Nick Batzig Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 23 Aug 2024 21:23:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nick Batzig – Reformed Forum 32 32 Blessed Struggle Tue, 01 Nov 2016 04:00:03 +0000 East of Eden considers Jonathan Edwards’s sermon, “Blessed Struggle,” which was delivered in 1735. Participants: David Filson, Jeff Waddington, Nick Batzig]]>

East of Eden considers Jonathan Edwards’s sermon, “Blessed Struggle,” which was delivered in 1735.

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]]> 0 46:06East of Eden considers Jonathan Edwards s sermon Blessed Struggle which was delivered in 1735JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Sorrows of the Bereaved Spread before Jesus Tue, 18 Oct 2016 04:00:35 +0000 East of Eden considers Jonathan Edwards’s sermon “The Sorrows of the Bereaved Spread before Jesus,” which was delivered in 1741. Participants: David Filson, Jeff Waddington, Nick Batzig]]>

East of Eden considers Jonathan Edwards’s sermon “The Sorrows of the Bereaved Spread before Jesus,” which was delivered in 1741.

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]]> 0 42:28East of Eden considers Jonathan Edwards s sermon The Sorrows of the Bereaved Spread before Jesus which was delivered in 1741JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Self-Examination and the Lord’s Supper Tue, 01 Mar 2016 05:00:49 +0000 East of Eden considers the Theology and experiential application of Jonathan Edwards’s sermon “Self-Examination and the Lord’s Supper” from 1 Corinthians 11:28–29 and delivered first March 21, 1731. Participants: David Filson, Jeff Waddington, Nick […]]]>

East of Eden considers the Theology and experiential application of Jonathan Edwards’s sermon “Self-Examination and the Lord’s Supper” from 1 Corinthians 11:28–29 and delivered first March 21, 1731.

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]]> 9 59:47East of Eden considers the Theology and experiential application of Jonathan Edwards s sermon Self Examination and the Lord s Supper from 1 Corinthians 11 28 29 and delivered first ...JonathanEdwards,Lord'sSupperReformed Forumnono
A Divine and Supernatural Light Tue, 02 Jun 2015 04:00:22 +0000 The panel discusses Jonathan Edwards’s sermon, “A Divine and Supernatural Light” delivered at Northampton and subsequently published in 1734.   Participants: David Filson, Jeff Waddington, Nick Batzig]]>

The panel discusses Jonathan Edwards’s sermon, “A Divine and Supernatural Light” delivered at Northampton and subsequently published in 1734.


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]]> 5 55:31The panel discusses Jonathan Edwards s sermon A Divine and Supernatural Light delivered at Northampton and subsequently published in 1734JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
True Saints When Absent from the Body are Present with the Lord Tue, 05 May 2015 04:00:29 +0000 Nick Batzig, Jeff Waddington, and David Filson discuss a sermon by Jonathan Edwards circa 1747. Participants: David Filson, Jeff Waddington, Nick Batzig]]>

Nick Batzig, Jeff Waddington, and David Filson discuss a sermon by Jonathan Edwards circa 1747.

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]]> 0 1:02:00Nick Batzig Jeff Waddington and David Filson discuss a sermon by Jonathan Edwards circa 1747JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Joseph’s Great Temptation and Glorious Deliverance Tue, 09 Sep 2014 04:00:09 +0000 In this episode, Nick, Jeff and Dave sit down to discuss Jonathan Edwards’s sermon, “Joseph’s Great Temptation and Glorious Deliverance” based on Genesis 39:12. In this sermon Edwards unpacks the theology […]]]>

In this episode, Nick, Jeff and Dave sit down to discuss Jonathan Edwards’s sermon, “Joseph’s Great Temptation and Glorious Deliverance” based on Genesis 39:12. In this sermon Edwards unpacks the theology drawn from the narrative of the temptation of Joseph by Potiphar’s wife while in his house. It explores the greatness of the temptation, the inner life of Joseph in the midst of the temptation and the way in which he overcame it. You can find a copy of the sermon at

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]]> 0 58:10In this episode Nick Jeff and Dave sit down to discuss Jonathan Edwards s sermon Joseph s Great Temptation and Glorious Deliverance based on Genesis 39 12 In this sermon ...JonathanEdwards,PentateuchReformed Forumnono
Nick Batzig on Jonathan Edwards’ Preaching Christ in the Song of Songs Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:00:04 +0000 Reformed Forum contributor Nick Batzig speaks about Jonathan Edwards: “Preaching Christ in the Song of Songs.” This talk was given at the 2014 Jonathan Edwards for the Church conference. […]]]>

Reformed Forum contributor Nick Batzig speaks about Jonathan Edwards: “Preaching Christ in the Song of Songs.” This talk was given at the 2014 Jonathan Edwards for the Church conference.

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]]> 0 50:53Reformed Forum contributor Nick Batzig speaks about Jonathan Edwards Preaching Christ in the Song of Songs This talk was given at the 2014 Jonathan Edwards for the Church conference http ...Christology,JonathanEdwards,OldTestament,PreachingReformed Forumnono
William Schweitzer on Edwards on Faithful Ministers as Conduits of the Means of Grace Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:00:48 +0000 Dr. William Schweitzer speaks about Jonathan Edwards: “Faithful Ministers are Conduits of the Means of Grace.” This talk was given at the 2014 “Jonathan Edwards for the Church Conference.” […]]]>

Dr. William Schweitzer speaks about Jonathan Edwards: “Faithful Ministers are Conduits of the Means of Grace.” This talk was given at the 2014 “Jonathan Edwards for the Church Conference.”

