til. The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 1948.

Woodbridge, John D. Biblical Authority: A Critique of the Rogers/McKim Proposal. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub. House, 1982.

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]]> 26 58:45The Christ the Center panel ably augmented by Dr Carl R Trueman of Westminster Theological Seminary interacts with Dr Greg K Beale the Kenneth T Wessner Professor of New Testament ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestament,OldTestament,ScriptureandProlegomena,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono