Scott Hatch will speak about his book, Van Til and the Foundation of Christian Ethics: A God-Centered Approach to Moral Philosophy, at Redeeming Grace Church Fairfax in Fairfax, VA. This free event is sponsored by Christ…
Join Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Marcus Mininger, and Lane Tipton for a free seminar exploring the theme, “God has spoken the unfolding message of his Son to his people.” Hosted at the Lively Hotel on…
Carlton Wynne will deliver a plenary address at the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Confessional Conference at Heritage Bible Church in Greer, SC. The conference theme will be “The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work.”  
Scott Hatch will speak about his book, Van Til and the Foundation of Christian Ethics: A God-Centered Approach to Moral Philosophy, at Redeeming Grace Church Fairfax in Fairfax, VA. This free event is sponsored by Christ…
Join Camden Bucey, Jim Cassidy, Marcus Mininger, and Lane Tipton for a free seminar exploring the theme, “God has spoken the unfolding message of his Son to his people.” Hosted at the Lively Hotel on…
Carlton Wynne will deliver a plenary address at the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Confessional Conference at Heritage Bible Church in Greer, SC. The conference theme will be “The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work.”  

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Reformed & Confessional

We are committed to the principles of the Protestant Reformation and the truths of its historic creeds and confessions such as the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity as these documents summarize the system of doctrine contained in Holy Scripture.


God has revealed his unfolding plan of redemption through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ in history. In everything we do, we seek to advance the basic categories of redemption accomplished and applied.


Regardless of the particular theological or practical subject, we aim to address foundational matters—to access the architectonic principles so that you not only learn the “right answers” but also how to think through the issues at their deepest levels.

For Lifetime Learners

We develop resources that are intended for people who desire to grow in their Christian faith throughout an entire lifetime. We believe that Christians never graduate from the basics of the gospel, though they also must strive toward maturity in Christ.