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]]> 0 42:49Dr William Schweitzer speaks about Jonathan Edwards Faithful Ministers are Conduits of the Means of Grace This talk was given at the 2014 Jonathan Edwards for the Church Conference http ...JonathanEdwards,ModernChurch,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Doug Sweeney on Edwards on the Divinity, Necessity, and Power of the Word Tue, 29 Jul 2014 04:00:09 +0000 Dr. Douglas Sweeney speaks about Jonathan Edwards on the Divinity, Necessity, and Power of the Word of God in the World, from the 2014 “Jonathan Edwards for the Church Conference.” Participants: […]]]>

Dr. Douglas Sweeney speaks about Jonathan Edwards on the Divinity, Necessity, and Power of the Word of God in the World, from the 2014 “Jonathan Edwards for the Church Conference.”

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]]> 0 46:12Dr Douglas Sweeney speaks about Jonathan Edwards on the Divinity Necessity and Power of the Word of God in the World from the 2014 Jonathan Edwards for the Church Conference ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Peace Which Christ Gives His True Followers Wed, 05 Feb 2014 05:00:31 +0000 In “The Peace Which Christ Gives His True Followers,” Edwards calls us to listen in on the most affectionate and affecting discourse Christ gave (Jn 14:27), in which he promised […]]]>

In “The Peace Which Christ Gives His True Followers,” Edwards calls us to listen in on the most affectionate and affecting discourse Christ gave (Jn 14:27), in which he promised to give his disciples, not just peace, in the sense of a generic feeling of well-being, but his very own peace. This peace he secured for us by his own fulfilling of the covenant. It is a peace that is given to us as a gift to be enjoyed with the Giver – Christ, himself! In this sermon, we are invited to leave aside the idols that cannot satisfy, and seek our “better portion” in Jesus.

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]]> 0 56:12In The Peace Which Christ Gives His True Followers Edwards calls us to listen in on the most affectionate and affecting discourse Christ gave Jn 14 27 in which he ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Question of Canon Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:00:01 +0000 Dr. Michael J. Kruger speaks with Christ the Center about his recent book, The Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate. The book deals not with why […]]]>

Dr. Michael J. Kruger speaks with Christ the Center about his recent book, The Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament DebateThe book deals not with why we have the books we do in the canon but with the question of the very definition of “canon” and the origin of the idea. Contemporary biblical scholars insist that the idea of canon was a late development in the construction of the New Testament, which imbued with authority texts whose authors did not think of them as authoritative. Dr. Kruger insists that the concept of a set of authoritative books for the New Covenant era of redemptive-history existed from a very early date in the ancient church.

Dr. Michael Kruger is President and Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He received his B.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary in California, and his Ph.D. from New College, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the author of three books on the issue of canon, Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books (Crossway, 2012), The Early Text of the New Testament (Oxford, 2012; edited with Charles Hill), and now, The Question of Canon In addition to his faculty duties, he currently serves part-time as the Pastor of Discipleship Training at Uptown Christ Covenant Church in downtown Charlotte. Dr. Kruger has spoken on Christ the Center episodes 217 and 283, and his wife, Melissa Kruger, has spoken on episodes 276, 297, and 301.

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]]> 3 54:00Dr Michael J Kruger speaks with Christ the Center about his recent book The Question of Canon Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate The book deals not ...AncientChurch,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2013 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 05:00:12 +0000 We begin the New Year with a look at some of our best clips from 2013. Listen to the full episodes of the clips we’ve chosen to include by using the following links:

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]]> 5 01:17:54We begin the New Year with a look at some of our best clips from 2013 Listen to the full episodes of the clips we ve chosen to include by ...Apologetics,BiblicalTheology,Calvin,ChurchHistory,ModernChurch,NewTestament,OldTestament,ScriptureandProlegomena,SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
The Scottish Commissioners and the Westminster Assembly Fri, 06 Dec 2013 05:00:29 +0000 It’s often argued that because of the political climate, the Scottish commissioners to the Westminster Assembly had full rein over the Westminster Assembly and the confessional documents it produced. In […]]]>

It’s often argued that because of the political climate, the Scottish commissioners to the Westminster Assembly had full rein over the Westminster Assembly and the confessional documents it produced. In this episode, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Wayne Spear to analyze this common perception.

Dr. Spear looks specifically at the influence of the Scottish commissioners upon the ecclesiology of the Westminster Assembly. Dr. Spear has published an excellent book with Reformation Heritage Books entitled, Covenanted Uniformity in Religion: The Influence of the Scottish Commissioners upon the Ecclesiology of the Westminster Assembly.

Dr. Spear is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Spear has authored Talking to God: The Theology of Prayer; Faith of Our Fathers: A Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith; “The Westminster Confession of Faith and Holy Scripture,” in To Glorify and Enjoy God (Co-author); “Augustine’s Doctrine of Biblical Infallibility,” in Inerrancy and the Church; and, “The Westminster Assembly’s Directory for Church Government,” in Pressing Toward the Mark (Co-author).

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]]> 1 49:26It s often argued that because of the political climate the Scottish commissioners to the Westminster Assembly had full rein over the Westminster Assembly and the confessional documents it produced ...WestminsterAssemblyReformed Forumnono
What Is Believing in Christ? Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:00:10 +0000 Jonathan Edwards preached “What Is Believing in Christ?” to his congregation of three hundred Native Americans in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The sermon on Mark 16:15-16 is characteristic of Edwards’ pastoral sensitivity […]]]>

Jonathan Edwards preached “What Is Believing in Christ?” to his congregation of three hundred Native Americans in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The sermon on Mark 16:15-16 is characteristic of Edwards’ pastoral sensitivity to his Stockbridge congregation. The sermon is divided into two parts, 1. What it means to believe in Jesus Christ, and 2. How believing in Jesus Christ will save you.

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]]> 4 54:34Jonathan Edwards preached What Is Believing in Christ to his congregation of three hundred Native Americans in Stockbridge Massachusetts The sermon on Mark 16 15 16 is characteristic of Edwards ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Life and Ministry of Jonathan Edwards (Part 2) Tue, 08 Oct 2013 05:00:04 +0000 East of Eden continues a discussion of the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards. See here for part 1 of this discussion. Biographies of Edwards: Jonathan Edwards: A Life, and A Short […]]]>

East of Eden continues a discussion of the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards.

See here for part 1 of this discussion.

Biographies of Edwards: Jonathan Edwards: A Life, and A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards, by George Marsden; Life of Jonathan Edwards, by Samuel Miller

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]]> 1 01:17:21East of Eden continues a discussion of the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards See here for part 1 of this discussion Biographies of Edwards Jonathan Edwards A Life and ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Communicating Reformed Theology through Hip Hop Fri, 27 Sep 2013 05:00:09 +0000 For Christ the Center’s 300th episode, we welcome hip hop artist Timothy Brindle to speak about his work in Christian hip hop and the recent musical movement as a whole. […]]]>

For Christ the Center’s 300th episode, we welcome hip hop artist Timothy Brindle to speak about his work in Christian hip hop and the recent musical movement as a whole. The episode explores hip hop’s stylistic capability to communicate the gospel and reformed theology and includes clips from Timothy’s recordings.

Timothy is a student at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and his record label is Lamp Mode Recordings. Download “The Daily Gospel” by Timothy Brindle for free.

The first 300 episodes of Christ the Center are available for download as a 7.3GB .zip file. We may not be able to maintain this link into perpetuity. Download the file while the link still lives.

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]]> 24 01:14:50For Christ the Center s 300th episode we welcome hip hop artist Timothy Brindle to speak about his work in Christian hip hop and the recent musical movement as a ...MediaEcology,PracticalTheologyReformed Forumnono
The Life and Ministry of Jonathan Edwards (Part 1) Tue, 24 Sep 2013 05:00:03 +0000 East of Eden discusses the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards, including a survey of biographies of Jonathan Edwards. Follow up in a couple weeks for Part 2. Biographies of […]]]>

East of Eden discusses the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards, including a survey of biographies of Jonathan Edwards.

Follow up in a couple weeks for Part 2.

Biographies of Edwards: Jonathan Edwards: A Life, and A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards, by George Marsden; Life of Jonathan Edwards, by Samuel Miller

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]]> 1 57:31East of Eden discusses the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards including a survey of biographies of Jonathan Edwards Follow up in a couple weeks for Part 2 Biographies of ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Jesus on Every Page Fri, 20 Sep 2013 05:00:19 +0000 David Murray speaks about seeing Christ in the Old Testament based on his book Jesus on Every Page: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament. Dr. Murray’s […]]]>

David Murray speaks about seeing Christ in the Old Testament based on his book Jesus on Every Page: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament. Dr. Murray’s book is an accessible presentation of Christ-centered reading of “the Law and Prophets.” The interview explores the New Testament foundations for this approach to the Old Testament, challenges an implicitly dispensational view of the Old Testament, and responds to common challenges to this approach.

Dr. David Murray is Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is a pastor in the Free Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He also blogs at Head Heart Hand. He has previously spoken on Christ the Center regarding “Technology and the Christian Life.”

Links: popularity-pitfalls-and-practice-of-christ-centered-interpr.html

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]]> 1 48:51David Murray speaks about seeing Christ in the Old Testament based on his book Jesus on Every Page 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Seeing Jesus in Old Testament History Fri, 30 Aug 2013 05:00:38 +0000 This week, Nancy Guthrie speaks about seeing Jesus in the historical books of the Old Testament. Her book The Son of David, third in her series Seeing Jesus in the […]]]>

This week, Nancy Guthrie speaks about seeing Jesus in the historical books of the Old Testament. Her book The Son of David, third in her series Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, explains how each part of the story of Old Testament history – the leader Joshua, the judges of Israel, the redeemer Boaz, and Israel’s many kings – reveals and signifies the Christ who was to come.

Nancy Guthrie’s website is Nancy has spoken on Christ the Center about the first two books in this series, The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis, and The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books.

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]]> 2 01:06:40This week Nancy Guthrie speaks about seeing Jesus in the historical books of the Old Testament Her book The Son of David third in her series Seeing Jesus in the ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Judges and Redemptive History Fri, 16 Aug 2013 05:00:33 +0000 The Christ the Center panel discusses the book of Judges, considering its relationship to redemptive history and to the redeemer Jesus Christ. During the “no man’s land” of redemptive history, […]]]>

The Christ the Center panel discusses the book of Judges, considering its relationship to redemptive history and to the redeemer Jesus Christ. During the “no man’s land” of redemptive history, as Israel awaits the promised king, her people again and again do what is right in their own eyes under the rule of judges who appear morally ambiguous at best. The discussion illustrates how a book that narrates a downward spiral of failure points upward and forward to a great king.

Check out our previous redemptive-historical episode on Ruth and Redemptive History.

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]]> 2 51:02The Christ the Center panel discusses the book of Judges considering its relationship to redemptive history and to the redeemer Jesus Christ During the no man s land of redemptive ...OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home Fri, 02 Aug 2013 05:00:24 +0000 Jason Helopoulos joins us to speak about his book A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home. The discussion covers what family worship is, its elements, and its relationship […]]]>

Jason Helopoulos joins us to speak about his book A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home. The discussion covers what family worship is, its elements, and its relationship to private and corporate worship. Pastor Helopoulos also provides practical advice about how to practice family worship especially for those who have neglected it in the past.

Jason is the Assistant Pastor at University Reformed Church in Lansing, Michigan (RCA). He attended Dallas Theological Seminary and completed a Masters of Theology degree (ThM) with a concentration in Historical Theology and Christian Education in 2003. He served on the staff of Park Cities Presbyterian Church as a pastoral intern for one year and then accepted a call as an Assistant Pastor at Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Lexington, North Carolina. In the fall of 2007, Jason was called by Christ Church PCA in Grand Rapids, Michigan to plant a daughter church in Lansing, Michigan. He accepted the call and moved to the field (and snow) as church planter and pastored Providence PCA in East Lansing until 2012. In the summer of 2012, Jason accepted the call as Assistant Pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan and is currently serving this congregation, for which he feels blessed.

Jason is married to his beautiful bride, Leah. They are blessed with two wonderful children, Gracen and Ethan.

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]]> 4 56:37Jason Helopoulos joins us to speak about his book A Neglected Grace Family Worship in the Christian Home The discussion covers what family worship is its elements and its relationship ...FamilyWorship,WorshipReformed Forumnono
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fri, 26 Jul 2013 05:00:51 +0000 Dr. Michael Emlet discusses the recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The DSM is the official diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals and published […]]]>

Dr. Michael Emlet discusses the recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The DSM is the official diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals and published by the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Emlet explains the origin and purpose of the DSM and the questions this new edition raises for Christian believers. He outlines the way Christian counselors and pastors can benefit from the DSM and clarifies the relationship between psychiatric diagnoses and spiritual problems. Click here for the blog post mentioned in the episode.

Michael R. Emlet, M.Div., M.D., practiced as a family physician for twelve years before becoming a counselor and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). He is a Lecturer in Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He has written numerous published articles and is the author of several CCEF booklets including Asperger Syndrome, Angry Children: Understanding and Helping Your Child Regain Control, Help for the Caregiver: Facing the Challenges with Understanding and Strength, and OCD: Freedom for the Obsessive Compulsive; as well as a book, Crosstalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet published by New Growth Press.

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]]> 3 56:30Dr Michael Emlet discusses the recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM The DSM is the official diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals ...CounselingReformed Forumnono
Ruth and Redemptive History Fri, 19 Jul 2013 05:00:44 +0000 Today we discuss the story and message of the book of Ruth in light of the book’s place in redemptive history. This brief story of an unassuming young Gentile woman […]]]>

Today we discuss the story and message of the book of Ruth in light of the book’s place in redemptive history. This brief story of an unassuming young Gentile woman develops the important biblical themes of the promised land, the inclusion of Gentiles in redemption, and the line of the seed of the woman. In these ways and others, the book of Ruth is a story of redemption, redemption which culminates in Ruth’s descendant, Jesus Christ.

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]]> 5 55:31Today we discuss the story and message of the book of Ruth in light of the book s place in redemptive history This brief story of an unassuming young Gentile ...BiblicalTheology,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
Vatican II Inclusivism Fri, 14 Jun 2013 05:00:27 +0000 How can Catholic theologians seemingly contradict the official teaching of the Catholic Church? Many commentators believe that, in a recent homily, Pope Francis did just that. While the Vatican has […]]]>

How can Catholic theologians seemingly contradict the official teaching of the Catholic Church? Many commentators believe that, in a recent homily, Pope Francis did just that. While the Vatican has since “clarified” his remarks, the question remains for many other Catholic theologians, who seem to promote doctrinal views in sharp contrast to previous declarations of the Catholic Church. Many Catholics now affirm a view of salvation that is “inclusive,” that is, broad enough to include not only explicit Catholics, but also Muslims, Jews, agnostics, and atheists. Many critics cry foul, since this appears to be a blatant contradiction of traditional Catholic teaching.

In this episode, Camden Bucey leads a discussion that touches upon the changes in prolegomena that allow many Catholic theologians to affirm the church’s historic pronouncements while leaving room for new doctrinal formulations such as this contemporary inclusivism. The grand project of Vatican II was to update the Catholic church for a modern age, to open the windows and let in fresh air. To accomplish this overhaul, many theologians resorted to a Kantian-esque view of revelation and history. Listen as the panel discusses the workings of this type of “both-and” theologizing.

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]]> 7 01:00:05How can Catholic theologians seemingly contradict the official teaching of the Catholic Church Many commentators believe that in a recent homily Pope Francis did just that While the Vatican has ...ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
Typology and Jehoiachin Fri, 07 Jun 2013 05:00:07 +0000 We welcome Matthew Patton to the program to speak about the nature and use of typology using Jehoiachin as an extended example. Mr. Patton is Visiting Assistant Professor of Old […]]]>

We welcome Matthew Patton to the program to speak about the nature and use of typology using Jehoiachin as an extended example. Mr. Patton is Visiting Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and a PhD candidate in Old Testament at the Wheaton Graduate School. This Mr. Patton’s second time visiting Christ the Center, having spoken with us previously about restoration prophecy in Ezra-Nehemiah.

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]]> 3 54:56We welcome Matthew Patton to the program to speak about the nature and use of typology using Jehoiachin as an extended example Mr Patton is Visiting Assistant Professor of Old ...OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
The Early Text of the New Testament Fri, 31 May 2013 05:00:34 +0000 Today we welcome Dr. Michael J. Kruger to speak about New Testament textual criticism and the early text of the New Testament. Dr. Kruger has co-edited an excellent book with […]]]>

Today we welcome Dr. Michael J. Kruger to speak about New Testament textual criticism and the early text of the New Testament. Dr. Kruger has co-edited an excellent book with Dr. Charles E. Hill, titled The Early Text of the New Testament and published by Oxford University Press.

The book aims to examine and assess from our earliest extant sources the most primitive state of the New Testament text now known. What sort of changes did scribes make to the text? What is the quality of the text now at our disposal? What can we learn about the nature of textual transmission in the earliest centuries? In addition to exploring the textual and scribal culture of early Christianity, this volume explores the textual evidence for all the sections of the New Testament. It also examines the evidence from the earliest translations of New Testament writings and the citations or allusions to New Testament texts in other early Christian writers.

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]]> 7 01:00:09Today we welcome Dr Michael J Kruger to speak about New Testament textual criticism and the early text of the New Testament Dr Kruger has co edited an excellent book ...NewTestamentReformed Forumnono
Family-Integrated Churches Fri, 08 Mar 2013 05:00:46 +0000 On this episode, we welcome Dr. Sam Waldron to speak about the family-integrated church movement, which seeks to recover a biblical understanding of the family, especially in its relationship to […]]]>

On this episode, we welcome Dr. Sam Waldron to speak about the family-integrated church movement, which seeks to recover a biblical understanding of the family, especially in its relationship to the local church. You can read more about the movement from The National Center for Family-Integrated Churches. Dr. Waldron explains several features of the movement, critically examining several strengths and shortcomings in light of Scripture. He has written on the subject before.

Dr. Waldron is Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology at the Midwest Center for Theological Studies. He is also one of the pastors of Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY. Dr. Waldron received a B.A. from Cornerstone University, an M.Div. from Trinity Ministerial Academy, a Th.M. from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. From 1977 to 2001 he was a pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids, MI. Dr. Waldron is the author of numerous books including A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, The End Times Made Simple, Baptist Roots in America, To Be Continued?, and MacArthur’s Millennial Manifesto: A Friendly Response.

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]]> 52 53:10On this episode we welcome Dr Sam Waldron to speak about the family integrated church movement which seeks to recover a biblical understanding of the family especially in its relationship ...FamilyReformed Forumnono
Jonathan Edwards’s Theology: A Reinterpretation Wed, 13 Feb 2013 10:00:20 +0000 An interview with Kyle Strobel regarding his recently released Jonathan Edwards’s Theology: A Reinterpretation. Participants: Jeff Waddington, Kyle Strobel, Nick Batzig]]>

An interview with Kyle Strobel regarding his recently released Jonathan Edwards’s Theology: A Reinterpretation.

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]]> 5 49:26An interview with Kyle Strobel regarding his recently released Jonathan Edwards s Theology A ReinterpretationJonathanEdwards,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Christ the Spiritual Sun Wed, 06 Feb 2013 05:00:19 +0000 Jonathan Edwards preached “Christ the Spiritual Sun” in May 1739. It was based on Malachi 4:1-2. The doctrine of the sermon was “that the same spiritual Sun, whose beams are […]]]>

Jonathan Edwards preached “Christ the Spiritual Sun” in May 1739. It was based on Malachi 4:1-2. The doctrine of the sermon was “that the same spiritual Sun, whose beams are most comfortable and beneficial to believers, will burn and destroy unbelievers.” Edwards unpacked the sermon in four heads, showing that Christ was the spiritual Sun of the world; showing what might be represented by the beams of the Sun; showing how the beams of the Sun will be most pleasant and profitable to believers; and how these same beams will destroy the wicked.

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]]> 3 51:55Jonathan Edwards preached Christ the Spiritual Sun in May 1739 It was based on Malachi 4 1 2 The doctrine of the sermon was that the same spiritual Sun whose ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Harmonizing the Gospels Fri, 25 Jan 2013 05:00:06 +0000 Dr. Vern Poythress speaks about the important topic of harmonizing the gospels by sharing with us features of his book Inerrancy and the Gospels: A God-Centered Approach to the Challenges […]]]>

Dr. Vern Poythress speaks about the important topic of harmonizing the gospels by sharing with us features of his book Inerrancy and the Gospels: A God-Centered Approach to the Challenges of Harmonization. Answering the challenges of critics, Dr. Poythress argues for the uncompromisingly foundational role of Scripture and a proper attitude as we come to approach it. He provides several useful principles for the task of harmonization and walks the reader through a number of examples in order to demonstrate his God-centered approach.

Dr. Poythress is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.

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]]> 0 1:00:27Dr Vern Poythress speaks about the important topic of harmonizing the gospels by sharing with us features of his book Inerrancy and the Gospels A God Centered Approach to the ...NewTestamentReformed Forumnono
Jesus Christ: The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever Tue, 22 Jan 2013 05:00:30 +0000 Originally preached in April 1738, Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Jesus Christ: The Same Yesterday, To-day, and Forever” expounds Hebrews 13:6. Edwards draws out the doctrine that Jesus Christ is the same […]]]>

Originally preached in April 1738, Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Jesus Christ: The Same Yesterday, To-day, and Forever” expounds Hebrews 13:6. Edwards draws out the doctrine that Jesus Christ is the same now that he ever has been and ever will be. Specifically, Christ is unchangeable in his divinity, in his office as Mediator, and his blood is as sufficient now as when it ran warm from his wounds, and so the covenants of redemption and grace stand forever. In light of the stability of Christ’s person and work for us, he is therefore fit to be our surety. While our profession of faith may wax and wane, Christ has not changed. The Jesus who invites you to come to him is he who accepts you. In the end Christ’s love is as strong now as it was when he went to the cross.

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]]> 1 49:49Originally preached in April 1738 Jonathan Edwards sermon Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday To day and Forever expounds Hebrews 13 6 Edwards draws out the doctrine that Jesus Christ is ...Christology,JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment, to be Found in Christ Tue, 15 Jan 2013 05:00:45 +0000 This week the East of Eden crew examine Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment, to be Found in Christ” based upon Isaiah 32:2. In this sermon Edwards unpacks the types […]]]>

This week the East of Eden crew examine Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment, to be Found in Christ” based upon Isaiah 32:2. In this sermon Edwards unpacks the types of a man who provides cover from the wind, of a river in a dry land, and a great rock that casts a shadow in a weary land. Each of these point to some facet of Christ’s person and work of redemption. Christ Jesus provides a foundation of peace and safety for those who live in fear and danger. He provides satisfaction and full contentment for the needy and thirsty soul. Our Lord also provides quiet and sweet refreshment for him who is weary. All in all this is a deeply comforting sermon.

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]]> 1 43:00This week the East of Eden crew examine Jonathan Edwards sermon Safety Fullness and Sweet Refreshment to be Found in Christ based upon Isaiah 32 2 In this sermon Edwards ...Christology,JonathanEdwards,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Insider Movements Fri, 11 Jan 2013 05:00:14 +0000 We welcome David Garner and Phil DeHart to speak about Insider Movements, which are increasingly popular approaches to missions predicated on controversial theological and hermeneutic foundations. Insider Movements have gained […]]]>

We welcome David Garner and Phil DeHart to speak about Insider Movements, which are increasingly popular approaches to missions predicated on controversial theological and hermeneutic foundations. Insider Movements have gained particular influence in mission fields and religio-sociological contexts that are particularly hostile to Christianity.

Dr. Garner is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary at Pastor of Teaching at Proclamation Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Bryn Mawr, PA. Dr. Garner has written “High Stakes: Insider Movement Hermeneutics and the Gospel,” an excellent essay on the subject. Phil DeHart has worked in the missions field in Asia and is currently a student at Westminster Theological Seminary.

Dr. Garner has also coordinated with the producers of the film Half Devil, Half Child, a documentary on Insider Movements, to offer a special discount to Reformed Forum listeners. Just visit to purchase the digital download, and use the code “reform” to receive 25% off the download price of the film.

Episode image by terbeck.

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]]> 10 54:29We welcome David Garner and Phil DeHart to speak about Insider Movements which are increasingly popular approaches to missions predicated on controversial theological and hermeneutic foundations Insider Movements have gained ...ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono
The Trinitarian Controversy in Early Modern England Fri, 28 Dec 2012 05:00:43 +0000 Dr. Paul Lim, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, and Affiliate Professor of History at Vanderbilt University, speaks about his book Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis […]]]>

Dr. Paul Lim, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, and Affiliate Professor of History at Vanderbilt University, speaks about his book Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England. The book is published by Oxford University Press and features two related issues. In a historically sensitive way, Dr. Lim deals with the role of mystery in dealing with the nature of who God is (ie, Trinitarian) and the nature of the doctrine of sola Scriptura. The historical context is the 1500s-late 1600s in England and Lim concentrates on the rise of Socianism and the debates between anti-trinitarians (Paul Best and John Biddle) and trinitarians (Francis Cheynell and John Owen). Related to this discussion is concern for church councils and the powers of bishops and the influence of Platonic philosophy.

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]]> 4 53:57Dr Paul Lim Associate Professor of the History of Christianity Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Affiliate Professor of History at Vanderbilt University speaks about his book Mystery Unveiled The ...ChurchHistory,TrinityReformed Forumnono
God’s Grand Design Wed, 14 Nov 2012 05:00:35 +0000 In this episode of East of Eden, Dr. Sean Michael Lucas discusses his helpful new volume on the theological vision of Jonathan Edwards. In God’s Grand Design: The Theological Vision […]]]>

In this episode of East of Eden, Dr. Sean Michael Lucas discusses his helpful new volume on the theological vision of Jonathan Edwards. In God’s Grand Design: The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards, Dr. Lucas gives serious consideration to the redemptive-historical foundation of Edwards’ theology.

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]]> 0 51:18In this episode of East of Eden Dr Sean Michael Lucas discusses his helpful new volume on the theological vision of Jonathan Edwards In God s Grand Design The Theological ...MiscellanyReformed Forumnono
God’s Love Throughout the Biblical Story Fri, 09 Nov 2012 05:00:23 +0000 Neil Tolsma speaks about the unfolding of God’s love through history on this episode of Christ the Center. Rev. Tolsma is a retired minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church who served […]]]>

Neil Tolsma speaks about the unfolding of God’s love through history on this episode of Christ the Center. Rev. Tolsma is a retired minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church who served congregations in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. In this discussion, we explore the great riches of divine love as Rev. Tolsma has described it in his book This is Love: Tracing the Love of God Throughout the Biblical Story. Though there are many books on the subject of God’s love, this book distinguishes itself through its deep biblical-theological and pastoral foundations, while remaining accessible to a wide variety of readers.

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]]> 2 1:01:00Neil Tolsma speaks about the unfolding of God s love through history on this episode of Christ the Center Rev Tolsma is a retired minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church ...AttributesReformed Forumnono
The Pure in Heart Blessed Tue, 06 Nov 2012 05:00:06 +0000 In 1730 Jonathan Edward preached a sermon on Matthew 5:8 in which he gave consideration to the redemptive blessing which God bestows upon the pure in heart, namely, an all […]]]>

In 1730 Jonathan Edward preached a sermon on Matthew 5:8 in which he gave consideration to the redemptive blessing which God bestows upon the pure in heart, namely, an all satisfying sight of God Himself.

In this typical substantive fashion, Jonathan Edwards undergirds his sermon on Matthew 5:8, “The Pure in Heart Blessed,” with a rich array of biblical, systematic and experiential theological elements. He deals specifically with what theologians have called the “beatific vision” and the great reward that the believer receives in a sight of God Himself. Edwards distinguishes between the natural and the spiritual sight. This sermon has a strong eschatological focus to it, placing it among the best of Edwards’ sermons on glory.

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]]> 2 54:32In 1730 Jonathan Edward preached a sermon on Matthew 5 8 in which he gave consideration to the redemptive blessing which God bestows upon the pure in heart namely an ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Transfiguration Fri, 19 Oct 2012 05:00:46 +0000 In this episode, we study the Transfiguration, the event in which Jesus was transformed on the mountain before Peter, James, and John. In the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah accompany Jesus […]]]>

In this episode, we study the Transfiguration, the event in which Jesus was transformed on the mountain before Peter, James, and John. In the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah accompany Jesus as a great cloud appeared and the Father declares, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”

As we look into the accounts of the event in the synoptic gospels (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36), we explore the Old Testament context out of which the Transfiguration develops and the consummation to which it points. In short, the Transfiguration is a proleptic revelation of Christ’s consummate resurrection glory.

Matthew 17:1-13 says,

And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Tell no one the vision, until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.” And the disciples asked him, “Then why do the scribes say that first Elijah must come?” He answered, “Elijah does come, and he will restore all things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of Man will certainly suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist. (Matthew 17:1-13, English Standard Version)

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]]> 3 1:06:06In this episode we study the Transfiguration the event in which Jesus was transformed on the mountain before Peter James and John In the Transfiguration Moses and Elijah accompany Jesus ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestamentReformed Forumnono
The Character of Paul an Example to Christians Tue, 16 Oct 2012 05:00:24 +0000 In February 1740, at the heat of the first Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards preached The Character of Paul an Example to Christians. In this sermon on Philippians 3:11 Edwards unpacked Paul’s […]]]>

In February 1740, at the heat of the first Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards preached The Character of Paul an Example to Christians. In this sermon on Philippians 3:11 Edwards unpacked Paul’s exhortation to “Follow my example.” Edwards set the apostle’s words in the redemptive context of Philippians 3 and called his hearers to be steadfast in pursuing Christ, His righteousness and the final salvation of their souls in the same manner as that of the apostle Paul.

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]]> 1 53:55In February 1740 at the heat of the first Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards preached The Character of Paul an Example to Christians In this sermon on Philippians 3 11 Edwards ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Christian Knowledge Tue, 09 Oct 2012 15:03:35 +0000 In 1739, at the brink of the Great Awakening in Northampton, Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon in which he challenged his congregation with regard to their own commitment to a careful and […]]]>

In 1739, at the brink of the Great Awakening in Northampton, Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon in which he challenged his congregation with regard to their own commitment to a careful and thorough study of divine truth. Appealing to the words of the writer of the epistle to the Hebrews (Heb. 5:12), Edwards’ develops his exhortation on the foundation of the biblical and systematic theological truth of this text. In addition to the theological foundation Edwards gives a careful philosophical discussion of the difference between speculative and spiritual knowledge. In this episode, the panelists give consideration to Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “The Importance and Advantage of a Thorough Knowledge of Divine Truth,” also known as “Christian Knowledge.”

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]]> 1 1:01:15In 1739 at the brink of the Great Awakening in Northampton Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon in which he challenged his congregation with regard to their own commitment to a ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
English Puritan Theology Fri, 05 Oct 2012 05:00:13 +0000 Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Mark Jones to the program to speak about puritan theology. With Joel Beeke, Mark has co-authored an exciting new book from Reformed […]]]>

Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Mark Jones to the program to speak about puritan theology. With Joel Beeke, Mark has co-authored an exciting new book from Reformed Heritage Books titled A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life. Mark is the minister of Faith Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is also Research Associate in the Faculty of Theology at University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Mark’s Ph.D. is from Leiden Universiteit (Oct. 2009) and his doctoral dissertation was entitled, “Why Heaven Kissed Earth: The Christology of the Puritan Reformed Orthodox theologian, Thomas Goodwin (1600–1680).” Join us for a stimulating discussion regarding several features of English Puritan theology.

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]]> 16 1:02:19Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Rev Dr Mark Jones to the program to speak about puritan theology With Joel Beeke Mark has co authored an exciting new book ...SystematicTheology,ThePuritansReformed Forumnono
The Excellency of Christ Tue, 02 Oct 2012 05:00:19 +0000 Preached as a sacrament service sermon in August 1736 and later included as the fifth and final sermon in Discourses on Various Important Subjects, “The Excellency of Christ” is based upon Revelation 5:5-6 where Christ is described as both the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb slain. Jonathan Edwards focuses on how in Jesus Christ we find the “admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies.”

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]]> 1 54:44Preached as a sacrament service sermon in August 1736 and later included as the fifth and final sermon in Discourses on Various Important Subjects The Excellency of Christ is based ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
Christ’s Agony Tue, 25 Sep 2012 14:30:45 +0000 Originally preached sometime in 1739, Jonathan Edwards’ sermon Christ’s Agony provides a deep analysis of Luke 22:44 and Christ’s agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Edwards notes that Christ […]]]>

Originally preached sometime in 1739, Jonathan Edwards’ sermon Christ’s Agony provides a deep analysis of Luke 22:44 and Christ’s agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Edwards notes that Christ could not suffer in his divine nature, but most assuredly did so in his human nature. There is profound theological and pastoral insight as well as practical application in this moving message. Christ’s saw what was coming with regard to his crucifixion and wrestled with the taking on himself of sin and the consequent break in fellowship with the Father. Christ went to the cross with eyes wide open.

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]]> 1 54:36Originally preached sometime in 1739 Jonathan Edwards sermon Christ s Agony provides a deep analysis of Luke 22 44 and Christ s agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane Edwards ...Christology,JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Jonathan Edwards Center Tue, 18 Sep 2012 05:00:39 +0000 In this episode we interview Dr. Ken Minkema, the executive editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, with regard to the formation of the Center and the resources available there. […]]]>

In this episode we interview Dr. Ken Minkema, the executive editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, with regard to the formation of the Center and the resources available there. We also briefly spoke with Dr. Minkema about his doctoral dissertation on the history of the Edwards’ family, The Edwardses: A Ministerial Family in 18th Century New England. We hope that this will wet our listeners’ appetite with regard to pursuing further studies in Edwards’ history and corpus of writings.

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]]> 5 40:29In this episode we interview Dr Ken Minkema the executive editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University with regard to the formation of the Center and the resources ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
The Most High: A Prayer Hearing God Tue, 11 Sep 2012 05:00:40 +0000 Originally preached in Northampton in 1735, and then preached again in 1752, The Most High, a Prayer Hearing God was preached on a fast appointed on the account of epidemical sickness at […]]]>

Originally preached in Northampton in 1735, and then preached again in 1752, The Most High, a Prayer Hearing God was preached on a fast appointed on the account of epidemical sickness at the eastward of Boston. In this sermon, Edwards focuses on the benefit of prayer as a blessing of the redemption that we have in Christ. Edwards develops the idea that God delights to hear and answer prayer.

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]]> 3 53:37Originally preached in Northampton in 1735 and then preached again in 1752 The Most High a Prayer Hearing God was preached on a fast appointed on the account of epidemical ...JonathanEdwardsReformed Forumnono
God Glorified in Man’s Dependence Tue, 04 Sep 2012 05:00:58 +0000 Originally preached in Northampton in the fall of 1730, and later preached at Boston for the Harvard convocation week Thursday lecture on 8 July 1731, God Glorified in Man’s Dependence […]]]>

Originally preached in Northampton in the fall of 1730, and later preached at Boston for the Harvard convocation week Thursday lecture on 8 July 1731, God Glorified in Man’s Dependence was Jonathan Edwards’ first published writing. In it, Edwards issued a clarion call for a biblical and Calvinistic understanding of redemption. Specifically Edwards shows the Trinitarian basis of salvation. Man depends upon God the Father for the initiation of redemption, on the Son for the accomplishment of redemption, and on the Holy Spirit as the one who works faith in him, thereby uniting him to Christ. In other words, believers have all their salvific good from God, through God, and in God.

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]]> 4 52:23Originally preached in Northampton in the fall of 1730 and later preached at Boston for the Harvard convocation week Thursday lecture on 8 July 1731 God Glorified in Man s ...JonathanEdwards,SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
East of Eden (Genesis 3:24) Tue, 28 Aug 2012 05:00:51 +0000 The podcast East of Eden: The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards inaugurates the series with a close reading of the sermon “East of Eden” which Edwards preached in the summer of 1731 to his congregation in Northampton, MA. In this sermon Edwards expounds on Adam, the covenant of works, and the Fall. Here we see Edwards the covenant and biblical theologian at his best. Notable is the clear presence of the idea, later expressed by Geerhardus Vos, that “eschatology precedes soteriology.” God offered to Adam a glorious Sabbath rest of confirmed righteousness if only he would be obedient to God’s command that he and Eve not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Especially memorable is the conclusion that the only way back into paradise with God would be for the second Adam to pass under the flaming sword God set to bar the way of the first Adam from gaining access to the tree of life.

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]]> 10 46:38The podcast East of Eden The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards inaugurates the series with a close reading of the sermon East of Eden which Edwards preached in ...BiblicalTheology,JonathanEdwards,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Preaching and Sermon Preparation Fri, 17 Aug 2012 05:00:23 +0000 We take a break from our regular format to enjoy a relaxed open forum. Nonetheless, the panel quickly focuses on the subject of preaching and sermon preparation. We ask questions […]]]>

We take a break from our regular format to enjoy a relaxed open forum. Nonetheless, the panel quickly focuses on the subject of preaching and sermon preparation. We ask questions such as when do you read commentaries? Should you work with secondary sources from the start or wrestle with the text on your own for a while? Should we have a preference for preaching extemporaneously or using notes or a manuscript? Along with thoughtful give-and-take from the contributors, these questions comprise a fruitful conversation.

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]]> 12 1:02:53We take a break from our regular format to enjoy a relaxed open forum Nonetheless the panel quickly focuses on the subject of preaching and sermon preparation We ask questions ...BiblicalTheology,PreachingReformed Forumnono
Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew Fri, 27 Jul 2012 05:00:30 +0000 Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Dr. Brandon Crowe to speak about the themes in his book The Obedient Son: Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew. The book is a published edition of Dr. Crowe’s dissertation written at the University of Edinburgh. It spans several key biblical themes, including sonship, God’s fatherly love, election, and obedience. Dr. Crowe is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, where he teaches the core course on the gospels.

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]]> 11 1:08:07Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Dr Brandon Crowe to speak about the themes in his book The Obedient Son Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew The ...NewTestament,OldTestamentReformed Forumnono
By Good and Necessary Consequence Fri, 22 Jun 2012 05:00:54 +0000 The Westminster Confession of Faith 1.6 says, “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down […]]]>

The Westminster Confession of Faith 1.6 says, “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit, or traditions of men.” In this episode, Ryan McGraw joins us to speak about his book By Good and Necessary Consequence, which addresses the subject of making right deductions from Scripture. This book is published by Reformation Heritage Books as part of their series Explorations in Reformed Confessional Theology.

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]]> 10 50:10The Westminster Confession of Faith 1 6 says The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory man s salvation faith and life is either expressly ...ChurchHistory,ScriptureandProlegomenaReformed Forumnono